vulgar-free way of expressing disdain ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
What in tarnation or even perdition is wrong with that.Especially given the
last 4 years which History buffs may need sessions on the psychiatrist couch
before writing their versions.I mean,we're not talking civilized Late night TV like during
Johnny Carsons reign.He made a point of NOT being Political.Same with Jay Leno to
a more constrained level.Given the increasing level of Crazy talk.There was crazy
talk in the 60's. Thankfully used sparingly and driven by " Insult comics " like Don
Rickles.Then of course Joan Rivers.
So now Southwest Airlines is running an investigation into the Pilot who
signed off his flight duties to the passengers aboard with the now popularized
" Let's Go,Brandon " coded to mean something entirely different.
But make no mistake there was No coding required to attack 24/7 the 44th President
of the United States.Even going after his young son { Named Baron }. By someone who
should have known better,That being - Easy Rider - { 1969 } actor and son of Liberal
Henry Fonda and brother of " Hanoi Jane " Fonda.Once married to the largest landowner in
the U.S. { Ted Turner }.
I was under the impression that our First Amendment was near sacrosanct.
That was until Joe Brandon made it into the White House.
We are now realizing what U.S.Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
warned against.
" The intrusion of Government into this domain is symptomatic of the
disease of this society.It is power to suffocate both people and causes.
Now that the fences of the law and tradition that has protected the press
are broken down,the people are the victims.The First Amendment,as
I read it,was designed precisely to prevent that tragedy. "
{ Dissent,Earl Caldwell case,1972 }
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Just in case you have not noticed, SW Airlines is not a govt. owned company it is a private entity and they can do as they please regarding the actions of their employees. The first Amendment is a right but not within the domain of the private enterprises you work for, only the public sector.
"The First Amendment,as
I read it,was designed precisely to prevent that tragedy. "
-- { Dissent,Earl Caldwell case,1972 }"

He wrote that in 1972? Over 50 years ago?

He was wrong.

Free speech is as strong as ever in America.

Look at your post, posted on a forum for the whole world to see. And you posted it without fear of retaliation. You can't do that in a lot of countries.

Just in case you have not noticed, SW Airlines is not a govt. owned company it is a private entity and they can do as they please regarding the actions of their employees. The first Amendment is a right but not within the domain of the private enterprises you work for, only the public sector.
So then what Stopped Don Rickles or a Joan Rivers from verbally accosting
important people with rank humor.As long as they didn't use certain cuss
words.Did NBC or their peacock stop Comics from expressing disdain in the
form of mocking Politicans.I recall many such attacks on Richard Nixon,
known by " Tricky Dick " and also Gerald Ford.
So according to your use of First Amednment freedoms a person or group
cannot Protest any company or even a bank within a certain distance of that
Company.But that never stopped Riots.
Or how about - Occupy Wall Street - where they adopted rules as far
as distance.Then the most Draconian of uses.By wiring off our Capitol
with metal barriers and concertina wire.So We the People cannot meet or
consult with our Elected Officials.A Right.Denied by these New leftists Democrats.
Then we were warned about possible Domestic Terrorism on Biden's Inauguration.
No a single act of any Violence occurred on his Inauguration.
We are being played for dupes by career Leftists who feel their Marxist
dream is now within reach.
What in tarnation or even perdition is wrong with that.Especially given the
last 4 years which History buffs may need sessions on the psychiatrist couch
before writing their versions.I mean,we're not talking civilized Late night TV like during
Johnny Carsons reign.He made a point of NOT being Political.Same with Jay Leno to
a more constrained level.Given the increasing level of Crazy talk.There was crazy
talk in the 60's. Thankfully used sparingly and driven by " Insult comics " like Don
Rickles.Then of course Joan Rivers.
So now Southwest Airlines is running an investigation into the Pilot who
signed off his flight duties to the passengers aboard with the now popularized
" Let's Go,Brandon " coded to mean something entirely different.
But make no mistake there was No coding required to attack 24/7 the 44th President
of the United States.Even going after his young son { Named Baron }. By someone who
should have known better,That being - Easy Rider - { 1969 } actor and son of Liberal
Henry Fonda and brother of " Hanoi Jane " Fonda.Once married to the largest landowner in
the U.S. { Ted Turner }.
I was under the impression that our First Amendment was near sacrosanct.
That was until Joe Brandon made it into the White House.
We are now realizing what U.S.Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
warned against.
" The intrusion of Government into this domain is symptomatic of the
disease of this society.It is power to suffocate both people and causes.
Now that the fences of the law and tradition that has protected the press
are broken down,the people are the victims.The First Amendment,as
I read it,was designed precisely to prevent that tragedy. "
{ Dissent,Earl Caldwell case,1972 }
You are free to express your opinions and ideas in any form or format you'd like. That right is guaranteed you under the 1st Amendment.

However...your employer is also free to fire you or sanction you if you make them look bad via publicity or some other means such as costing them money.
Contrary to popular right wing opinion, the 1st Amendment is not a blanket protection against consequences for asserting your "right" to free speech.
Employers (non-government) are private entities. Free to make their own rules.
Let's Go Brandon seems to strike a nerve with leftists
Because they're the ones who live to strike nerves.
Almost as if their Mommies & Daddies never once said to them ...
The Nerve of you ... Billy. Or Alice.
How about Butthead.The Nerve of you ... Billy Butthead.
It's not vulgar free when everyone knows the vulgar disdain the rabid right propagandist have driven into the minds of the Neo-GOP flock.
So then what Stopped Don Rickles or a Joan Rivers from verbally accosting
important people with rank humor.As long as they didn't use certain cuss
words.Did NBC or their peacock stop Comics from expressing disdain in the
form of mocking Politicans.I recall many such attacks on Richard Nixon,
known by " Tricky Dick " and also Gerald Ford.
So according to your use of First Amednment freedoms a person or group
cannot Protest any company or even a bank within a certain distance of that
Company.But that never stopped Riots.
Or how about - Occupy Wall Street - where they adopted rules as far
as distance.Then the most Draconian of uses.By wiring off our Capitol
with metal barriers and concertina wire.So We the People cannot meet or
consult with our Elected Officials.A Right.Denied by these New leftists Democrats.
Then we were warned about possible Domestic Terrorism on Biden's Inauguration.
No a single act of any Violence occurred on his Inauguration.
We are being played for dupes by career Leftists who feel their Marxist
dream is now within reach.
SW Airlines may control the actions of their employees, don't like it don't work for them..It has not a damn thing to do with those scary dog whistles you people ponder like Marxism(oh, so scary!!!) because you are ignorant of how the world works.
You are free to express your opinions and ideas in any form or format you'd like. That right is guaranteed you under the 1st Amendment.

However...your employer is also free to fire you or sanction you if you make them look bad via publicity or some other means such as costing them money.
Contrary to popular right wing opinion, the 1st Amendment is not a blanket protection against consequences for asserting your "right" to free speech.
Employers (non-government) are private entities. Free to make their own rules.
There are almost as many varitions on workplace prejudice as there are
flavors of Baskin & Robbins ice cream.
A rock solid example was McDonalds.I should know because i worked as a
McD Manager.No Employee was allowed to have a beard.If a moustache it had to be
trimmed { No Yosemite Sam handlebars.
No counter person was allowed to have tattoos on their hands or forearms.
that bare visible.All that has changed.
It's not vulgar free when everyone knows the vulgar disdain the rabid right propagandist have driven into the minds of the Neo-GOP flock.
Um ... Okey Dokey.Give us the Name of one notable { On TV or Radio }
personality considered a " rabid right propagandist ". ?
Mainly because ther aren't any and therefore you never hear that
term " right propagandist ". Yes,right-wing was quite popular.
Then once the true propagandist or Language Police from Silicon Valley
got Installed { Google,Facebook,Twitter,YouTube } they went about manipulating
words that are accecptable and those that aren't.
Common Pronouns like He or she.Him or her.Even Mother and Father.
It's all part of Reversing any notion and thought of a more acceptable
sane society.
The object lesson is to Knock out any notions of a
Nuclear Family
SW Airlines may control the actions of their employees, don't like it don't work for them..It has not a damn thing to do with those scary dog whistles you people ponder like Marxism(oh, so scary!!!) because you are ignorant of how the world works.
So then there is NO Cancel Culture.Or being Woke
So then there is NO Cancel Culture.Or being Woke
None at all since groups have always cancelled out each other ever since public speaking began. Woke is just another word for inclusion that some people hate because they want certain people excluded in society.
Um ... Okey Dokey.Give us the Name of one notable { On TV or Radio }
personality considered a " rabid right propagandist ". ?
Mainly because ther aren't any and therefore you never hear that
term " right propagandist ". Yes,right-wing was quite popular.
Then once the true propagandist or Language Police from Silicon Valley
got Installed { Google,Facebook,Twitter,YouTube } they went about manipulating
words that are accecptable and those that aren't.
Common Pronouns like He or she.Him or her.Even Mother and Father.
It's all part of Reversing any notion and thought of a more acceptable
sane society.
The object lesson is to Knock out any notions of a
Nuclear Family
Tucker is one there are many.
Tucker is one there are many.
Hannity, Ingam, and the grand-daddy of Rabid Right Propagandist they all try to emulate. El Rushbo, cause they all want the DittoHead type followers. "Uh huh, yep, Rush is Right" they all say in unison like a big flock of sheep.
Hannity, Ingam, and the grand-daddy of Rabid Right Propagandist they all try to emulate. El Rushbo, cause they all want the DittoHead type followers. "Uh huh, yep, Rush is Right" they all say in unison like a big flock of sheep.
Ditto heads are a menace to society.
Tucker is one there are many.
So then Tucker who worked at CNN { Crossfire } and had his own
show { 2005-2008 } title - Tucker - at 11 PM at MSNBC.
It featured Rachel Maddow as Devils advocate to start each hour off.
They had an opening debate about some popular political current event.
Name a Lie { Propaganda is the sly use of lying through hoodwinking }
attributed to Tucker.
Ditto heads are a menace to society.
It was Good,Right and highly acknowldeged to use names for those who
act Unamerican.
Like Feminazi. It fit like a glove for many of Today's less then Womanly Females.
Like a silk purse made from a Sow's ear.
It was Good,Right and highly acknowldeged to use names for those who
act Unamerican.
Like Feminazi. It fit like a glove for many of Today's less then Womanly Females.
Like a silk purse made from a Sow's ear.
The curse of the Limbaugh. Just add a "Nazi" to the end of everything not agreeing with the fascist.

Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi. Dem-Nazi. are now part of the main stream Neo-GOP demonizing vernacular.
Sorry I'm late for dinner, perhaps this has already been brought up ...

The chant, in fact, is "Fuck Joe Biden" ... and broadcasting the word "fuck" in the USA is a violation of FCC rules ... the producers of that particular live interview thought the crowd was chanting "Let's go Branden" ... easy mistake ... better than Janet Jackson's left nipple ...

"I love my cigar too, but I take it out every once in a while" -- Marx

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