Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
The three major conflicts of the past half century have seen the same results. After multi-$Billions spent, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, mass destruction, and countries torn apart, absolutely nothing has been accomplished towards U.S. goals and internal change.

Decade of war billions in U.S. aid fail to defeat Taliban

Who benefitted from our war efforts? In my opinion, government contractors, foreign governments, and terrorists were the beneficiaries. What efforts were spent in the name of freedom and democracy, were wasted. The only way to fight war, is to fight war as war, and not as a diplomatic war, nor as a glorified police action.

Our soldiers deserve more respect than to send them into battle without a chance to win.
Getting rid of Hussein only benefitted Israel and SA, and government contractors, and has cost the American taxpayers trillions for nothing except dead or disabled loved ones.
The three major conflicts of the past half century have seen the same results. After multi-$Billions spent, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, mass destruction, and countries torn apart, absolutely nothing has been accomplished towards U.S. goals and internal change.

Decade of war billions in U.S. aid fail to defeat Taliban

Who benefitted from our war efforts? In my opinion, government contractors, foreign governments, and terrorists were the beneficiaries. What efforts were spent in the name of freedom and democracy, were wasted. The only way to fight war, is to fight war as war, and not as a diplomatic war, nor as a glorified police action.

Our soldiers deserve more respect than to send them into battle without a chance to win.
Because politicians want to micro manage the wars. When the politicians stop being pussies and we go into war to win things will improve. Also stop catering to anti war commies like Kerry, Hillary and obuthole.
Getting rid of Hussein only benefitted Israel and SA, and government contractors, and has cost the American taxpayers trillions for nothing except dead or disabled loved ones.
Obuthole has cost taxpayers more.

Seems its the GOP's want war with Iran now, trying to appease Israel and AIPAC and the Israel elites. Let not be under illusion, Obama is continuing what Bush started, all planned before 9-11. Arab Spring planned before 9-11, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. They are merely puppets on a string.
Seems its the GOP's want war with Iran now, trying to appease Israel and AIPAC and the Israel elites. Let not be under illusion, Obama is continuing what Bush started, all planned before 9-11. Arab Spring planned before 9-11, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. They are merely puppets on a string.
Which Republican is calling for war with Iran?
No, obama is not continuing where Bush left off, that's why Iraq has turned to shit.
All planned before 9/11?
Seems its the GOP's want war with Iran now, trying to appease Israel and AIPAC and the Israel elites. Let not be under illusion, Obama is continuing what Bush started, all planned before 9-11. Arab Spring planned before 9-11, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. They are merely puppets on a string.
Which Republican is calling for war with Iran?
No, obama is not continuing where Bush left off, that's why Iraq has turned to shit.
All planned before 9/11?
A Clean Break A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All the neocons want war.
The three major conflicts of the past half century have seen the same results. After multi-$Billions spent, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, mass destruction, and countries torn apart, absolutely nothing has been accomplished towards U.S. goals and internal change.

Decade of war billions in U.S. aid fail to defeat Taliban

Who benefitted from our war efforts? In my opinion, government contractors, foreign governments, and terrorists were the beneficiaries. What efforts were spent in the name of freedom and democracy, were wasted. The only way to fight war, is to fight war as war, and not as a diplomatic war, nor as a glorified police action.

Our soldiers deserve more respect than to send them into battle without a chance to win.
Because politicians want to micro manage the wars. When the politicians stop being pussies and we go into war to win things will improve. Also stop catering to anti war commies like Kerry, Hillary and obuthole.

You missed the point, it has nothing to due with politicians. Politicians are partly the reason we fight them the way we do. The big complaint is that those were wars were should never have been involved with in the first place.
The three major conflicts of the past half century have seen the same results. After multi-$Billions spent, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, mass destruction, and countries torn apart, absolutely nothing has been accomplished towards U.S. goals and internal change.

Decade of war billions in U.S. aid fail to defeat Taliban

Who benefitted from our war efforts? In my opinion, government contractors, foreign governments, and terrorists were the beneficiaries. What efforts were spent in the name of freedom and democracy, were wasted. The only way to fight war, is to fight war as war, and not as a diplomatic war, nor as a glorified police action.

Our soldiers deserve more respect than to send them into battle without a chance to win.
Because politicians want to micro manage the wars. When the politicians stop being pussies and we go into war to win things will improve. Also stop catering to anti war commies like Kerry, Hillary and obuthole.

You missed the point, it has nothing to due with politicians. Politicians are partly the reason we fight them the way we do. The big complaint is that those were wars were should never have been involved with in the first place.
No, I understand perfectly that libtards could care less about the spread of communism; vietnam, terror attack on America; Afghanistan, or a despot murdering thousands of people. The problem is doing it right.
All three nations had the same problem... American Democrats. The republicans tells them that we shouldnt pull our tropps out. We tell them that it will be disastrous, but they ignore our warnings and pull out anyway and everything goes to hell. Democrats have the blood of countless lives on their hands.
Seems its the GOP's want war with Iran now, trying to appease Israel and AIPAC and the Israel elites. Let not be under illusion, Obama is continuing what Bush started, all planned before 9-11. Arab Spring planned before 9-11, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. They are merely puppets on a string.
Which Republican is calling for war with Iran?
No, obama is not continuing where Bush left off, that's why Iraq has turned to shit.
All planned before 9/11?
A Clean Break A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All the neocons want war.

It is important to read Penelope's citation which many Islamo Nazis have INTERPRETED as being an advocation of war.
In fact it is not-------in fact it is not even a policy statement----
it is a discussion-------several ideas popped around. I think
that islamo Nazis hate this one line which is actually the only line which refers to military action < <a suggestion that Israel make itself more secure by>> ...".ceasing to absorb blows to the nation without response." the rest of the writing refers to peaceful
relationships with the arab nations. There is reference in comments to getting rid of saddam- that man Penelope worshiped because he murdered hundreds of thousands of
Shiites and kurds in Iraq in order to SUNNI-fy the entire country
We should have never got involved in the Middle East, and instead let them clean up their own mess. That was the foreign policy the founders envisioned, not just in the Middle East but everywhere.

Instead we made the mistake of getting involved, and caught up in alliance systems and binding agreements.

And as with European colonialism, American intervention proved disastrous for regional stability. As replacing elected leaders with dictators like the Shah, and playing one faction against the other as with Iran and Iraq - gave room for Islamist terrorist groups to thrive.

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