VP Biden Says To Blacks: Romney's Gonna Put Y'all Back In Chains!!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
These folks are becoming unhinged:

Biden on Romney: ‘They’re going to put y’all back in chains’

Vice President Joe Biden told supporters that Republicans would “put y’all back in chains,” during a campaign speech Tuesday in Danville, Va.

VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: They’ve said it. Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to let the—he said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules–unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put y’all back in chains. He’s said he’s going to do nothing about stopping the practice of outsourcing…

Biden was introduced at the campaign event by Center for American Progress Action Fund president Tom Perriello, who called Biden “the conscience of our nation’s capital.”

The Romney campaign reacted strongly to the remarks, calling them “not acceptable” in a statement released shortly after Biden’s campaign speech.

“The comments made by the vice president of the United States are not acceptable in our political discourse and demonstrate yet again that the Obama campaign will say and do anything to win this election,” spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in the statement. ”President Obama should tell the American people whether he agrees with Joe Biden’s comments.” http://freebeacon.com/biden-on-romney-theyre-going-to-put-yall-back-in-chains/

Senior Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter.....the same individual that called Mitt Romney a felon, said she has no problem with the comments to Andrea Mitchell.

Question: Why do all of these white motherfucken Democrats start talking like they're from the south when they're talking to blacks?
Stephanie Cutter is so fucking stupid to make such a remark...THEY don't have a problem with it?? Well yippee fucking skippy for them, but they should be considering all of the voters who they would like to court...and they just might think it's a BFD.:D
He was addressing an all black crowd?

Also, what exactly is the issue with the comment?

I'm sure there was some honky's in the group......but my issue is telling blacks that whites are going to enslave them is racist.

Any questions?

He he told a crowd of supports, some of which were black, they are going to unchain Wallstreet and rechain you, you being the consumer.

Mountain, meet mole hill.
hey "craka" you want to bet that wont happen in this day and age ,thats for damn sure.
He was addressing an all black crowd?

Also, what exactly is the issue with the comment?

I'm sure there was some honky's in the group......but my issue is telling blacks that whites are going to enslave them is racist.

Any questions?

He he told a crowd of supports, some of which were black, they are going to unchain Wallstreet and rechain you, you being the consumer.

Mountain, meet mole hill.

He said "They're gonna put Y'all back in chains".

Then he kept talking like he was in an episode of Roots.

I'm not mistaking his meaning and I'm sure everyone there was not ether.
I'm sure there was some honky's in the group......but my issue is telling blacks that whites are going to enslave them is racist.

Any questions?

He he told a crowd of supports, some of which were black, they are going to unchain Wallstreet and rechain you, you being the consumer.

Mountain, meet mole hill.

He said "They're gonna put Y'all back in chains".

Then he kept talking like he was in an episode of Roots.
I'm not mistaking his meaning and I'm sure everyone there was not ether.

Oh.....DO go on......:eusa_eh:
"It gets folks discouraged. I know. I listen to some of y’all,"-- Barack "Homie" Obama

"They’re gonna put y’all back in chains." Joe Fo'shizzle Biden

Y'all notice that? Do ya gots ta talk down ta blacks, y'all?
Eh, I'm a corporate sales trainer...it's an old trick, called an environmental drop. It can backfire though, because if people catch on they can become rather offended.
At least they talk TO them and not about them like they are pieces of shit. Have you read the posts here by conservatives and republicans regarding Blacks?

Here's some examples:
"Duh Bwacks ownley vwoted for Obwamwa because they want free stuff."
"Duh Bwacks ownley vwoted for Obwamwa because der rwacist."
"Duh Bwacks ownley vwoted for Obwamwa because they want free stuff."
"Duh Bwacks ownley vwoted for Obwamwa because they are on the plantation"
At least they talk TO them and not about them like they are pieces of shit. Have you read the posts here by conservatives and republicans regarding Blacks?

Here's some examples:
"Duh Bwacks ownley vwoted for Obwamwa because they want free stuff."
"Duh Bwacks ownley vwoted for Obwamwa because der rwacist."
"Duh Bwacks ownley vwoted for Obwamwa because they want free stuff."
"Duh Bwacks ownley vwoted for Obwamwa because they are on the plantation"

You left out the "I be", "we be", "she be" conjunctions.

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