Venezuela Is Bizarre Piece of Biden’s Incoherent Energy Policy Puzzle


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The Bizarro World of Biden and his cohorts on energy are outright stupid and deliberately so.

Note the part about Guyana and its massive oil finds.

The Republic dies with the propagandists in the MSM ignoring so much wrong with the Biden administration.

It reveals yet again the incoherent inconsistencies of the Biden administration with respect to energy policies. Among them:
    • Tacitly compromising with the Maduro regime on oil production (although it directly benefits from the state-owned oil industry), while condemning Russia’s weaponization of its energy supply and seeking to minimize Russia’s ability to profit from energy production.
    • Turning a blind eye to the greenhouse gas emissions from Venezuelan oil production while banning federal financial and technical assistance for similar projects in other countries—on the basis of greenhouse gas emissions. The Wall Street Journal reminded readers of the Biden administration’s cold shoulder last year for pro-American, oil-rich Guyana’s seeking aid to develop its resources, while China fills America’s void.
    • Allowing transactions to go through for Venezuela’s oil production, while aggressively pushing regulations across the U.S. financial sector to divert private capital away from the oil sector.
    • Preferring oil imports over new production of abundant domestic oil resources. Oil from Venezuela certainly won’t strengthen American energy security in the long run, with Maduro being no friend of the U.S.

Regardless of the muddled messages, the administration went ahead anyway with sanctions relief. It entails two licenses from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control granted to Chevron. They allow Chevron and its subsidiaries to complete the financial transactions necessary for oil production involving the state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. Another license authorizes transactions between the regime and four other U.S. firms.
On Tuesday, Venezuela’s top Chevron executive met with petroleum minister Tareck El Aissami, a regime power-player closely tied to Iran, to announce new joint ventures and renewed oil production.
Venezuelan law limits production to state or joint ventures, meaning newly unfrozen U.S. capital to rebuild production will have to flow to the regime-controlled state oil giant, even if the license purportedly prohibits certain payments to the Venezuelan state. Maduro and his cronies have embezzled billions from Petroleos de Venezuela in the past decade.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration is enabling an additional deal between the Maduro regime, a sector of the opposition, and the U.N. to unfreeze $3 billion in foreign bank accounts, but these could be managed by the regime itself, according to its representative in Mexico City.
While the administration attempts to justify the moves with the pretext of “concrete steps” toward democracy in Venezuela, the Maduro regime repeatedly uses opposition talks to buy itself time and concessions, and Biden knows it.

The Bizarro World of Biden and his cohorts on energy are outright stupid and deliberately so.

Note the part about Guyana and its massive oil finds.

The Republic dies with the propagandists in the MSM ignoring so much wrong with the Biden administration.

It reveals yet again the incoherent inconsistencies of the Biden administration with respect to energy policies. Among them:
    • Tacitly compromising with the Maduro regime on oil production (although it directly benefits from the state-owned oil industry), while condemning Russia’s weaponization of its energy supply and seeking to minimize Russia’s ability to profit from energy production.
    • Turning a blind eye to the greenhouse gas emissions from Venezuelan oil production while banning federal financial and technical assistance for similar projects in other countries—on the basis of greenhouse gas emissions. The Wall Street Journal reminded readers of the Biden administration’s cold shoulder last year for pro-American, oil-rich Guyana’s seeking aid to develop its resources, while China fills America’s void.
    • Allowing transactions to go through for Venezuela’s oil production, while aggressively pushing regulations across the U.S. financial sector to divert private capital away from the oil sector.
    • Preferring oil imports over new production of abundant domestic oil resources. Oil from Venezuela certainly won’t strengthen American energy security in the long run, with Maduro being no friend of the U.S.

Regardless of the muddled messages, the administration went ahead anyway with sanctions relief. It entails two licenses from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control granted to Chevron. They allow Chevron and its subsidiaries to complete the financial transactions necessary for oil production involving the state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. Another license authorizes transactions between the regime and four other U.S. firms.
On Tuesday, Venezuela’s top Chevron executive met with petroleum minister Tareck El Aissami, a regime power-player closely tied to Iran, to announce new joint ventures and renewed oil production.
Venezuelan law limits production to state or joint ventures, meaning newly unfrozen U.S. capital to rebuild production will have to flow to the regime-controlled state oil giant, even if the license purportedly prohibits certain payments to the Venezuelan state. Maduro and his cronies have embezzled billions from Petroleos de Venezuela in the past decade.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration is enabling an additional deal between the Maduro regime, a sector of the opposition, and the U.N. to unfreeze $3 billion in foreign bank accounts, but these could be managed by the regime itself, according to its representative in Mexico City.
While the administration attempts to justify the moves with the pretext of “concrete steps” toward democracy in Venezuela, the Maduro regime repeatedly uses opposition talks to buy itself time and concessions, and Biden knows it.

Inform me please, what is NOT Bizzaro with the Biden administration?
Venezuela has oil. We need oil

We have vast amounts of oil in Alaska, why not extract it ourselves. Why pollute Venezuela? we can do a better job. Plus getting more oil online will drop prices.

Of course we know why. Biden had promised to end fossil fuels. If we buys it from someone else its easier to cut the supply later than if we allow our own companies to invest and grow... thats the exact opposite of what democrats want. But, you did get one thing right, we do need oil.
We have vast amounts of oil in Alaska, why not extract it ourselves. Why pollute Venezuela? we can do a better job. Plus getting more oil online will drop prices.

Of course we know why. Biden had promised to end fossil fuels. If we buys it from someone else its easier to cut the supply later than if we allow our own companies to invest and grow... thats the exact opposite of what democrats want. But, you did get one thing right, we do need oil.
Ask the oil companies. They have lots of leases they ain't using.

By the way...why would you prefer to pollute Alaska as opposed to Venezuela? It almost sounds like you're just "saying shit".
Ask the oil companies. They have lots of leases they ain't using.

By the way...why would you prefer to pollute Alaska as opposed to Venezuela? It almost sounds like you're just "saying shit".

I don’t want to pollute Alaska. I know we do a better and cleaner job than oil companies in third world countries though.
There are leases open sure, but democrats are throwing up road blocks in way of regulations and financing to use them. Biden doesn’t tell the whole story when he says there are 900 leases.
Stay in context by remembering his promise to end fossil fuel. Politicians tell half truths all the time.
Ask the oil companies. They have lots of leases they ain't using.

By the way...why would you prefer to pollute Alaska as opposed to Venezuela? It almost sounds like you're just "saying shit".
Why does it matter for you? You are a globalist lover. China and India building many coal powered energy plants while we suffer for this human jit stain passing as an installed leader by the globalists.

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