Vox Shock: Donald Trump Rejects State Department Advice on Migration

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
President Donald Trump spurned the advice of establishment diplomats as he fought to implement his campaign promises, according to a report by Vox.

The November 7 article described the elected president’s decision to ignore the self-serving view of agency officials:

Senior State Department officials and career diplomats repeatedly warned the Trump administration that taking away legal protections for [400,000 migrants] from El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti would put national security, foreign relations, and the immigrants’ American-born children at risk, according to internal State Department documents.
But Trump did it anyway — and concerns about the 2020 election appear to have helped determine the timeline for requiring immigrants to leave, according to the documents, which will be released in a report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee [and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ)] on Thursday.

Trump was elected president on an America First platform, and he has had to fight the establishment every day to implement his platform.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Absolutely UNIQUE, a president that actually gave you his policies and agendas while running for president, and UNLIKE almost all others, actually kept his word and working hard to bring them all to fruition for the betterment of the American condition....THIS is why we can't let the left bring us back down into the black hole we were circling with the Manchurian muslims policies!.....BT . HOW EXACTLY did the Surrender Monkey get ALL THOSE MILLIONS OF FOLLARS HE HAS...NOT book deals!
The State Dept is still filled with Obama Clinton hold overs....the Dept. is basically worthless....

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