Volvo Considering Moving Production from US to China Because of Trump Trade Taxes

Taxes build roads and maintain them, creating jobs; roads aid commerce, thus taxes aid commerce, and, commerce creates jobs.

As though nobody would build and maintain those roads in the absence of taxation?....Sure you want to go with that completely economically illiterate answer?

Sure, go ahead and give me an example.
Domino’s to fix potholes in Franklin Co. town

You asked for an example and I gave it to you....You moonbats and your "muh roooooooooads!" argument is as stale and stupid as it gets.

Now buzz off.
Taxes build roads and maintain them, creating jobs; roads aid commerce, thus taxes aid commerce, and, commerce creates jobs.

As though nobody would build and maintain those roads in the absence of taxation?....Sure you want to go with that completely economically illiterate answer?

Sure, go ahead and give me an example.
Domino’s to fix potholes in Franklin Co. town

You asked for an example and I gave it to you....You moonbats and your "muh roooooooooads!" argument is as stale and stupid as it gets.

Now buzz off.

Loser ^^^. I don't "buzz off", I laugh off when you cut and run.
As though nobody would build and maintain those roads in the absence of taxation?....Sure you want to go with that completely economically illiterate answer?

Sure, go ahead and give me an example.
Domino’s to fix potholes in Franklin Co. town

You asked for an example and I gave it to you....You moonbats and your "muh roooooooooads!" argument is as stale and stupid as it gets.

Now buzz off.

Loser ^^^. I don't "buzz off", I laugh off when you cut and run.
I'm not running anywhere.

A fucking PIZZA JOINT is fixing your holy job-creating ROOOOOOOOOOADS....You oughtta be embarrassed, but that emotional response isn't available to knuckle-dragging cement heads like you.

You asked for an example and I gave it to you....You moonbats and your "muh roooooooooads!" argument is as stale and stupid as it gets.

Now buzz off.

Loser ^^^. I don't "buzz off", I laugh off when you cut and run.
I'm not running anywhere.

A fucking PIZZA JOINT is fixing your holy job-creating ROOOOOOOOOOADS....You oughtta be embarrassed, but that emotional response isn't available to knuckle-dragging cement heads like you.


I understand now your ignorance. You get your information from TV Commercials. And I thought you got all of your thoughts directly from your colon.
piece of shit car anyway, right along there with GM, good bye, it wont be missed, take a few liberals with you..

And thousands of jobs.

Unions are the bane of economic excellence. When you have to follow a contract to do no better or no worse than what it says, you have just reached marginal..Too many other car companies, dont use unions and make excellent cars that are not only reliable but wanted by the populace.

The Swedish company Volvo used to make great well engineered, dependable cars.

Then about 10 years ago Volvo was sold to a Chinese company called Geely.

So that today, Volvo cars are basically unreliable pieces of expensive junk.

I'm sure they do well in China. ... :cool:

And now, thousands of Americans will lose their jobs because of Trump's Trade Taxes.

We knew that was going to happen--even Trump's captain of finances admitted there would be some pain. But they concluded that what China had done to trade, especially with steel, was highway robbery and had to end. Period.

What other way could it be stopped? Or didn't it matter?
Volvo is more of a truck producer world wide, and in the U.S. I know employees that work for them, and they have upped production, are hiring, and have a two year backlog of orders. They aren't going anywhere but of course will posture to try to virtue signal.

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