Walking Hate Crime Richard Spencer Sneaks Away From Virginia Office


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The rational people of good conscience in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia have finally seen their dream come true.

Nazi rank-and-file favorite Richard Spencer had been feeling butt-hurt for quite some time for many deserved reasons. One in that long list is being banned from twenty-six European countries, while another is losing his ability to spread his chosen brand of hate on Facebook. And while Spencer is pleased he and Alex Jones remain welcome on Twitter, he realized his welcome in Old Town Alexandria long ago ran out.

Then, on the Friday before the “Unite the Right 2“ rally, Spencer must have sensed fellow Nazi Jason Kessler’s gathering was going to be a dud, so, he moved out of his headquarters, despite having several months left on a two-year lease, and crawled back to Montana.

Spencer’s realtor, Fatana Barak, tells Washingtonian that the vile white supremacist asked about breaking his lease last month, so she was not surprised that he fled like a bigoted coward. The agent, who had no idea who Spencer was when she helped him find his house of hatred in late 2016, says the building’s owner isn’t likely to be upset about the breach of contract. “Nobody wants him anyway.”

A big “thumbs up” to the citizens of Alexandria on their colossal victory. Your regular protests outside his hate factory had their intended effect.

Report: Richard Spencer Has Left Old Town Alexandria | Washingtonian

The inevitable nonsense from the idiot trump's voters will be in their responses to this OP. And, as always, deserve no reply.

A Nazi would have exterminated the vermin with the gas. Spencer is just a White person trying to exercise free speech, the basis upon which the USA was founded. The insane facist vermin who attacked him for free thought should probably try to unplug from fake news MSNBC and CNN.

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