vanishing ecosystems for world's majestic predators

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
slideshow: Yahoo!
This tiger subspecies is found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. As late as 1978, experts estimated the population of Sumatran tigers at 1,000. Today fewer than 400 Sumatran tigers exist.
recycle bitches!!! :mad:
slideshow: Yahoo!
This tiger subspecies is found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. As late as 1978, experts estimated the population of Sumatran tigers at 1,000. Today fewer than 400 Sumatran tigers exist.
recycle bitches!!! :mad:

There ARE things that can be done to fix this.. YOU are clueless if you think recycling cans and bottles have any value to the tigers.. Might as well just sign your SS checks over to the lobster eating lawyers at the world wildlife fund..

BTW --- Can I pencil you in as gravely concerned about the rapidly reducing habitat for American eagles and raptors because of faulty siting of wind farms?
deniers don't want to touch this thread huh? :mad:

recycling reduces the amt of imported raw mat'ls needed to manufacture new junk including wood.
Nothing will be done for those predators that are not in parks in nations like the US. In the third world nations, as the population increases, and food decreases, law breaks down, and nothing is protected. Not people, not animals. We are seeing this in Africa and will see it starting in parts of Asia.
Could somebody please find something for this meathead Dotcom to do!!! These people who get so OCD on this shit......they live a life with nothing meaningful so they grab hold of some idiotic cause to feel complete.

s0n......go get some real responsibilities in life and trust me, you wont be worrying about stoopid shit.:coffee:
deniers don't want to touch this thread huh? :mad:

recycling reduces the amt of imported raw mat'ls needed to manufacture new junk including wood.

your useless and clueless analysis of this situation is too damn entertaining to dilute the thread with with real facts, suggestions that have a prayer of helping the tigers..

you go Dot Com.. times a wasting ... recycle before they disappear. Thats a real Peter Pan class solution.
I see the propaganda from the low info far left AGW church going Obama drones knows no bounds.

I see you as a total dumb fuck that can only spew single sentence nonsense. Just another two digit IQ to be ignored.

theres one person that I know he is smarter than :up: martybegan :D

As to the OP, we're doomed.

And see how the far left Obama drones have no independent thought.

This as it was designed to be as always a trolling thread from a far left Obama drone troll.
two whole sentences, albeit saying the same drivel you always post :zzz: You're improving Dum dum. Nothing to say about the OP however. GO TO THE COFFEE SHOP!!! :banghead: rw'ers like you are right at home there :)
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I see the propaganda from the low info far left AGW church going Obama drones knows no bounds.

I see you as a total dumb fuck that can only spew single sentence nonsense. Just another two digit IQ to be ignored.

theres one person that I know he is smarter than :up: martybegan :D

As to the OP, we're doomed.

You are pointing out intellect with that fucking grammar???

Har Har Har.
Ecology, the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.

Only CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) oppose environmental concerns. The plight of the Tiger and other organisms are dependent on clean air, clean water and a hospitable climate.

Too many who claim the title of conservative are ignorant (some actually mentally retarded as evidenced by their posts) and simply parrot the talking points of those whose interests are compromised by proper stewardship of our environment. People of great wealth, i.e. the brothers Koch and the siblings Walton, whose interests are focused on power and money.
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[ame=]Human beings are a disease (The Matrix) - YouTube[/ame]
Ecology, the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.

Only CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) oppose environmental concerns. The plight of the Tiger and other organisms are dependent on clean air, clean water and a hospitable climate.

Too many who claim the title of conservative are ignorant (some actually mentally retarded as evidenced by their posts) and simply parrot the talking points of those whose interests are compromised by proper stewardship of our environment. People of great wealth, i.e. the brothers Koch and the siblings Walton, whose interests are focused on power and money.

The tigers appreciate your help.. Go lynch the Koch Bros.. They'll live long and prosper.
Ecology, the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.

Only CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) oppose environmental concerns. The plight of the Tiger and other organisms are dependent on clean air, clean water and a hospitable climate.

Too many who claim the title of conservative are ignorant (some actually mentally retarded as evidenced by their posts) and simply parrot the talking points of those whose interests are compromised by proper stewardship of our environment. People of great wealth, i.e. the brothers Koch and the siblings Walton, whose interests are focused on power and money.

And the far left Propaganda continues...
It will shock Dot Com to his panty hose.. But the biggest threat to Sumatran Tigers are that they are victims of living the Progressive dream. Depending on GOVERNMENT to protect their best interests.
This might be a more useful place to start --- rather than recycling paper or lynching the Koch Bros.

Sumatran Tiger Trust

Finally, a highly qualified multidisciplinary team was recruited and trained, and these valuable human resource assets remain with the program to this day. As a pilot phase the Way Kambas project was undoubtedly successful, providing a testing-ground for tiger conservation management techniques, many of which have since been replicated across Sumatra. However, the national impact of such small-scale, field-based activities was always going to be limited. This became particularly obvious following the economic and social chaos of the 1998 Asian Crisis, when Indonesia was thrown into political turmoil. Since the return of national stability, many changes have occurred in Indonesia, autonomy of the provinces, the greater role of civil society groups and the undeniable importance of local stakeholders, has altered the context within which conservation must be achieved. For the first time perhaps, conservation of wildlife, habitat and natural resources has become a national passion.

The energy and enthusiasm of numerous grass-root level NGOs, organizations and everyday citizens is now providing some hope that conservation can become a priority on the national agenda. It is within this framework that the Sumatran Tiger Conservation Program must now place itself. The strengths and potential for the program to be effective will be measured by the breadth and depth of our alliances, partnerships and collaborations. This strategic repositioning is allowing the program to expand its reach outside of the field, and into the critical areas of national law enforcement, political advocacy and public awareness. In essence, the program is now transforming into a multi-disciplinary movement where national-level activities promote, and are in turn supported by, provincial and park-based field projects.

Seems like the LARGE MAJORITY of surviving tigers are trapped in NATIONAL PARKS. Where the shaky govt of Indonesia occasionally cant muster the discipline or funds to prevent LEASING their habitat for profit. Or --- their military is tied up with civil riots and can't go on poacher patrols..

Similiar "tragedies of the commons" have been turned around in Africa for their big game by allowing NGOs and ORGS to OBTAIN and MANAGE key wildlife preserves from the government. Locals are trained to MONETIZE the habitat by opening it to eco-tourism, research, and rehab facilities that create ample jobs and income for the neighboring villages. Something that has NO VALUE -- won't be preserved. Pure and simple.

The thriving refuges and sanctuaries in Africa GREATLY help stem the carnage there.

Or --- you could recycle and lynch the Koch Bros if you're a committed Progressive with no economic imagination..
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