Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

GOP takeover could make committee staff member America's 'worst nightmare'

Darrell Issa, Gunning to be Obama’s Dan Burton

If there's one congressional aide White House officials might wind up fearing most, it's Larry Brady.

He's all but unknown, but Brady is the secret weapon for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). As minority staff director of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Brady stands ready to wield almighty subpoena power if Republicans seize control of the chamber in November and make Issa chairman of the panel.

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The current back story quietly spinning along brought to mind something candidate Obama said during the primaries. Talking about the “the battles of the ’90s” in order to make the case for his candidacy and turning the page from the past and what happened back then. If Darrell Issa has his way, Pres. Obama may find out that many of “the battles of the ’90s” happened beyond what Clinton could control. Sometimes it’s simply about politics and the way Republicans see their role against a Democratic president.


Yeah, the GOP take back of the US House is all about governing. The Republicans haunted the Clinton administration in order to keep them from governing. The Democrats never did this to George W. Bush, even though there were very serious disagreements.

When the Democrats won the US House back in 2006, they did NOT do what the extremists in the party wanted, and what the extremists in the GOP feared (payback) -- the Democrats started to govern.

Now the GOP is looking to win back the US House, and not only will I predict a House playing political witch hunts, but the GOP itself is running on not governing, but bringing back what is to them a winning strategy of old.

The GOP does not want Obama to govern. They would rather America go down the shit tubes before they allow a Democrat to do something and get credit for it.
Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

GOP takeover could make committee staff member America's 'worst nightmare'

Darrell Issa, Gunning to be Obama’s Dan Burton

If there's one congressional aide White House officials might wind up fearing most, it's Larry Brady.

He's all but unknown, but Brady is the secret weapon for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). As minority staff director of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Brady stands ready to wield almighty subpoena power if Republicans seize control of the chamber in November and make Issa chairman of the panel.

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The current back story quietly spinning along brought to mind something candidate Obama said during the primaries. Talking about the “the battles of the ’90s” in order to make the case for his candidacy and turning the page from the past and what happened back then. If Darrell Issa has his way, Pres. Obama may find out that many of “the battles of the ’90s” happened beyond what Clinton could control. Sometimes it’s simply about politics and the way Republicans see their role against a Democratic president.


Yeah, the GOP take back of the US House is all about governing. The Republicans haunted the Clinton administration in order to keep them from governing. The Democrats never did this to George W. Bush, even though there were very serious disagreements.

When the Democrats won the US House back in 2006, they did NOT do what the extremists in the party wanted, and what the extremists in the GOP feared (payback) -- the Democrats started to govern.

Now the GOP is looking to win back the US House, and not only will I predict a House playing political witch hunts, but the GOP itself is running on not governing, but bringing back what is to them a winning strategy of old.

The GOP does not want Obama to govern. They would rather America go down the shit tubes before they allow a Democrat to do something and get credit for it.

your vote for a GOP House candidate is a vote for a return to the years of Vince Foster, Whitewater-gate, Witch Hunts..

Go ahead and vote for a GOP Senate candidate, but a GOP House candidate?

Oh, you'll want to pretend it will be about governing, but it isn't.
Vote Dem because they call a $165 BILLION Monthly deficit a "Good start"
thank you for avoiding the issue. :lol::lol::lol:

It is considering it was 'the end' of the world as Bush was leaving office and we all know it was starting to fall apart as the Democrats won back the Us House after years of GOP rape and pillage of the US system.
Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

GOP takeover could make committee staff member America's 'worst nightmare'

Darrell Issa, Gunning to be Obama’s Dan Burton

If there's one congressional aide White House officials might wind up fearing most, it's Larry Brady.

He's all but unknown, but Brady is the secret weapon for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). As minority staff director of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Brady stands ready to wield almighty subpoena power if Republicans seize control of the chamber in November and make Issa chairman of the panel.

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The current back story quietly spinning along brought to mind something candidate Obama said during the primaries. Talking about the “the battles of the ’90s” in order to make the case for his candidacy and turning the page from the past and what happened back then. If Darrell Issa has his way, Pres. Obama may find out that many of “the battles of the ’90s” happened beyond what Clinton could control. Sometimes it’s simply about politics and the way Republicans see their role against a Democratic president.


Yeah, the GOP take back of the US House is all about governing. The Republicans haunted the Clinton administration in order to keep them from governing. The Democrats never did this to George W. Bush, even though there were very serious disagreements.

When the Democrats won the US House back in 2006, they did NOT do what the extremists in the party wanted, and what the extremists in the GOP feared (payback) -- the Democrats started to govern.

Now the GOP is looking to win back the US House, and not only will I predict a House playing political witch hunts, but the GOP itself is running on not governing, but bringing back what is to them a winning strategy of old.

The GOP does not want Obama to govern. They would rather America go down the shit tubes before they allow a Democrat to do something and get credit for it.

Darryl Issa......:lol::lol::lol:
Around the final turn its the fucked up Democrat economy followed closely by Illegal Immigration, Darrly Issa broke stride and can see them all

Yeah all, Vote for the Democrats-Progressives BECAUSE all during the Bush years they WERE SO SAINTLY, UNCONFRONTATIONAL, and really really really just wanted Bush to Govern...
oh and psssssst, they were NEVA on any type of WITCH HUNT, oh nooooooo.

man oh man, you just gotta laugh your ass off at whoever come up with this stupid shit . I guess they think they are being CLEVER or sumthing. :lol::lol:
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Yeah all, Vote for the Democrats-Progressives BECAUSE all during the Bush years they WERE SO SAINTLY, UNCONFRONTATIONAL, and really really really just wanted Bush to Govern...
oh and psssssst, they were NEVA on any type of WITCH HUNT, oh nooooooo.

man oh man, you just gotta laugh your ass off at whoever come up with this stupid shit . I guess they think they are being CLEVER or sumthing. :lol::lol:

fuck the Democratic progressives. I rarely got along with Democratic progressives. They are almost as ill as you are.


Demo progressives are still not in power. The war? The GITMO thing? Gay marriage? Don't ask don't tell, hearings on Bush people? Torture? the progressives have gotten nothing they wanted out of Obama and the Congress
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Yeah all, Vote for the Democrats-Progressives BECAUSE all during the Bush years they WERE SO SAINTLY, UNCONFRONTATIONAL, and really really really just wanted Bush to Govern...
oh and psssssst, they were NEVA on any type of WITCH HUNT, oh nooooooo.

man oh man, you just gotta laugh your ass off at whoever come up with this stupid shit . I guess they think they are being CLEVER or sumthing. :lol::lol:

How many people went to jail from the Haliburton meltdown costing 10s of thousands of Americans their life savings?

How many people went to jail from the 9 billion plus missing in Iraq?

How many people went to jail from the Justice Department debacle?

How many people went to jail from the "slam dunk" and "WMDs" and "Yellowcake" and "outing a CIA covert operative (some call that treason)"?

How many people went to jail from soldiers being electrocuted in Iraq from shoddy "no bid" contract work?

Fucking Republicans. Spin, lies, cheat. It's what they know. What they are good at.

Yeah all, Vote for the Democrats-Progressives BECAUSE all during the Bush years they WERE SO SAINTLY, UNCONFRONTATIONAL, and really really really just wanted Bush to Govern...
oh and psssssst, they were NEVA on any type of WITCH HUNT, oh nooooooo.

man oh man, you just gotta laugh your ass off at whoever come up with this stupid shit . I guess they think they are being CLEVER or sumthing. :lol::lol:

How many people went to jail from the Haliburton meltdown costing 10s of thousands of Americans their life savings?

How many people went to jail from the 9 billion plus missing in Iraq?

How many people went to jail from the Justice Department debacle?

How many people went to jail from the "slam dunk" and "WMDs" and "Yellowcake" and "outing a CIA covert operative (some call that treason)"?

How many people went to jail from soldiers being electrocuted in Iraq from shoddy "no bid" contract work?

Fucking Republicans. Spin, lies, cheat. It's what they know. What they are good at.

You would KNOW all about SPINNING dear.
I'll happily settle for the Pubs hauling the Dems before the Court of Public Opinion for a full term.

The longer the Polytickers fight each other, the less damage they do to my wallet.
Yea cause Democrats never engage in Witch Hunts. How much time & money did you guys spend on a stupid perjury conviction of Scooter Libby? I think most of America fully supports the GOP going after the radicals & corruption in this Administration. So you guys b*tchin about Witch Hunts really is pretty pathetic. Hopefully the Republicans will regain some power so we can get back to some real checks & balances. The Socialists/Progressives are completely out of control. If it takes "Witch Hunts" to stop them than so be it.
There is little doubt that if the Republicans were to take over either the House or Senate their first course of action would be to tie up the Obama administration in endless unwarranted investigations.

They kept it up for seven years with Bill Clinton and Ken Starr is not doing much these days

Yeah all, Vote for the Democrats-Progressives BECAUSE all during the Bush years they WERE SO SAINTLY, UNCONFRONTATIONAL, and really really really just wanted Bush to Govern...
oh and psssssst, they were NEVA on any type of WITCH HUNT, oh nooooooo.

man oh man, you just gotta laugh your ass off at whoever come up with this stupid shit . I guess they think they are being CLEVER or sumthing. :lol::lol:

How many people went to jail from the Haliburton meltdown costing 10s of thousands of Americans their life savings?

How many people went to jail from the 9 billion plus missing in Iraq?

How many people went to jail from the Justice Department debacle?

How many people went to jail from the "slam dunk" and "WMDs" and "Yellowcake" and "outing a CIA covert operative (some call that treason)"?

How many people went to jail from soldiers being electrocuted in Iraq from shoddy "no bid" contract work?

Fucking Republicans. Spin, lies, cheat. It's what they know. What they are good at.

Not to mention how many went to jail for ordering Americans to conduct torture
Democrats b*tching about "Witch Hunts? Holy Shyte! That's some funny chit. That's all the Democrats did for eight straight years during the last Administration's tenure. Man,they invented a new "Scandal" worthy of investigation every single day back then. Now they're b*tchin about "Witch Hunts?" What a bunch of disingenuous douchebags. Personally i hope the GOP does win so they can start undermining the Socialist/Progressive agenda on a daily 24/7 basis. That's exactly what the Democrats did for eight long years. Payback is a real B*tch. Now quit your whining Democrats and take it like a man or woman.
Demo progressives are still not in power. The war? The GITMO thing? Gay marriage? Don't ask don't tell, hearings on Bush people? Torture? the progressives have gotten nothing they wanted out of Obama and the Congress bitch because a GOP guy wants to hold hearings about Obama's people, then bitch that Obama's people didn't hold hearings on Bush people?

I'll give you a few minutes. I can tell you haven't given this any thought.
There is little doubt that if the Republicans were to take over either the House or Senate their first course of action would be to tie up the Obama administration in endless unwarranted investigations.
What's the common leftist defense of witch hunts: "If they've done nothing wrong, they don't have anything to worry about!", isn't it?
The Democrats called for resignations and investigations every single day the previous Administration was in office for eight long years. They undermined everything. So their b*tchin about this stuff really is dishonest hypocrisy at its worst. Personally i think it's gonna be very refreshing & fun watching Republicans calling for resignations and investigations on a daily basis. Like i said,payback is a B*TCH. Suck it up Dems.
There is little doubt that if the Republicans were to take over either the House or Senate their first course of action would be to tie up the Obama administration in endless unwarranted investigations.

They kept it up for seven years with Bill Clinton and Ken Starr is not doing much these days

And they'll give Obama 4 more years just like they did Clinton.

The Clinton hunt generated a huge amount of sympathy for Clinton. If they do that to Obama its going to backfire.

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