Vox Co-founder has been Canceled

The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
Democrats make a living creating problems and turning them into campaign issues.
I think these riots are the Dems overpaying their hand. Same thing goes for the shutdowns.
Voters won't forgive them for this.
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
Democrats make a living creating problems and turning them into campaign issues.
I think these riots are the Dems overpaying their hand. Same thing goes for the shutdowns.
Voters won't forgive them for this.

Some voters won't, sure.
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
Democrats make a living creating problems and turning them into campaign issues.
I think these riots are the Dems overpaying their hand. Same thing goes for the shutdowns.
Voters won't forgive them for this.

Some voters won't, sure.
Now the reason for mail-in ballots becomes clear. You don't need an ID to vote by mail.
Democrats can also throw away ballots.
It's like... Progressive cannibalism

All progressive left-wingers, are cannibals. It's part of their ideology. Stalin's show trials, Castor slaughtering the militias that put him power, Hugo Chavez changing the laws to allowed armed "Chavista" militias patrol streets.

This is what the left-wing does. It's part of their ideological heritage.
well it can't be part of ALL of the left or it's all they ever would have done. while i do believe there has always been traces of that behavior, it was never normalized. never to this degree. but given the literal torched earth the left is doing you can tell this is their battle now. they are all in to do whatever the extreme left feels they must to get their way and control us all.

the fact they've got the NFL, NBA and professional sports is pretty amazing. speak out in support of police and you are hammered. the "logic" behind that philosophy is stunningly stupid.

but this is the left *today* and they need to find the lost voices and hook back up with the ones who have left the left and figure out how to get their party back. at current, they are the ones punishing free speech and claiming it's hate speech. hell an asian in seattle got called a name at home depot and the asian called the police, demanded the guy got arrested and a very patient police officer explained as best he could why he can't arrest someone for calling you a name.

no it's not a hate crime. it's free speech. it's friggin seattle stand in the rain and grow some thicker skin.

when the officer didn't go nuts with the asian dude, the asian dude ripped into the officer on social media and demanded the video get released. it was. he was shown to be a pussified fool. yet we have people that cater to that mindset. there's some tough love coming because that mindset is no mindset that could ever control power. just whine it exists.

while i do believe there has always been traces of that behavior, it was never normalized

That's because the path is longer than our short time frame. Meaning, every left-winger is on the path. Every single one is on the same path towards violence. They might be at different points on the path, but ultimately it is the same path.

Of course there are left-wingers that don't believe in violence. But it doesn't matter because they are on the same path. Just like cancel culture, is now targeting people who in the past promoted cancel culture. Do you think that Chomsky was against cancel culture, when he was encouraging students to stop right-wing speakers? Of course not. But now that the path has reached the point they are canceling other left-wingers, suddenly Chomsky wants to chime in about freedom of speech.

Same path, just different points on the path.

Left-wing ideology will always result in violence, because it is unavoidable if you want to achieve left-wing goals.

The bottom line is, at some point you must start confiscating people's property, because people are simply not going to give up everything they have worked their whole lives for, and distribute it to those who have not worked for it, in the name of equality.

This is why after Hugo Chavez demanded people give away food at a loss, and when they didn't, he ordered the national military to go and occupy grocery stores.

You must force people with violence or the threat of death, to do what you want them to do, because people will not just give up their property and liberty voluntarily.

"I said," Newsome told the host, "if this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right?"

And no he's not speaking figuratively. All left-wing ideology leads to violence. Universal. It may not happen for decades, but it will happen.
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
Democrats make a living creating problems and turning them into campaign issues.
I think these riots are the Dems overpaying their hand. Same thing goes for the shutdowns.
Voters won't forgive them for this.

Some voters won't, sure.
Now the reason for mail-in ballots becomes clear. You don't need an ID to vote by mail.
Democrats can also throw away ballots.
..and that--will be what the lawsuit alleges...that Trump will file the day after the election as he seeks to invalidate the results!
His supporters are already laying the foundation for that argument.

Bookmark this..prophecy in the making..LOL!
It's beyond political parties. Everyone seems to feel entitled enough to ruin lives if they throw a big enough temper tantrum.
Yeah... Notice it comes from Twitter a lot.

That's why I don't use Twatter. Idiots use Twatter.
Well... I think most of the people who are part of the cancel culture whip themselves up into a frenzy there. I don't like twitter either. I think the world would be a better place without it.
Any social media that allows the gathering together of anti-American voices in order to do evil to this country on a grand scale, and to do it by use of it's hugely successful social media platforms, should be heavily regulated, sanctioned and fined by the federal government who is charged in keeping the well being of this country as a whole intact.

These social media sites can police themselves, but for some reason they don't or the owners are being intimidated to join in with the causes or they themselves are part of the huge problem going on in it all.

So much death and destruction is mounting up behind it all, and it must be looked into for security purposes. We all see what's going on, and it needs to stop.
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
Democrats make a living creating problems and turning them into campaign issues.
I think these riots are the Dems overpaying their hand. Same thing goes for the shutdowns.
Voters won't forgive them for this.

Some voters won't, sure.
Now the reason for mail-in ballots becomes clear. You don't need an ID to vote by mail.
Democrats can also throw away ballots.
Martial law should be initiated for security reason's in this country, and election's cancelled until the feds can sort the implications of it all out. Otherwise if this country is at great risk due to what's going on or has been going on, then maybe not martial law in it's rawest physical form, but maybe more like a political version of it in order to get that world back on track for the majority of Americans who want it to get back on track in that area. We should have levers to pull, and not just a single lever to pull under the title of martial law.

As society changes, so does the battlefields, and so does the tactics in order to win the battles upon these fields. What worked in the 60's doesn't work today, because the battlefields have changed. We must always meet the challenges of those who choose to be the enemies of a traditional peaceful America.

The battles that are being fought in which includes the election of a president that will truly continue to represent the heartbeat of America must be won, and order restored for all. Divisive Biden is not the man for the job, and it appears that the Democrat party hasn't produced anyone sane enough to hold the title at this point in time. Trump is the safest bet for continuing the prosperity of the nation, and putting down the mobs who seek to take power in an unconventional and illegal way.

We must have order restored, and the insurrection ended. The Democrats have got 4 years to reverse course, and to join back up to mainstream America, but first they have alot of reflecting to do. It's their choice.

For now ORDER shall be restored.
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
Democrats make a living creating problems and turning them into campaign issues.
I think these riots are the Dems overpaying their hand. Same thing goes for the shutdowns.
Voters won't forgive them for this.

Some voters won't, sure.
Now the reason for mail-in ballots becomes clear. You don't need an ID to vote by mail.
Democrats can also throw away ballots.
Martial law should be initiated for security reason's in this country, and election's cancelled until the feds can sort the implications of it all out. Otherwise if this country is at great risk due to what's going on or has been going on, then maybe not martial law in it's rawest physical form, but maybe more like a political version of it in order to get that world back on track for the majority of Americans who want it to get back on track in that area. We should have levers to pull, and not just a single lever to pull under the title of martial law.

As society changes, so does the battlefields, and so does the tactics in order to win the battles upon these fields. What worked in the 60's doesn't work today, because the battlefields have changed. We must always meet the challenges of those who choose to be the enemies of a traditional peaceful America.

The battles that are being fought in which includes the election of a president that will truly continue to represent the heartbeat of America must be won, and order restored for all. Divisive Biden is not the man for the job, and it appears that the Democrat party hasn't produced anyone sane enough to hold the title at this point in time. Trump is the safest bet for continuing the prosperity of the nation, and putting down the mobs who seek to take power in an unconventional and illegal way.

We must have order restored, and the insurrection ended. The Democrats have got 4 years to reverse course, and to join back up to mainstream America, but first they have alot of reflecting to do. It's their choice.

For now ORDER shall be restored.
Democrats can't produce anyone rational or anyone with leadership skills. Obama needed a massive media conglomerate to make him appear like he was presidential. He was pretty much just a rubber stamp for the people in the Democrat Party that actually run things. Bush was the same. The ironic thing is the left hates rich people....but the most wealthy people in America are running Washington....and if you're wondering why this virus became a pandemic, it's because billionaire globalists all over the planet just get a kick out of oppressing the unwashed masses.
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
Democrats make a living creating problems and turning them into campaign issues.
I think these riots are the Dems overpaying their hand. Same thing goes for the shutdowns.
Voters won't forgive them for this.

Some voters won't, sure.
Now the reason for mail-in ballots becomes clear. You don't need an ID to vote by mail.
Democrats can also throw away ballots.
..and that--will be what the lawsuit alleges...that Trump will file the day after the election as he seeks to invalidate the results!
His supporters are already laying the foundation for that argument.

Bookmark this..prophecy in the making..LOL!
You mean like RUSSIA type foundations?
the media makes these deviants and scum look like a much bigger deal than they are; they're mostly just a handful of punks and thugs. It just goes to show how easily the 'middle class' in this country can be bullied by a handful of dope addled 'Media Studies' halfwits and a bunch of feral street thugs running a bullshit scam. Maybe if that is so easy to do, it should crash, and start over. When the affluenza disappears, the real priorities stand out like lighthouses, and it ain't pandering to Wall Street and the Ivy League academics who cater to their children. We all know the 'left' can't win, and we all know the 'right' is just as infantile in many of the same ways.
Hey... You made this bed... Sleep in it. He signed a letter that went against the cancel culture. Whoops.

I think the above adds more to the story.

if someone is speaking out about free rights for all and that makes you feel less safe so it must be stopped, then if the cancel culture makes others feel less safe, shouldn't that by the same logic also mean cancel culture must go?
Hey... You made this bed... Sleep in it. He signed a letter that went against the cancel culture. Whoops.

I think the above adds more to the story.

if someone is speaking out about free rights for all and that makes you feel less safe so it must be stopped, then if the cancel culture makes others feel less safe, shouldn't that by the same logic also mean cancel culture must go?

Well, I usually have them on ignore but yes..............they can go.
The Democrat Dark Age has begun

Yeah, your side fucked everything up and now we're going to have a Dem' majority.
Pure projection.
You libs fuck everything up and use you media to blame all on your opponents.

Haha. Let's pretend your side hasn't completely co-opted this behavior. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, no?
That argument is no different than "I KNOW YOU ARE....BUT WHAT AM I?"

Exactly! You just figured out political extremism in America!
Democrats make a living creating problems and turning them into campaign issues.
I think these riots are the Dems overpaying their hand. Same thing goes for the shutdowns.
Voters won't forgive them for this.

Some voters won't, sure.
Now the reason for mail-in ballots becomes clear. You don't need an ID to vote by mail.
Democrats can also throw away ballots.
..and that--will be what the lawsuit alleges...that Trump will file the day after the election as he seeks to invalidate the results!
His supporters are already laying the foundation for that argument.

Bookmark this..prophecy in the making..LOL!
You mean like RUSSIA type foundations?
Hillary never took it to court..Trump will.
A letter signed by J.K.Rowlings and Noam Chomsky got panned by the Stupid Gimps For BLM crowd the other day. Is that the same letter posted above? It got birds chirping from the 'left' when it was posted elsewhere. I think it's hilarious when the pro-deviant traitor 'intelligensia' gets panned by its own creations, dumb stupid university set warmers and sicko deviants. Reminds me of all those pro-Lenin and pro-Stalin halfwits who ended up getting shot or sent to Siberia by their heroes.