Voter Fraud alleged in San Francisco


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
Witnesses say workers for the group, SF Neighbor Alliance, set up a makeshift sidewalk voting site in the city's Chinatown and accuse it of illegally casting absentee ballots for elderly Chinese voters.

The witnesses claim cell-phone videos show workers telling voters to vote for Lee, filling out ballots for the voters and even using a stencil to hide the names of rival candidates so the voters could only chose one -- Lee.

They also say that the completed ballots were stuffed in plastic bags, which is prohibited by state election law.

"At first we thought they were just helping them understand what absentee ballots were," witness Malana Moberg told Fox News, saying that she saw a worker filling out a voter's ballot.

But she said, "It was pretty blatant."

Read more: Voter Fraud Allegations Hit San Francisco Mayor

Gavin Newsom's Endorsement Of Ed Lee Overshadowed By Voter Fraud Allegations: News: SFAppeal

Voter Fraud Allegations Hit San... - Google News
That's it people? Really? Voter fraud in a Dem State and everyone is :X ?
Does anyone really take the final vote totals in California seriously in any election? I heard three million dead people still live in California and always vote Democratic.
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I hate Sanfransicko. It could use a good tsunami like the one that hit Japan and one day it will get it to.

Take a look in the mirror. You see that guy? He's a fucking idiot.

Your the idiot swiming in the sea of illegals. You're a fucking whore that post all day long on a internet board telling other people that they're idiots. Fuck you and may you be wiped out to sea with the rest of the shit when the day comes. BITCH!:evil: Pieces of shit think they're gods o'mighty over the mother fucking internet. Human waste.

This nation would be better off without Mexicalfiorina. Seriously.
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I hate Sanfransicko. It could use a good tsunami like the one that hit Japan and one day it will get it to.

Take a look in the mirror. You see that guy? He's a fucking idiot.

Your the idiot swiming in the sea of illegals. You're a fucking whore that post all day long on a internet board telling other people that they're idiots. Fuck you and may you be wiped out to sea with the rest of the shit when the day comes. BITCH!:evil: Pieces of shit think they're gods o'mighty over the mother fucking internet. Human waste.

Is that really necessary?
Take a look in the mirror. You see that guy? He's a fucking idiot.

Your the idiot swiming in the sea of illegals. You're a fucking whore that post all day long on a internet board telling other people that they're idiots. Fuck you and may you be wiped out to sea with the rest of the shit when the day comes. BITCH!:evil: Pieces of shit think they're gods o'mighty over the mother fucking internet. Human waste.

Is that really necessary?

I'm sick of people that act all gods gift to humanity and that they're perfect and above everything. Someone wants to attack me...You'll had better fucking believe I'm going to give it back and hard. :evil:

What would you have me do?
So the Dems were caught cheating again? OK, prosecute them. And lets carry on........But this does raise the question; why cheat? Don't the Dems almost always win in that area anyway? Or have they just been stuffing the box that long?
Your the idiot swiming in the sea of illegals. You're a fucking whore that post all day long on a internet board telling other people that they're idiots. Fuck you and may you be wiped out to sea with the rest of the shit when the day comes. BITCH!:evil: Pieces of shit think they're gods o'mighty over the mother fucking internet. Human waste.

Is that really necessary?

I'm sick of people that act all gods gift to humanity and that they're perfect and above everything. Someone wants to attack me...You'll had better fucking believe I'm going to give it back and hard. :evil:

What would you have me do?

Treat people the way you would like them to treat you.
dont tell TM or rdean. They wont be able to handle it.

Why wouldn't they be able to handle it? I'm sure that they, like I do, want to prosecute all instances of voter fraud.

I hope that, if fraud is proven, these individuals are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But the problem is they don't want individuals prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Not unless they can somehow be tied to Republicans. If they in anyway tied to Democrats, they wont be able to accept that it's true.
So the Dems were caught cheating again? OK, prosecute them. And lets carry on........But this does raise the question; why cheat? Don't the Dems almost always win in that area anyway? Or have they just been stuffing the box that long?

Actually it looks like supporters of Mr. Lee were "cheating". According to reports it was a neighborhood group of Cantonese speaking individuals.
and speaking of San Fransisco, how come u rarely see home and stray cats running around? where are they winding up? and how about Dogs? does anyone see many dogs on the loose there?
dont tell TM or rdean. They wont be able to handle it.

Why wouldn't they be able to handle it? I'm sure that they, like I do, want to prosecute all instances of voter fraud.

I hope that, if fraud is proven, these individuals are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But the problem is they don't want individuals prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Not unless they can somehow be tied to Republicans. If they in anyway tied to Democrats, they wont be able to accept that it's true.

Do you have evidence of that? Just because they don't highlight them and prefer to point out malfeasance by Republicans does not equate to wanting to ignore fraud by the party they support.

I happen to be very partisan with a decidedly liberal bent. I still want to see ALL voter fraud prosecuted.

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