Walmart Protests: Most people just don't care. Give it up already.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
No strikers in my Walmart, not last night, not this morning.

Can't yet find any strikers at any Walmart in the news, perhaps some 30 or so in Miami, and one each at 5 other stores accross the country.

Looks like another fail by union thugs that no one cares about.
Here's a quote from an article on the LA Times web page:,0,2542161.story

From the article:

"Wal-Mart touts 'best ever' Black Friday / 8:33 a.m.

After opening earlier than in previous Thanksgiving weekends, Wal-Mart reported its “best ever Black Friday” sales, including bigger crowds than last year, the company said Friday.

The retailer rolled out deals starting at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. From 8 p.m. to midnight, Wal-Mart processed nearly 10 million register transactions, handling 5,000 items a second, the company said. Mmore than 22 million shopped in Wal-Mart's stores during the four-hour period.

Last year, the chain opened at 10 p.m.

More than 1.3 million employees are staffing the holiday weekend, Wal-Mart U.S. chief executive Bill Simon said in a statement.

The company split its sales into three time periods, each with a different type of merchandise available. At 8 p.m., toys, games and home apparel went on sale. At 10 p.m., electronics. At 5 a.m., jewelry, tools and other items.

Since 8 p.m. Thursday, Wal-Mart had sold 1.8 million towels, 1.3 million televisions, 1.3 million dolls and 250,000 bicycles, the company said in a statement released at about 6:30 a.m. PST.

“We had very safe and successful Black Friday events at our stores across the country and heard overwhelmingly positive feedback from our customers,” Simon said."
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Just heard only 50 employees nationwide did not show up their schedule shifts .. I bet they dont have jobs tomorrow. They had protesters over 400 in Maryland but none were walmart employees but union THUGS.. and it did not curb people from coming in. You should want people to shop to turn around the economy but not UNION thugs they want companies to turn into Hostess
I couldn't find anything about those protests, are you in Maryland and saw it?

You obviously have an internet access or you wouldn't be posting here. Ever hear of Google?

I never ever use Google, there are other search engines out there. Twit.

I have been keeping an eye on it, how the fuck do you think i found the article I posted a few posts back?

It just isn't happening, it's a huge fail by the union thugs. No one cares.
I couldn't find anything about those protests, are you in Maryland and saw it?

You obviously have an internet access or you wouldn't be posting here. Ever hear of Google?

I never ever use Google, there are other search engines out there. Twit.

I have been keeping an eye on it, how the fuck do you think i found the article I posted a few posts back?

It just isn't happening, it's a huge fail by the union thugs. No one cares.

I agree no one cares but you sound ignorant in your posts. Anyway, gfy.
I saw a brief blurb on Fox News about some union protesters by a Maryland Walmart. She was black, fat and ugly and was demanding all sorts of stuff. She also did not work at Walmart but was a minister at some local black church in the area. Did not have a large group of supporters behind her. She also sounded like a 5th grader when she talked as she did not have a very good command of the English language.
I protested Walmart --I just stayed at home .I also protested our traitor government--I stayed at home. I could not afford to buy anything anyway--because what our government has done to our economy.
No strikers in my Walmart, not last night, not this morning.

Can't yet find any strikers at any Walmart in the news, perhaps some 30 or so in Miami, and one each at 5 other stores accross the country.

Looks like another fail by union thugs that no one cares about.

Um, Wal-Mart isn't a union. But nice try at injecting your hatred into something it has nothing to do with.

I know it's the conservative mantra to hate unions and all they do, but why do you care? I say as long as the strike isn't for a stupid reason, and the workers understand they may be fired, then let them have at it.
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You obviously have an internet access or you wouldn't be posting here. Ever hear of Google?

I never ever use Google, there are other search engines out there. Twit.

I have been keeping an eye on it, how the fuck do you think i found the article I posted a few posts back?

It just isn't happening, it's a huge fail by the union thugs. No one cares.

I agree no one cares but you sound ignorant in your posts. Anyway, gfy.

Coming from you, your insult has no sting.
No strikers in my Walmart, not last night, not this morning.

Can't yet find any strikers at any Walmart in the news, perhaps some 30 or so in Miami, and one each at 5 other stores accross the country.

Looks like another fail by union thugs that no one cares about.

Um, Wal-Mart isn't a union. But nice try at injecting your hatred into something it has nothing to do with.

I know it's the conservative mantra to hate unions and all they do, but why do you care? I say as long as it's not for a stupid reason, and the workers understand they may be fired, then let them have at it.

Look, you seem to have reading comprehension problems and i'm too lazy to dumb down my arguments for you. Sorry. You're free to leave the thread. Thanks for playing.
I never ever use Google, there are other search engines out there. Twit.

I have been keeping an eye on it, how the fuck do you think i found the article I posted a few posts back?

It just isn't happening, it's a huge fail by the union thugs. No one cares.

I agree no one cares but you sound ignorant in your posts. Anyway, gfy.

Coming from you, your insult has no sting.

And? That's all you've got? Well I'll just add another name to the list of trolls here. Enjoy your life.
I couldn't find anything about those protests, are you in Maryland and saw it?

You obviously have an internet access or you wouldn't be posting here. Ever hear of Google?

Usually, a story will be on the front page of yahoo news if the left deems it important. I expected to see something about this. If you have to go searching, that means the liberal media chose not to bother with it and I think they would have run with this and even exaggerated things if they could have made anything of this.
No strikers in my Walmart, not last night, not this morning.

Can't yet find any strikers at any Walmart in the news, perhaps some 30 or so in Miami, and one each at 5 other stores accross the country.

Looks like another fail by union thugs that no one cares about.

Um, Wal-Mart isn't a union. But nice try at injecting your hatred into something it has nothing to do with.

I know it's the conservative mantra to hate unions and all they do, but why do you care? I say as long as it's not for a stupid reason, and the workers understand they may be fired, then let them have at it.

Look, you seem to have reading comprehension problems and i'm too lazy to dumb down my arguments for you. Sorry. You're free to leave the thread. Thanks for playing.

Your argument was pretty dumb to begin with. You're projecting hatred towards non-union employees who are trying to protest what they feel is mistreatment by their employer. On top of that, you're trying to inject unions into the argument just because you don't like them.

Is that about it?
Here's story i found, it seems that the union thugs ar busing protesters in but very few walmart employees are taking part. This store had an estimated 400 people protesting them but only one was an employee.

I have been only able to find where at most 40 walmart employees accross the nation have walked out. Walmart estimates 50, so I'll go with their number. HOW many stores does Walmart have in this country? HOW many employees at each store?

No one cares and Walmart is having it's best Black Friday ever. Perhaps it's the additional publicity. I'm suddenly reminded of another attempt to boycott some place that the left wing nuts what was that? Oh yeah, Chic-Fil-A. I was a huge fail there too.
This is rich, it's from the article I posted above, one of the protestors's sad sad story:

"Josue Mata, a 28-year-old employee of a south Dallas store, said he earns $8.70 an hour working full-time as an overnight maintenance man. He said he raises four children, pays child support and lives with his parents.

He was scheduled to work on Thanksgiving night, but decided to join the protest instead. He said he is scheduled to work on Friday but does not know if he will still have a job."

He's 28, has four kids, pays child support and works at Walmart for $8.50 an hour. Nope! this guy didn't make any poor life choices did he? i guess having 4 kids young, no education, and a shitty job is Walmart's fault.

this is what's wrong with this country right here.

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