Walmart uses AI camera tech to track checkout theft at 1,000 stores


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Interesting..the self-check out has been a boon to shoplifters..just buy the cheap stuff..and fake the wave on the spendy...hard to catch..and when you do..the thief claims, "accident"!

Walmart uses AI camera tech to track checkout theft at 1,000 stores
Walmart's early use of AI at its stores isn't just for the sake of convenience. The retailer has confirmed to Business Insider that it's using camera-based computer vision tech to deter theft and losses at its checkouts (including self-checkouts) in over 1,000 stores. The simply titled Missed Scan Detection program notifies attendants if an item moves past a scanner without an actual scan, giving staff a chance to step in. Most of the incidents are unintentional, such as forgetful shoppers or fatigued cashiers, but Walmart is clearly hoping this will deter thieves hoping to make off with unscanned items.

If you ask the company, it appears to be working. Spokeswoman LeMia Jenkins told BI that shrinkage rates (that is, the loss of goods to theft and accidents) have dropped at stores where the computer vision is in use.
Interesting..the self-check out has been a boon to shoplifters..just buy the cheap stuff..and fake the wave on the spendy...hard to catch..and when you do..the thief claims, "accident"!

Walmart uses AI camera tech to track checkout theft at 1,000 stores
Walmart's early use of AI at its stores isn't just for the sake of convenience. The retailer has confirmed to Business Insider that it's using camera-based computer vision tech to deter theft and losses at its checkouts (including self-checkouts) in over 1,000 stores. The simply titled Missed Scan Detection program notifies attendants if an item moves past a scanner without an actual scan, giving staff a chance to step in. Most of the incidents are unintentional, such as forgetful shoppers or fatigued cashiers, but Walmart is clearly hoping this will deter thieves hoping to make off with unscanned items.

If you ask the company, it appears to be working. Spokeswoman LeMia Jenkins told BI that shrinkage rates (that is, the loss of goods to theft and accidents) have dropped at stores where the computer vision is in use.

mean while dumb ass it adds everyone else to their AI facial list that gets plastered all over the world.

This bs is sold to it's assholes as good because why the left is to fkn stupid to realize how AI is taking over their rights and freedoms once it is all gone because you idiots who are in love with AI you will soon realize the biggest mistake of your pathetic lives. ( maybe)

When AI gets talk of being constitutionally protected that should scare the hell out of anyone with a brain and common sense left.
Interesting..the self-check out has been a boon to shoplifters..just buy the cheap stuff..and fake the wave on the spendy...hard to catch..and when you do..the thief claims, "accident"!

Walmart uses AI camera tech to track checkout theft at 1,000 stores
Walmart's early use of AI at its stores isn't just for the sake of convenience. The retailer has confirmed to Business Insider that it's using camera-based computer vision tech to deter theft and losses at its checkouts (including self-checkouts) in over 1,000 stores. The simply titled Missed Scan Detection program notifies attendants if an item moves past a scanner without an actual scan, giving staff a chance to step in. Most of the incidents are unintentional, such as forgetful shoppers or fatigued cashiers, but Walmart is clearly hoping this will deter thieves hoping to make off with unscanned items.

If you ask the company, it appears to be working. Spokeswoman LeMia Jenkins told BI that shrinkage rates (that is, the loss of goods to theft and accidents) have dropped at stores where the computer vision is in use.
My first official paying job was as a cashier at a five and ten. Didn't have scanners, then--just sticky labels that had to be stuck somewhere on every blessed cheap piece of crap in the store. Sometimes I got relegated to the stockroom doing that, too.

So anyway, checkout games. Customers would try to sneak items through checkout by hiding them in other things. When I found a pair of earrings stuffed inside a skein of yarn, I was to politely ask with a smile, "Did you want to buy these, too?" They would stuff things inside boxes, in the folds of a dishtowel, rolled socks, and boy could they get a lot of lightweight stuff into a suitcase or purse.

Customers have this idea that if it gets past the checkout girl, it isn't stealing. That may be true, I don't know. We just got trained in sniffing it out.
Interesting..the self-check out has been a boon to shoplifters..just buy the cheap stuff..and fake the wave on the spendy...hard to catch..and when you do..the thief claims, "accident"!

Walmart uses AI camera tech to track checkout theft at 1,000 stores
Walmart's early use of AI at its stores isn't just for the sake of convenience. The retailer has confirmed to Business Insider that it's using camera-based computer vision tech to deter theft and losses at its checkouts (including self-checkouts) in over 1,000 stores. The simply titled Missed Scan Detection program notifies attendants if an item moves past a scanner without an actual scan, giving staff a chance to step in. Most of the incidents are unintentional, such as forgetful shoppers or fatigued cashiers, but Walmart is clearly hoping this will deter thieves hoping to make off with unscanned items.

If you ask the company, it appears to be working. Spokeswoman LeMia Jenkins told BI that shrinkage rates (that is, the loss of goods to theft and accidents) have dropped at stores where the computer vision is in use.

mean while dumb ass it adds everyone else to their AI facial list that gets plastered all over the world.

This bs is sold to it's assholes as good because why the left is to fkn stupid to realize how AI is taking over their rights and freedoms once it is all gone because you idiots who are in love with AI you will soon realize the biggest mistake of your pathetic lives. ( maybe)

When AI gets talk of being constitutionally protected that should scare the hell out of anyone with a brain and common sense left.
Odd. I don't recall giving my opinion? No matter..what Rant and rave until you are blue..changes nothing.
Interesting..the self-check out has been a boon to shoplifters..just buy the cheap stuff..and fake the wave on the spendy...hard to catch..and when you do..the thief claims, "accident"!

Walmart uses AI camera tech to track checkout theft at 1,000 stores
Walmart's early use of AI at its stores isn't just for the sake of convenience. The retailer has confirmed to Business Insider that it's using camera-based computer vision tech to deter theft and losses at its checkouts (including self-checkouts) in over 1,000 stores. The simply titled Missed Scan Detection program notifies attendants if an item moves past a scanner without an actual scan, giving staff a chance to step in. Most of the incidents are unintentional, such as forgetful shoppers or fatigued cashiers, but Walmart is clearly hoping this will deter thieves hoping to make off with unscanned items.

If you ask the company, it appears to be working. Spokeswoman LeMia Jenkins told BI that shrinkage rates (that is, the loss of goods to theft and accidents) have dropped at stores where the computer vision is in use.

mean while dumb ass it adds everyone else to their AI facial list that gets plastered all over the world.

This bs is sold to it's assholes as good because why the left is to fkn stupid to realize how AI is taking over their rights and freedoms once it is all gone because you idiots who are in love with AI you will soon realize the biggest mistake of your pathetic lives. ( maybe)

When AI gets talk of being constitutionally protected that should scare the hell out of anyone with a brain and common sense left.
Odd. I don't recall giving my opinion? No matter..what Rant and rave until you are blue..changes nothing.

Dumb ass was those leftist it comes natural LOL donn't get all bent up hehehe
Interesting..the self-check out has been a boon to shoplifters..just buy the cheap stuff..and fake the wave on the spendy...hard to catch..and when you do..the thief claims, "accident"!

Walmart uses AI camera tech to track checkout theft at 1,000 stores
Walmart's early use of AI at its stores isn't just for the sake of convenience. The retailer has confirmed to Business Insider that it's using camera-based computer vision tech to deter theft and losses at its checkouts (including self-checkouts) in over 1,000 stores. The simply titled Missed Scan Detection program notifies attendants if an item moves past a scanner without an actual scan, giving staff a chance to step in. Most of the incidents are unintentional, such as forgetful shoppers or fatigued cashiers, but Walmart is clearly hoping this will deter thieves hoping to make off with unscanned items.

If you ask the company, it appears to be working. Spokeswoman LeMia Jenkins told BI that shrinkage rates (that is, the loss of goods to theft and accidents) have dropped at stores where the computer vision is in use.

mean while dumb ass it adds everyone else to their AI facial list that gets plastered all over the world.

This bs is sold to it's assholes as good because why the left is to fkn stupid to realize how AI is taking over their rights and freedoms once it is all gone because you idiots who are in love with AI you will soon realize the biggest mistake of your pathetic lives. ( maybe)

When AI gets talk of being constitutionally protected that should scare the hell out of anyone with a brain and common sense left.
Odd. I don't recall giving my opinion? No matter..what Rant and rave until you are blue..changes nothing.

No sides taken on AI where this is concerned, either way you might find it interesting it is a PDF not infowars

ELON University they will sell it as good and throw in the oh but " this could" happen blah blahhh

Customers would try to sneak items through checkout by hiding them in other things. When I found a pair of earrings stuffed inside a skein of yarn, I was to politely ask with a smile, "Did you want to buy these, too?" They would stuff things inside boxes, in the folds of a dishtowel, rolled socks, and boy could they get a lot of lightweight stuff into a suitcase or purse
I've never even thought of these things. Not surprised though.
Customers would try to sneak items through checkout by hiding them in other things. When I found a pair of earrings stuffed inside a skein of yarn, I was to politely ask with a smile, "Did you want to buy these, too?" They would stuff things inside boxes, in the folds of a dishtowel, rolled socks, and boy could they get a lot of lightweight stuff into a suitcase or purse
I've never even thought of these things. Not surprised though.
As I typed it I did think, Oh dear, I hope I'm not giving anyone ideas....
Stores in heavily Democrat districts have gone in big for "self checkouts". In conservative areas? Not so much. They figured it out. Democrats find it impossible to pass up killing jobs. As though they ere babies....
When I worked the overnight at a little 24-hour shop down on the waterfront in college, we didn't have too many shoplifters. Mainly just drunks and armed robbers.
When I worked the overnight at a little 24-hour shop down on the waterfront in college, we didn't have too many shoplifters. Mainly just drunks and armed robbers.
These Bostonians sure draw a negative picture of life in Beantown.
Stores in heavily Democrat districts have gone in big for "self checkouts". In conservative areas? Not so much. They figured it out. Democrats find it impossible to pass up killing jobs. As though they ere babies....

I am sure that you have a link backing this totally made up information, but you just forget to post it...

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