Wanna See How They've Been Trickin' Ya?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I was surprised to see how many on the board were talking about economics...so you might like to check this out:

1. PAYGO: how to look responsible…The idea was to track all new entitlement spending and tax legislation, and, if these are not deficit-neutral by years end, automatic spending cuts would kick in. “Congress passed the Budgetary Enforcement Act (BEA) of 1990, which specified two new deficit reduction mechanisms: pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) rules and statutory discretionary spending caps.” http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/publication/Budget_Gimmick_WP1030.pdf

a. Nancy Pelosi: “When I became Speaker of the House, the very first day we passed legislation that made PAYGO the rule of the House. Today we will make it the law of the land.” Speaker Nancy Pelosi | News Room | Speeches

b. “I Believe In PAYGO. If I Start A New Program I Will Pay For It.” (Sen. Obama, Remarks, New York City, NY, 3/27/08)

c. First, politicians exempted major categories of mandatory spending, including Social Security. Cuts in Medicare were limited to 4%
Mercatus, Op. Cit.

d. “It was never enforced. Over those 12 years, Congress enacted $700 billion in non-offset entitlement expansions and tax cuts, and then cancelled every single sequestration that would have enforced the law. Congress typically waited until the final spending bill of the year, and then simply added a paragraph mandating that PAYGO not be enforced against any past bills.”
PAYGO is an Unworkable Gimmick | The Heritage Foundation

2.Congress can avoid PAYGO simply by declaring that legislation is too important to worry about the deficit, then they issue a waiver. During the 110th Congress, they dodged PAYGO to the tune of over $400 billion, including the Auto Bailout, Unemployment Extension, two Alternative Minimum Tax patches, Farm Bill, S-CHIP, several Stimulus Bills, and a dozen other.

3. By designating legislation “emergency,” the legislation can avoid many of the normal budget rules, and, instead, enter the “supplemental appropriations process.” Realize, the process is designed for events like wars and natural disasters…but “each year over the last two-and-a-half decades, Congress and the President have enacted between one and eight supplemental bills, rnging form $1.3 billion in FY 1988 to $120 billion in FY 2007.”

a. And, of course, pork projects always get added. “For instance, the War Supplemental Appropriations Act (2003) appropriated $348 million
for 29 projects unrelated to the war, such as $110 million for the National Animal
Disease Center in Ames, Iowa. The Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for
Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief (2005) contained $1.13 billion
for projects that had nothing to do with defense or tsunami relief, including $55 million
for wastewater treatment in De Soto County, Mississippi and $25 million for the For Peck Fish Hatchery in Montana.” Ibid.

4. And the pols use the calendar, If the payout is due toward the end of a fiscal year, cutting the checks a few days later, in the next fiscal year, makes the bottom line look better.

5. Check this one out: David Stockman, Reagan’s budget director, invented the “magic asterisk” which he added when he couldn’t justify expenditures: it included the phrase “Future saving to be identified.” An asterisk that made billions of expenditure disappear! More David Stockman Magic Asterisk Blogging - Grasping Reality with Both Hands

6. And if a new program is far too expensive to reveal, use the ‘Healthcare’ gambit: get OMB to calculate the costs over 10 years, but don’t set the program to begin for two or three years, essentially costing for seven years. They did this Medicare Part D, 2003, which didn’t fully phase in until 2006. This gave it the expense of ‘only’ $395 for ten years…but it is now estimated to be $952 billion for the next ten years, or an unfunded $7.2 trillion over seventy-five years.

6. This one is based on psychology rather than accounting: when the pols can’t justify the spending, they warn the populace of dire events if they don’t pass the bill!

a. When the government threatened cuts to the budget of the National Parks Service, they trumpeted that they would have to close the most popular tourist attraction, the Washington Monument. Gordon Tullock, Arthur Seldon, and Gordon L. Brady, “Government Failure: A Primer in Public Choice,” p. 60.

b. “DHS Director Marianne Udow said the state must make a difficult decision: cut money for food banks and homeless shelters for the living or cut money for burials for the dead. The same state that two weeks ago was planning to spend $38 million on iPods for schoolchildren now says it can't afford to bury the dead.” The Tax Foundation - In a New Low for Government Service, Michigan Threatens to Let the People Rot

c. How do you get the folks to vote against a bill to cap state spending? “The campaign pressing for a Taxpayer Bill of Rights is attacking Public Safety Commissioner Anne Jordan for an e-mail in which she says the proposal would eliminate a $50,000 payment to families of law enforcement officers, firefighters and EMTs who die in the line of duty.” Dispatches | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

d. NY Governor David Paterson spoke on the radio, warning that if he didn’t get Republican support, “you have no money to pay your police…your corrections officers…your firefighters…your emergency health care workers…you could have anarchy…” Albany, NY - Gov. Paterson In Stern Warning: Shutdown Over Budget Would Cause 'unimaginable chaos,' Crime in New York -- VosIzNeias.com
Would YOU trust Congress with your money? Your credit card?

What is the choice???

I try topic a different Congress every election day....

so far, no luck.

I know. Our elections a lot like being asked to choose between "what is behind door #1 or door #3".

But there must be a choice. Not a conventional one, but some choice other than trusting our money with this cabal.

They are legislating budgets that are 40% in the red!

When do we say "ENOUGH!"?
Would YOU trust Congress with your money? Your credit card?

What is the choice???

I try topic a different Congress every election day....

so far, no luck.

I know. Our elections a lot like being asked to choose between "what is behind door #1 or door #3".

But there must be a choice. Not a conventional one, but some choice other than trusting our money with this cabal.

They are legislating budgets that are 40% in the red!

When do we say "ENOUGH!"?

My point is that I am conservative, and our electocrats as well as the public go in the direction of least resistence.

1. "No republic has long outlived the discovery by a majority of its people that they could vote themselves largesse from the public treasury."
Alexander Tytler

2. There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government: Rule no.1: Always try to expand;
Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1. Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115

3. Every administration spends more than the previous.
Average Annual Spending Increases (excluding interest)
a. JFK 4.6%
b. LBJ 5.7%
c. Nixon 2.9%
d. Ford 2.7%
e. Carter 3.2%
f. Reagan 1.9%
g. BushI 2.0%
h. Clinton 1.9%
i. BushII 5.6%
Historical Tables | The White House

Clearly, we will not return to the national debt left up by President Andrew Jackson.
Tricking you maybe, I think many know what's going on. The problem is how to make it better when all the forces who benefit from the system have the money and coin to oppose change? And they do it well through think tanks, so called grass root whining, and corporate owned and controlled media. Compromise today has become giving power more power and pretending you accomplished something.

"The United States is no longer a free-enterprise society, Galbraith argues, but a structured state controlled by the largest companies. Advertising is the means by which these companies manage demand and create consumer "need" where none previously existed. Multinational corporations are the continuation of this power system on an international level. The goal of these companies is not the betterment of society, but immortality through an uninterrupted stream of earnings." [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Industrial-Madison-Library-American-Politics/dp/0691131414/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8]Amazon.com: The New Industrial State (The James Madison Library in American Politics) (9780691131412): John Kenneth Galbraith, Sean Wilentz, James K. Galbraith: Books[/ame]
Tricking you maybe, I think many know what's going on. The problem is how to make it better when all the forces who benefit from the system have the money and coin to oppose change? And they do it well through think tanks, so called grass root whining, and corporate owned and controlled media. Compromise today has become giving power more power and pretending you accomplished something.

"The United States is no longer a free-enterprise society, Galbraith argues, but a structured state controlled by the largest companies. Advertising is the means by which these companies manage demand and create consumer "need" where none previously existed. Multinational corporations are the continuation of this power system on an international level. The goal of these companies is not the betterment of society, but immortality through an uninterrupted stream of earnings." Amazon.com: The New Industrial State (The James Madison Library in American Politics) (9780691131412): John Kenneth Galbraith, Sean Wilentz, James K. Galbraith: Books

Middy, the ones who "know what's going on" are the ruling class, the ones who are using the 'tricks.'

Personally, I find that this message board is the answer: both sides give their perspectives, and readers sometimes learn "what's going on."

In fact, the ray of hope is ....now, I hope you're sitting down....Fox News, where debate is alive and well!

Care to see the opposite kind of media?

"NY Times Wouldn’t Publish ClimateGate Emails but Finds It Totally Acceptable to Publish WikiLeaks Documents

Talk about hypocrisy. The New York Times wouldn’t publish ClimateGate emails because they were ‘acquired illegally’ but finds it totally acceptable to publish classified information that was ‘acquired illegally’ by WikiLeaks."
NY Times Wouldn’t Publish ClimateGate Emails but Finds It Totally Acceptable to Publish WikiLeaks Documentss | Scotty Starnes's Blog

This kind of reporting is what we used to have...and this is why many still don't "know what's going on."
Tricking you maybe, I think many know what's going on. The problem is how to make it better when all the forces who benefit from the system have the money and coin to oppose change? And they do it well through think tanks, so called grass root whining, and corporate owned and controlled media. Compromise today has become giving power more power and pretending you accomplished something.

"The United States is no longer a free-enterprise society, Galbraith argues, but a structured state controlled by the largest companies. Advertising is the means by which these companies manage demand and create consumer "need" where none previously existed. Multinational corporations are the continuation of this power system on an international level. The goal of these companies is not the betterment of society, but immortality through an uninterrupted stream of earnings." Amazon.com: The New Industrial State (The James Madison Library in American Politics) (9780691131412): John Kenneth Galbraith, Sean Wilentz, James K. Galbraith: Books

Middy, the ones who "know what's going on" are the ruling class, the ones who are using the 'tricks.'

Personally, I find that this message board is the answer: both sides give their perspectives, and readers sometimes learn "what's going on."

In fact, the ray of hope is ....now, I hope you're sitting down....Fox News, where debate is alive and well!

Care to see the opposite kind of media?

"NY Times Wouldn’t Publish ClimateGate Emails but Finds It Totally Acceptable to Publish WikiLeaks Documents

Talk about hypocrisy. The New York Times wouldn’t publish ClimateGate emails because they were ‘acquired illegally’ but finds it totally acceptable to publish classified information that was ‘acquired illegally’ by WikiLeaks."
NY Times Wouldn’t Publish ClimateGate Emails but Finds It Totally Acceptable to Publish WikiLeaks Documentss | Scotty Starnes's Blog

This kind of reporting is what we used to have...and this is why many still don't "know what's going on."

"There is no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is going on." - Marshall McLuhan
"But you don't know what is happening, do you, Mr. Jones?" - Bob Dylan
Tricking you maybe, I think many know what's going on. The problem is how to make it better when all the forces who benefit from the system have the money and coin to oppose change? And they do it well through think tanks, so called grass root whining, and corporate owned and controlled media. Compromise today has become giving power more power and pretending you accomplished something.

"The United States is no longer a free-enterprise society, Galbraith argues, but a structured state controlled by the largest companies. Advertising is the means by which these companies manage demand and create consumer "need" where none previously existed. Multinational corporations are the continuation of this power system on an international level. The goal of these companies is not the betterment of society, but immortality through an uninterrupted stream of earnings." Amazon.com: The New Industrial State (The James Madison Library in American Politics) (9780691131412): John Kenneth Galbraith, Sean Wilentz, James K. Galbraith: Books

It ain't real folks. We are buying pigs in a poke. How much of what you spend money on do you really need ?
Tricking you maybe, I think many know what's going on. The problem is how to make it better when all the forces who benefit from the system have the money and coin to oppose change? And they do it well through think tanks, so called grass root whining, and corporate owned and controlled media. Compromise today has become giving power more power and pretending you accomplished something.

"The United States is no longer a free-enterprise society, Galbraith argues, but a structured state controlled by the largest companies. Advertising is the means by which these companies manage demand and create consumer "need" where none previously existed. Multinational corporations are the continuation of this power system on an international level. The goal of these companies is not the betterment of society, but immortality through an uninterrupted stream of earnings." Amazon.com: The New Industrial State (The James Madison Library in American Politics) (9780691131412): John Kenneth Galbraith, Sean Wilentz, James K. Galbraith: Books

It ain't real folks. We are buying pigs in a poke. How much of what you spend money on do you really need ?

This has been encouraged from the top down first to build the consumer society and then to erect a service economy all to serve the defacto mandate of the fed that demands ever larger debt production to produce an ever larger money supply required to pay off that ever larger debt.

Our economy on it's best day is a vicious circle. A ponzi like scheme.
It's none of your business what other people buy.
When it's his and my money that is paying off someone else's idiocy? Or are you a supporter of socializing losses and privatizing profits, if so count me out.l
I'm a supporter of keep your damn hands out of my wallet.
My apologies sir. I've seen a lot of stories about the repossessions stemming from subsidized student loans and UEI payments.

Let me be clear food stamps/WIC, medicaid and disability payments are riddled with fraud but if my taxes pay for two to eat and only one of them really needs it I find that irritating but it doesn't make me mad.

What does make me mad are student loans for people who won't enlist even in the Air Force during time of war to pay for their own education. Worse yet the clowns who take one look at the unemployment lines and sign up for more subsidized education after graduating.

99 weeks of UEI? Isn't about time to move back in with mommy?

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