Victory in Michigan Shows Tea Party Can Take a Punch


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Victory in Michigan Shows Tea Party Can Take a Punch

by Joel B. Pollak

The passage of right-to-work legislation this week in Michigan is a victory for the state’s working families. It is also a political victory for the conservative movement, and for the Tea Party in particular, which was written off as dead in the wake of Barack Obama’s re-election victory last month. The message of greater freedom and limited government is a winner; it’s the messengers that have been losers. And it’s time to adopt new tactics.

We should not be afraid to borrow from the left--not just from Obama’s data mining and get-out-the-vote apparatus, but from the methods of Saul Alinsky, the radical who inspired Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Chicago cohort. For example, when Steven Crowder took several punches--on camera--from a union thug in Lansing yesterday, he unwittingly used a classic Alinskyite tactic to expose the opposition’s brutal essence.

Victory in Michigan Shows Tea Party Can Take a Punch
Last parting shot as they are kicked into the dustbin of history. Also don't you dare call this a victory for working families, you know for a fact that it is a victory for the plutocrats that lobbied and bribed for this, it will not translate into more jobs, higher wages, continuing pensions or anything that a wage slave needs to feed their families or retire with an ounce of dignity. Cheering for the plutocrats who corrupt the government is everything the tea party should oppose, now they are nothing but collaborators with the enemy.
Yes, this is the End of cons in that state, thanks cons for cheating ur way into fucking workers over, thanks you made our life a lot easier on the left.
How does right to work legislation help working families? By guaranteeing them health benefits? By promoting safety training to make the work place safer? Longer vacations (or any vacations) to spend time with their families? By pushing for higher wages to lessen the inequality of wealth in this country? You guys that post this right wing propaganda just tell me what a republican has ever done for a working stiff. Sure, work for less wages there might be more employment (thats debatable) but you'll have to work a side job to make up for the loss in wages.
Show us some right to work republican run states where workers have bettered themselves in comparison to pro union blue states. When are working class people going to figure out that republicans only represent big business and corporations?
How does right to work legislation help working families? By guaranteeing them health benefits? By promoting safety training to make the work place safer? Longer vacations (or any vacations) to spend time with their families? By pushing for higher wages to lessen the inequality of wealth in this country? You guys that post this right wing propaganda just tell me what a republican has ever done for a working stiff. Sure, work for less wages there might be more employment (thats debatable) but you'll have to work a side job to make up for the loss in wages.
Show us some right to work republican run states where workers have bettered themselves in comparison to pro union blue states. When are working class people going to figure out that republicans only represent big business and corporations?

The politicians know they are trading their votes and future political careers for cushy gigs at think tanks and lobbying firms, they know it's bullshit, it's the republican voters who are so incredibly, tragically dumb about this. They hate unions because they support democrats, that's all, and wish to remove a formerly powerful ally. Well all those former union members are still here and they still vote and are certainly not going to switch to republican after all this shit. They are so done for and don't even realize it yet.

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