Video: University of Washington-Tacoma tells CBP they are no longer welcome at school career fair


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
First of all I apoloze for posting a video in lieu of an article which is more easily digested in my opinion, however you have to see the video in order to really understand what happened here. The written news articles white washed it pretty well but in a nutshell, the University of Washington uninvited the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to their regularly held job fair because 'undocumented individuals and their allies would not feel safe'.

There is so much I can say about this but right now I still need to process all of the irrationality surrounding this incident
Washintonians still haven't recovered from the butt kicking byu laid on their precious Gonzaga Bulldogs Saturday night.

That's cool your grandpa knew how to fly a plane. I wish I did.
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CPB is a pretty dishonorable career, that is only gravitated to by police academy dropouts and worse. It's welfare for scared, incompetent xenophobes.
The BP is entirely too nice to these invaders. Last week they let one drop her baby load in the BP office.

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