War Drums: UN/U.S. North Korean Sanctions An Act Of War...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
North Korea will now likely meet their aggression with aggression. They've left them with very little choice. Another Interventionist/Globalist blunder.

'Prepare for all-out war': Kim Jong Un vows to attack South Korea as he cancels peace pact in revenge for tough UN sanctions

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un today told his troops to be ready for 'all-out war' and instructed them to 'make the first gunfire' if tensions with South Korea boil over.

He also promised a 'great advance' over the border between the two nations, shortly after the North announced that it had abandoned its peace treaty with the South.

The pariah state has launched a new round of warlike rhetoric in anger over tough new sanctions imposed on it.

The UN Security council voted to impose the fresh round of sanctions targeting North Korea's economy and leadership in the wake of the country's third nuclear test.

Now the country has announced it is cancelling all non-aggression pacts with its southern neighbour, closing its hotline with Seoul, and shutting their shared border point.

North Korea, which has already threatened a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S., has said it will retaliate with 'crushing strikes' if enemies intrude into its territory 'even an inch and fire even a single shell'.

The state's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, its arm for dealing with cross-border affairs with Seoul, added that it was voiding past nuclear disarmament agreements between North and South Korea.

The announcement was broadcast by North Korea's KCNA state news agency.

South and North Korea agreed in a 1992 joint declaration not to produce, test or use nuclear weapons. North Korea has since conducted three nuclear tests.

The Obama administration yesterday dismissed the threats issued by North Korea and warned that the U.S. was 'fully capable' of defending itself from a ballistic missile attack by the communist regime...

Read more: North Korea cancels peace pact with South in revenge for tough UN sanctions as it threatens 'thermonuclear war with US' | Mail Online
Pheh...it is North Korea being North Korea.
If they don't get their usual windfall of money from everyone they threaten world-ending war.
Whatever. They have a military comprised of midgets and underfed scrawny kids whose biggest threat to the South is how would they handle the 100,000's of defections.
Pheh...it is North Korea being North Korea.
If they don't get their usual windfall of money from everyone they threaten world-ending war.
Whatever. They have a military comprised of midgets and underfed scrawny kids whose biggest threat to the South is how would they handle the 100,000's of defections.

Don't delude yourself, they can do a whole lot of damage.
Pheh...it is North Korea being North Korea.
If they don't get their usual windfall of money from everyone they threaten world-ending war.
Whatever. They have a military comprised of midgets and underfed scrawny kids whose biggest threat to the South is how would they handle the 100,000's of defections.

Don't delude yourself, they can do a whole lot of damage.

I am not sure we know what they have. We know they have a large number of troops. We can not let our fear of the unknown make us back down. I personally feel it might be a mistake for us to wait for them to make the 1st move as we should take them at their word. This is not Iraq or Afganistan we may be going to war with.
North Korea will now likely meet their aggression with aggression. They've left them with very little choice. Another Interventionist/Globalist blunder.

'Prepare for all-out war': Kim Jong Un vows to attack South Korea as he cancels peace pact in revenge for tough UN sanctions

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un today told his troops to be ready for 'all-out war' and instructed them to 'make the first gunfire' if tensions with South Korea boil over.

He also promised a 'great advance' over the border between the two nations, shortly after the North announced that it had abandoned its peace treaty with the South.

The pariah state has launched a new round of warlike rhetoric in anger over tough new sanctions imposed on it.

The UN Security council voted to impose the fresh round of sanctions targeting North Korea's economy and leadership in the wake of the country's third nuclear test.

Now the country has announced it is cancelling all non-aggression pacts with its southern neighbour, closing its hotline with Seoul, and shutting their shared border point.

North Korea, which has already threatened a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S., has said it will retaliate with 'crushing strikes' if enemies intrude into its territory 'even an inch and fire even a single shell'.

The state's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, its arm for dealing with cross-border affairs with Seoul, added that it was voiding past nuclear disarmament agreements between North and South Korea.

The announcement was broadcast by North Korea's KCNA state news agency.

South and North Korea agreed in a 1992 joint declaration not to produce, test or use nuclear weapons. North Korea has since conducted three nuclear tests.

The Obama administration yesterday dismissed the threats issued by North Korea and warned that the U.S. was 'fully capable' of defending itself from a ballistic missile attack by the communist regime...

Read more: North Korea cancels peace pact with South in revenge for tough UN sanctions as it threatens 'thermonuclear war with US' | Mail Online
"Yuh Woon-Hyung (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace, and a reunification activist who struggled for the independent reunification of Korea since its national division in 1945..."

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."

The fact that two countries called North Korea and South Korea exist today is something Koreans on both sides of the 38th Parallel could not have imagined or desired in 1945.

Yuh Woon-Hyung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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