Victims of 9-11


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Why are families of victims of 9-11 compensated but families of victims of illegal aliens crimes not? Both are victims of homeland security not doing their job. Can victims of illegal aliens crimes sue the government for failure to protect them also? Why are families of victims of 9-11 compensated anyway?

Why are families of victims of 9-11 compensated but families of victims of illegal aliens crimes not? Both are victims of homeland security not doing their job. Can victims of illegal aliens crimes sue the government for failure to protect them also? Why are families of victims of 9-11 compensated anyway?
Why are families of victims of 9-11 compensated anyway

That is a fascinating question. I've been told it was to stem all the lawsuits that victim's families would pursue against the airlines that allowed the terrorist to attack the US. I think it all crap. Do I have the right to sue the federal government for not protecting me against all the Mexicans that took over my town and forced the town to adopt sanctuary for illegals or else!

I heard that the terrorist together did almost 2 trillion dollars in damages against the US. That means that each of the 19 terrorist did a little over 100 billion in damages. I don't think that even a single nuke could do that.
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Why are families of victims of 9-11 compensated but families of victims of illegal aliens crimes not? Both are victims of homeland security not doing their job. Can victims of illegal aliens crimes sue the government for failure to protect them also? Why are families of victims of 9-11 compensated anyway?
Why are families of victims of 9-11 compensated anyway

That is a fascinating question. I've been told it was to stem all the lawsuits that victim's families would pursue against the airlines that allowed the terrorist to attack the US. I think it all crap. Do I have the right to sue the federal government for not protecting me against all the Mexicans that took over my town and forced the town to adopt sanctuary for illegals or else!

I heard that the terrorist together did almost 2 trillion dollars in damages against the US. That means that each of the 19 terrorist did a little over 100 billion in damages. I don't think that even a single nuke could do that.

How much damage to America has 20 million illegal aliens and 500,000 anchor babies done?
[How much damage to America has 20 million illegal aliens and 500,000 anchor babies done?

I've been told by some people that they would rather be dead than live in my 80% hispanic neighborhood. Maybe we should get those people to endorse Arizona's law?
Funny, so I would say, that according to this logic, I can sue my government, because it did not protect me from all evil ? Good idea.
I would start and collect all weapons in the U.S., before more people get hurt. These things are dangerous. And I would stop all traffic, so no more accidents are going to happen.

This done, I would make peace at once in Afghanistan, Iraq and in every other crisis region.
People get hurt there and if they all file a case, because Americans, American-made weapons or American are involved....

But perhaps I have not understood things.

ze germanguy
I live in a Barrio, there has to be over eighty percent Mexican (er, UM, "Hispanic immigrant"). It's not
so bad. When they threaten to kill me, I cower in fear, problem solved. Racial harmony! They intimidate, they hate, I make a couple of nasty post here, it all works out. Ask yourselves, is that what immigration is about ? Is that what YOU would tolerate? I am a victim of illegal aliens. Speaking for myself, I don’t want money. Just enforce ALL the bloody laws. That’s it.

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