War crimes in Libya

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlxGcw-DQHI]YouTube - ‪'Libya War Driven by "Oil, Israel , & Logistics"- 6 Term US Congressman, Cynthia McKinney to RT.flv‬‏[/ame]
House cuts off funds for Libya mission...
House rejects measure to continue U.S. role in Libya
24 June`11 WASHINGTON (AP) — The House has voted down a measure giving President Obama the authority to continue the U.S. military action against Libya.
The vote was 295-123 on Friday. The congressional action has no immediate effect on American involvement but represents a repudiation of the commander in chief.

The vote marks the first time since 1999 that either House has voted against a military operation. The last time was over president Bill Clinton's authority in the Bosnian war.

House Republican leaders pushed for the vote, with rank-and-file members saying the president broke the law by failing to seek congressional approval for the 3-month-old war. Some Democrats accused the GOP of playing politics with national security.


You didn't pay attention to what she said did you? It had nothing to do with Libya and Obama's action against that sovereign nation in fact she gave tacit approval by not denouncing obama actions in libya she instead foisted a skree against the the previous administration for his actions in Iraq. That broad is as dumb as dirt.
War Crimes are in the eye of the beholder these days. War Crimes seem to be ignored when they come from Western Europeans & the U.S. And that's because they control the apparatuses that decide what is or isn't a War Crime. Brutally murdering Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren was certainly a brutal War Crime yet no arrests or prosecutions are being suggested. What did Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren have to do with this War? Did they really deserve to be slaughtered? So there can be no real justice as long as it's only Western European & U.S. cronies controlling the decision process on what is or isn't a War Crime. Basically the whole system is rigged. Personally i believe UN,NATO,Western Europe,and U.S. officials are War Criminals. Brutally slaughtering Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren was an awful crime against humanity. There should be prosecutions.
NATO admits fault as toddlers killed in Libya

"NATO has acknowledged it was responsible for civilian deaths in Tripoli after Libyan officials showed reporters five bodies, including two toddlers, they said were among nine people killed in a "barbaric" air strike."

The war in Libya is just a miniature version of the war in Iraq. Oil is the most important aspect, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the defense of the United States.

Gee, I can't imagine why they hate us over there...................................
Why in Gods name did we even get involved in Libya? weren't we already fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hey, it takes a lot of cruise missiles to be worthy of a peace prize.

It looks to me like the Obama administration underestimated Gaddafis will, they thought a couple cruise missiles and some fighter jets would end this in a few weeks and we been there for 3 months now.
The System is completely rigged. The people who control the apparatuses which decide what is or isn't a War Crime,are committing War Crimes around the World all the time. The Western Europeans and the U.S. control all of these apparatuses. If brutally murdering Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren isn't a War Crime,i don't know what is. So why haven't charges been filed against the Western Europeans and the U.S.? Pretty easy answer in the end. They simply control everything. So there will never be charges filed against them. But that doesn't mean they didn't commit horrific War Crimes in Libya. It really is just a sad rig-job.
War crimes overshadow rape claims...
No evidence of Libya Viagra rape claims. But war crimes? Plenty.
June 24, 2011 - The stunning but unproven claim that Libya's Muammar Qaddafi gave Viagra to his forces and ordered them to rape obscures a series of war crimes by his forces.
Allegations that Muammar Qaddafi ordered the mass rape of women and passed out Viagra to his troops to give them more zeal for the task have been widely cited – most recently by Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). But independent researchers who have sought to corroborate the claim in Libya now say they have found no evidence to back it whatsoever.

Donatella Rovera, a senior researcher for Amnesty International, spent three months in Libya this spring and has contributed to a string of reports that show Mr. Qaddafi's forces have engaged in a series of war crimes.

Qaddafi's forces have indiscriminately fired missiles into civilian neighborhoods, dropped cluster bombs on them, and laid antipersonnel mines in areas filled with civilian foot traffic, all against the laws of war. Hundreds of Libyans, at least, have disappeared at the hands of Qaddafi's government since the uprising began. And Qaddafi has a well-documented history since he seized power in 1969 of using torture to suppress dissent.

But despite Amnesty's extensive efforts – and pressure from donors and foreign governments – to verify the claims of mass rape, the organization has come up short. "We have not spoken to any victims or anybody who has met victims, except for the one doctor who has spoken a lot to the media," says Ms. Rovera. "We approached her to see if there was anything more to learn from her, on this particular issue; she couldn't put us in touch with any victims." Patrick Cockburn of The Independent reports that Human Rights Watch also has found no evidence to support the claim.

War propaganda
I have no problem with the U.S. going after Qaddafi's head.

The only problem I've ever had with it is the illegal ( under our nation's laws ) way that we went about it.

This was done for French oil contracts. Nothing more, nothing less.
They just issued an arrest for Gaddafi for War Crimes. But who are these people who issue such arrest warrants? And why haven't they issued arrest warrants for those Western European and U.S. Officials who murdered Gaddafi's Son and Grandchildren? The answer is that these people are very likely Western European & American themselves. Or they're paid off by the Western Europeans & Americans. The System's rigged. It is what it is.
The truth is the first casualty of war.

So are Woman and children. We know you are a Jew hater. Now we know that the rape of women and children is acceptable to you as well.

Fuelled 'by Viagra', Gaddafi's troops use rape as a weapon of war with children as young as EIGHT among the victims

By Daily Mail Reporter

Children as young as eight are being raped in front of their families by Gaddafi's forces in Libya, according to a leading charity.

Aid workers described horrific stories of widespread sexual abuse, including one incident in which a group of girls was abducted and held hostage for four days.

When they were finally released, they were too traumatised to speak.

Other children have described being forced to watch as their fathers were murdered and their mothers raped.

Libya: Gaddafi's troops rape children as young as eight | Mail Online
The truth is the first casualty of war.

So are Woman and children. We know you are a Jew hater. Now we know that the rape of women and children is acceptable to you as well.

Fuelled 'by Viagra', Gaddafi's troops use rape as a weapon of war with children as young as EIGHT among the victims

By Daily Mail Reporter

Children as young as eight are being raped in front of their families by Gaddafi's forces in Libya, according to a leading charity.

Aid workers described horrific stories of widespread sexual abuse, including one incident in which a group of girls was abducted and held hostage for four days.

When they were finally released, they were too traumatised to speak.

Other children have described being forced to watch as their fathers were murdered and their mothers raped.

Libya: Gaddafi's troops rape children as young as eight | Mail Online

Silly propaganda funded by the Bombers. The Western Europeans & Americans control the propaganda. I'm positive these reports are all lies. They'll say anything to justify their Bombing & Killing. Next we'll be hearing about how that Gaddafi is much worse than Adolf Hitler & Saddam Hussein...combined. Just like War Crimes charges,it's all rigged. Who are the people issuing arrest warrants for these supposed "War Crimes?" There is where you'll find your answers. Slaughtering Gaddafi's Son & Grandchildren was a brutal War Crime. So when will War Crimes arrest warrants be issued for Western Europeans & Americans who were responsible? Don't hold your breath on that one.
The truth is the first casualty of war.

So are Woman and children. We know you are a Jew hater. Now we know that the rape of women and children is acceptable to you as well.

Fuelled 'by Viagra', Gaddafi's troops use rape as a weapon of war with children as young as EIGHT among the victims

By Daily Mail Reporter

Children as young as eight are being raped in front of their families by Gaddafi's forces in Libya, according to a leading charity.

Aid workers described horrific stories of widespread sexual abuse, including one incident in which a group of girls was abducted and held hostage for four days.

When they were finally released, they were too traumatised to speak.

Other children have described being forced to watch as their fathers were murdered and their mothers raped.

Libya: Gaddafi's troops rape children as young as eight | Mail Online

I agree this is absolutely terrible and so are the people who did them.

What do you think of the people who ordered us to launch cruise missiles that subsequently sent multiple toddlers to their graves? Do you hold them to the same standard?

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