Video: Nikki Haley calls Trump “most disliked politician in America”

What you witnessed during the debate is the very reason why the majority of registered Republicans don’t drink the participants brand of compassionate progressive conservatism. They have heard this all before.

If there was a major event and the crowd was chanting "fuck trump" it would be 24/7 news for weeks.
Your propagandists keep you in the dark.

See post 29.

Is the World Series a major enough event for you?
This great man, President Trump, is also the most beloved statesman in America.
Haley is certainly not a listless vessel.

I thought it was Joe Biden but the beautiful and smart Nikki Haley fact checked me and now I realize it’s Trump.
See 2:19 into the video:

Over 200 million watched him on Carlson last night. You loons are making the most popular man in America. Keep it up!

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