Vox’s Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest, Explained


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
I really dislike Vox.

Vox Media has had disclosure problems in the past (FAIR.org, 9/9/15), but a survey of its overlapping interests—and some strangely PR-sounding articles—highlights how glaring and extensive these conflicts have become.

One of Vox’s major investors—second only to Comcast—is General Atlantic. The New York–based private equity firm invested $46.5 million in Vox Media in December 2014, roughly six months after the flagship website Vox.com launched. As part of the deal, General Atlantic VP Zachary Kaplan got a seat on Vox Media’s corporate board (as is common in large investment rounds). General Atlantic also invests in several technology and media companies Vox Media covers, without Vox disclosing this fact.

For example, General Atlantic was one investor in a recent $1.8 billion fundraising round for Snap, Inc., the company formerly known as SnapChat that makes the popular social media photo app by the same name. Vox’s coverage of Snapchat since General Atlantic’s May 2016 investment has been glossy and favorable, primarily in its New Money section launched in October:

  • Snapchat’s $25 Billion Initial Public Offering, Explained for People Over 30 (10/6/16)
  • The Snapchat Spectacles Craze, Explained (12/14/16)
Nowhere in these flattering articles is it mentioned that Vox Media shares a sizable investor and board member with a private equity firm invested in Snap, Inc. The October article is an explainer on why Snapchat’s large IPO is justified, and the December post is indistinguishable from a Snap, Inc. press release:

Vox’s Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest, Explained

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