W VA Chem Spill... Get ready for a new Attack on Coal by Obama and the Left

Train cars full of solar energy never derail.

The Sun cannot shine at night ether.

Oh but it does. It shines 7/24.

Sounds like a good reason to build more windfarms.

Here is a reason NOT to build more windfarms.

According to the current literature somewhere between 140,000 and 328,000 birds die each year from collisions with wind turbines. That's not all, explains the blog Natural Reactions:

In addition, it appears that there is a greater risk of fatal collisions with taller turbines. This is a real problem, as larger wind turbines may provide more efficient energy generation. Consequently, it is expected that new wind farms will contain even bigger turbines, which will result in even more bird deaths. Future developments therefore will have to give very careful consideration to potential wildlife impacts when planning the type of turbine to install.

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There are technologies to mitigate and reduce those numbers....Like all energy companies, these industries seek to reduce costs as well. Constant lighting in addition to the flashing beacon, "whistlers" that send birds around the farms, etc...

Nuclear energy is the path forward in terms of cleaner, sustainable and dependable energy however. Wind and solar have a place.
Thanks, hopefully all are okay and water will be provided ASAP.

Thank you. I may be making a trip there to bring some of my family members here.

There is zero water there. I do know that the National guard is transporting water. Thank goodness, my family already had some bottled water.
Hospitals are in big trouble. They claim to have backup water resource, but it can only last so long.

They have to drink bottled water?

Oh, the horror!

Months after the spill, WVA was still on bottled water:

In Charleston things appear normal — businesses are open, the National Guard is gone, the tanker trucks of clean water are no longer idling in strip-mall parking lots — but scratch the surface and it's clear that the emergency is not over. Behind the counter at a café sit two five-gallon tanks of bottled water hooked up to the coffee machines. At a local eatery, when I order a soda, the bartender explains that it comes from the tap. "Are you sure you don't just want bottled water?" he asks. Grocery stores still can't keep their water shelves stocked. Talk to people on the street and you're told that no one drinks from the tap. Some people bathe in it, others use it to wash their clothes, but almost no one trusts it.

Read more: Inside the West Virginia Chemical Spill | Culture News | Rolling Stone
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This from Last Month:
The Charleston Gazette | Pipe tests show ‘limited’ MCHM permeation

Subsequent research has found that residents reported an increase in health problems that appeared related to skin exposure or chemical inhalation following the flushing of their plumbing systems. - See more at: The Charleston Gazette | Pipe tests show ‘limited’ MCHM permeation

It's only your health, babies.

In other words, the residents are paranoid. You haven't posted any objective reason why they should drink bottled water.

Did you read the article? We both know you won't entertain any facts that will run counter to your world view that corporations are saints and the people are sinners so I have it posted below for you.

Subsequent research has found that residents reported an increase in health problems that appeared related to skin exposure or chemical inhalation following the flushing of their plumbing systems.

An increase in health problems from Paranoia? Yeah sure.

Anyway, the rest of the world can see what GOP governance gets us...corporations that pollute and endanger with total impunity from regulation since these "job creators" are necessary.

Unless they are union jobs; of course.

Yes, it's called hypochondria. Whenever something in the environment is accused of being harmful, people start reporting health problems stemming from it. When some scientists claimed that cell phones caused brain tumors, then all of a sudden people started blaming cell phones for all sorts of health problems.

The world is full oh hypochondriacs just waiting for something to blame their unhappiness on.

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