Video: 20-minute Passionate Bernie Senate Floor Speech On Climate Change: "Put The Planet Over Fossil Fuel Profits"

Well, theres 2 fights spoiled now. I was literally minutes away from watching it. Fuck it, I guess ill play video games instead. Mech Warrior 5 is calling me. :laugh:
well, i'll never live that down...i'm an emotional person...i hate making mistakes like that...sorry, bro! i'll make it up for you somehow!
Well, theres 2 fights spoiled now. I was literally minutes away from watching it. Fuck it, I guess ill play video games instead. Mech Warrior 5 is calling me. :laugh:
if i do 100 of these as punishment, will you forgive me for ruining the UFC event for you?

The clock of climate change is ticking ever faster towards midnight. We are simply not reacting quickly enough and we cannot be anything less than courageous and revolutionary in our approach to tackling climate change...tell the fossil fuel industry the future of the planet is more important than their short-term profits

Meanwhile, China is laughing its ass off as they continue to expand their footprint with more coal plants while useful tools like Sanders troll against the US
The clock of climate change is ticking ever faster towards midnight. We are simply not reacting quickly enough and we cannot be anything less than courageous and revolutionary in our approach to tackling climate change...tell the fossil fuel industry the future of the planet is more important than their short-term profits

Bernie should find a nice retirement village and play with his grandkids or something.
Enough of the ancient relics running their mouths about pointless shit as if it matters.

Profits are what make EVERY FIRST WORLD COUNTRY a first world country.
OK, I'm about to make you tap out like a b*tch like Diaz did to Ferguson...

The goal of economic policy should be to grow the good things that improve our well-being and environmental quality and reduce the bad things that harm humans and nature. To reorient the economy for these ends, we will need to achieve a more egalitarian distribution of wealth and power. Global climate change adds urgency to this task and creates historic opportunities for moving towards a greener more PROSPEROUS future.
None of the green energy schemes will make us more prosperous. They will do precisely the opposite. Just look at what they are doing to Europe.
People who refuse to embrace next generation nuclear power are not serious about reducing emissions
The clock of climate change is ticking ever faster towards midnight. We are simply not reacting quickly enough and we cannot be anything less than courageous and revolutionary in our approach to tackling climate change...tell the fossil fuel industry the future of the planet is more important than their short-term profits

By the year 2000, the Arctic will be ice free!
In Ontario, the change over to clean energy is creating lots of jobs, and providing financial stability to farmers.
How does all the higher taxes needed to pay for these boondoggles create jobs?

Health care costs in the cities went down when we stopped allowing coal fired plants because asthma visits to emergency were reduced, acid rain ended, buildings weren't being damaged.
I suppose you have some figures to support this claim?

People howled at the cost of the conversion, but we now have some of the cheapest electricity, not just in Canada, but in North America. In addition to the financial stability for farmers.
Canada has cheap electricity because it has an abundance of hydro power. The cost of electricity in Germany is 3 times what we pay.

How does green energy improve the financial stability of farmers? Farmers in the Netherlands are going bankrupts and protesting because the government is making them use less fertilizer.
The clock of climate change is ticking ever faster towards midnight. We are simply not reacting quickly enough and we cannot be anything less than courageous and revolutionary in our approach to tackling climate change...tell the fossil fuel industry the future of the planet is more important than their short-term profits

So dumbass what are you supposed to do for electric power after the sun goes down without fossil fuel?
So there's nothing immature about being concerned about your money?
maybe i'll send you a couple of fruits

you're not my bro. you always curse at me when i post something anti-conservative, and never praise me when i post something pro-Trump, why should i be nice to you...i'm not even nice to people who are nice to me
The clock of climate change is ticking ever faster towards midnight. We are simply not reacting quickly enough and we cannot be anything less than courageous and revolutionary in our approach to tackling climate change...tell the fossil fuel industry the future of the planet is more important than their short-term profits

Was this posted by your conservative big toe?
ok i've been going easy on you because you're my bro and i don't want to embarrass you

let's get serious here:

average national income is not the same as the average person's well-being

the BP Oil Spill cost 90 billion dollars, added 300 dollars to the average person's income, but it damaged well-being

our excessive prison system costs 40 billion dollars, adds 140 dollars to income, but ends people's lives just because they smoke pot
BP oil spill was caused by the failure of the department of Interior for failing to make sure the inspection of the pipeline were clean. Maybe it was just supposed to fail, so the government could then claim that we need to stop pumping fuel from the ground? Yeah, sounds just about right while the brown turd Obammy was in office. You do know it was his failure for that pipeline.

BP and Minerals Agency Faulted in Gulf Spill (Published 2010)
The report, commissioned by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, was harsh in its criticism of BP, citing the company for a lack of “management discipline” and problems with “delegation of decision making” onboard the Deepwater Horizon.

But the report found no single smoking gun pointing to what led to the disaster, putting blame on BP for several missteps as well as on the Minerals Management Service, the federal agency that oversaw offshore drilling at the time of the spill.
Propaganda devoid of reality... They are urgently screaming at the top of their lungs because the Northen Hemisphere is about to cool rapidly. The massive heat bubble over the US has popped and it is rapidly going away. They must get their agenda passed before reality slaps them up the side of the damn head.

Spring planting in many areas of America was delayed because the ground was too cold.

Areas of Russia and Belarus just recorded their earliest frosts on record.
BP oil spill was caused by the failure of the department of Interior for failing to make sure the inspection of the pipeline were clean. Maybe it was just supposed to fail, so the government could then claim that we need to stop pumping fuel from the ground? Yeah, sounds just about right while the brown turd Obammy was in office. You do know it was his failure for that pipeline.

BP and Minerals Agency Faulted in Gulf Spill (Published 2010)

Then Øbama refused to send skimmers from the East Coast to the Gulf and he turned down offers of help from a number of other countries. Yeah, he wanted maximum damage and maximum coverage.

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