Victory of ISLAM is coming


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Here Muslims boast how they will conquer our countries by birth jihad. We "thank" you brainless liberals for this scum in our countries.

[ame=]Victory of ISLAM is coming - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]islam will dominate the world - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]EUROPE vs ISLAM : Decide NOW before it is too late! - YouTube[/ame]

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23% of Swedish people believe in a god(s), and he posts videos about Islam is destroying a once great Sweden?

I'm glad Baron now has such a high opinion of atheists and agnostics, his bigotry towards them has died thanks to us on the board I presume. Now we just gotta work on his hate of muslims, since he's obviously very easily manipulated I think we can do it in no time.
So you are saying we should all start growing beards, throw our women in burkas, stop drinking and start speaking Arabic?
Here Muslims boast how they will conquer our countries by birth jihad. We "thank" you brainless liberals for this scum in our countries.

Victory of ISLAM is coming - YouTube

islam will dominate the world - YouTube

EUROPE vs ISLAM : Decide NOW before it is too late! - YouTube

Welcome to Sweden of Today. - YouTube

1. Europe took 200 years to go from high fertility rates of rural life to the low fertility rates of the industrial world. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are about to do it in twenty. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.

a. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. U.N. Sees Falling Middle East Fertility Rates -

b. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.

c. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!

2. By the end of the century, Western Europe’s economically active population will fall by two-fifths, Eastern Europe and East Asia by two-thirds. Russia is facing a demographic death spiral. In the United States, it will grow by about a quarter.

3.While world fertility has fallen by about two children per woman in the past half century (from 4.5 to about 2.5), fertility in the Muslim world has fallen two to three times faster. [Arab, Persian, Turkish, Malay, and South Asian Muslims.]

From “How Civilizations Die,” by David P. Goldman
Here Muslims boast how they will conquer our countries by birth jihad. We "thank" you brainless liberals for this scum in our countries.

Victory of ISLAM is coming - YouTube

islam will dominate the world - YouTube

EUROPE vs ISLAM : Decide NOW before it is too late! - YouTube

Welcome to Sweden of Today. - YouTube

1. Europe took 200 years to go from high fertility rates of rural life to the low fertility rates of the industrial world. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are about to do it in twenty. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.

a. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. U.N. Sees Falling Middle East Fertility Rates -

b. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.

c. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!

2. By the end of the century, Western Europe’s economically active population will fall by two-fifths, Eastern Europe and East Asia by two-thirds. Russia is facing a demographic death spiral. In the United States, it will grow by about a quarter.

3.While world fertility has fallen by about two children per woman in the past half century (from 4.5 to about 2.5), fertility in the Muslim world has fallen two to three times faster. [Arab, Persian, Turkish, Malay, and South Asian Muslims.]

From “How Civilizations Die,” by David P. Goldman

It was bound to happen, its too expensive to have a boat load of kids these days. The only people having 8 or 9 kids are goat herders and uneducated cave dwellers in Somalia and Pakistan.
No it's not.

Stop stirring crap.

I think he has us mixed up with George Bush. Next to Herman Cain that's the dumbest politician I know. Wait...I forgot about Perry...the other cowboy.

"...the dumbest politician..."

Clarabelle, did you forget Carter and Obama???

Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have more sense in their pinkies that the whole goddam Bush clan. George Bush was turned down by the University of Texas law school on low academic scores. Yale professor whose name appeared with a passing grade on a Bush transcript said he had never seen the man. I'm surprised you haven't caught on to the really stupid politicians.

As far as Reagan...he was a Democrat for most of his life...even the president of a union. When his B movies began to make some serious bucks he changed to the party of the wealthy.
Here Muslims boast how they will conquer our countries by birth jihad. We "thank" you brainless liberals for this scum in our countries.

Victory of ISLAM is coming - YouTube

islam will dominate the world - YouTube

EUROPE vs ISLAM : Decide NOW before it is too late! - YouTube

Welcome to Sweden of Today. - YouTube

1. Europe took 200 years to go from high fertility rates of rural life to the low fertility rates of the industrial world. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are about to do it in twenty. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.

a. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. U.N. Sees Falling Middle East Fertility Rates -

b. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.

c. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!

2. By the end of the century, Western Europe’s economically active population will fall by two-fifths, Eastern Europe and East Asia by two-thirds. Russia is facing a demographic death spiral. In the United States, it will grow by about a quarter.

3.While world fertility has fallen by about two children per woman in the past half century (from 4.5 to about 2.5), fertility in the Muslim world has fallen two to three times faster. [Arab, Persian, Turkish, Malay, and South Asian Muslims.]

From “How Civilizations Die,” by David P. Goldman

It was bound to happen, its too expensive to have a boat load of kids these days. The only people having 8 or 9 kids are goat herders and uneducated cave dwellers in Somalia and Pakistan.

Actually...a straight line can be drawn between family size of Evangelicals in American and the religious in Israel...and I don't find them to be "uneducated cave dwellers."

I know you don't either.

1. "No one admires free enterprise more than American Christians, and one might conjecture that the growing proliferation of their denominations in Asia, Africa and Latin America will lend impetus to capitalist development….What worries him most, however, is that rising fertility among US evangelicals will shift the balance of power towards the religious."
The Empty Cradle by Phillip Longman (Basic Books; New York, 2004). ISBN: 0465050506; 240 pages, US$26. Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

2. And, from "How Civilizations Die,"...
The Jewish birth rate [in Israel] was rising steadily, and the Arab birthrate was falling. ...the fertility rate of Jews and Arabs had nearly converged by 2009, to 0.7 births per woman from six more per Arab woman.

a. Most remarkable is that today's "secular" Israeli women show a rate of 2.6, far and away the highest in the industrial world. Their own mothers had a rate of 2.1!

b. Between 1994 and 2009, Arab births in Israel remained steady at 39,000, while Jewish births rose from 80,000 to 120,000. The ultr-religious Jews (8% of the population) have a fertility rate of 8.5, which brings Israeli fertility to 2.9 per woman.
I think he has us mixed up with George Bush. Next to Herman Cain that's the dumbest politician I know. Wait...I forgot about Perry...the other cowboy.

"...the dumbest politician..."

Clarabelle, did you forget Carter and Obama???

Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have more sense in their pinkies that the whole goddam Bush clan. George Bush was turned down by the University of Texas law school on low academic scores. Yale professor whose name appeared with a passing grade on a Bush transcript said he had never seen the man. I'm surprised you haven't caught on to the really stupid politicians.

As far as Reagan...he was a Democrat for most of his life...even the president of a union. When his B movies began to make some serious bucks he changed to the party of the wealthy.

Friends don’t let friends vote Democrat.
The world would be a better place without Muslims.
The world would be a better place without Muslims.

Maybe the 1.5 billion of them figure it's about time the Christians paid for the Crusades. Christians have killed a helluva lot more Muslims than the other way round.
No it's not.

Stop stirring crap.

I think he has us mixed up with George Bush. Next to Herman Cain that's the dumbest politician I know. Wait...I forgot about Perry...the other cowboy.

Dumbest politicians? You've obviously been shielded from Tim Kaine and Joe Biden, dumbfuck.

Have you watched the online videos of both Perry and Cain try to lie their way around the truth. They've both dumber than a rock and lower down than whale shit.
Here Muslims boast how they will conquer our countries by birth jihad. We "thank" you brainless liberals for this scum in our countries.

Victory of ISLAM is coming - YouTube

islam will dominate the world - YouTube

EUROPE vs ISLAM : Decide NOW before it is too late! - YouTube

Welcome to Sweden of Today. - YouTube

1. Europe took 200 years to go from high fertility rates of rural life to the low fertility rates of the industrial world. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are about to do it in twenty. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.

a. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. U.N. Sees Falling Middle East Fertility Rates -

b. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.

c. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!

2. By the end of the century, Western Europe’s economically active population will fall by two-fifths, Eastern Europe and East Asia by two-thirds. Russia is facing a demographic death spiral. In the United States, it will grow by about a quarter.

3.While world fertility has fallen by about two children per woman in the past half century (from 4.5 to about 2.5), fertility in the Muslim world has fallen two to three times faster. [Arab, Persian, Turkish, Malay, and South Asian Muslims.]

From “How Civilizations Die,” by David P. Goldman

In Christian countries Muslims enjoy the generosity of welfare and other benefits, they can produce till ten children pro family or more, nobody of parents must work. Bruxelles for example will became Islamic already in ten years.

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