Vaccinated people spread covid

They are LYING only days prior experts at the CDC said it would be quite rare for someone vaccinated to spread the variant. Then as if by government lying magic days later a vaccinated person is a variant super spreader. Someone flick stupid Biden in the ear.
Oh, my. A disease didn't respond exactly as the best medical experts expected. I'll bet that has never happened before.
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We must be forced to get an experimental vaccine that was created in 9months. One which has 0% effectiveness (vaxxed spread it at the same rate of the unvaxxed).

Yet, you’re calling us Nazis and murderers for not getting it.

You DemonRats are sick, brainwashed, and retarded
Meanwhile back at the Rest of the World

Lets not underestimate, this virus is highly transmittable and the vaccines are not fool proof from infection but it helps... No country has got to the level yet where the vaccine can supress while delta is effecting it..
That is a stupid claim since BECAUSE of the Vaccine it has been eradicated from USA.


Polio Elimination in the United States​

  • Thanks to a successful vaccination program, the United States has been polio-free since 1979
As I understand it: Vaccinated people have always been able to get infected and carry the virus just like unvaxed people. The vax is only to curb the side effects and symptoms of the virus and to boost your immune system. That's it. For the most part, I don't believe the vax was ever meant to stop the spread, but rather stop the symptoms and curb potential death. If you believe the vax is suppose to "stop covid", that's a false narrative.
The moderators are deleting my posts from this thread. They want one-sided arguments. So y'all have fun.

It sure is puzzling that YOU ignored the fact that it has been gone from the country since 1979, DESPITE that 99% of Americans are Vaccinated against it.

Heck after they started vaccinating the people, it rapidly vanished from the country since the late 1950's, that sounds like there isn't any transmission of the virus by those who are vaccinated.

Lets not underestimate, this virus is highly transmittable and the vaccines are not fool proof from infection but it helps... No country has got to the level yet where the vaccine can supress while delta is effecting it..

My actual personal experience.
My son since he's been 2 years of age, every fall comes down with a croupy type of cough due to allergies. Of course last year, the cough started during the change of seasons (as we had grown accustomed too. Of course, this is during the hype of Covid and I had to take my son to the Dr. to be evaluated and of course they tested him for Covid. No other symptoms, just the cough. Dr. said that she would have normally prescribed the steroid and be on our way. This was a Wednesday. By Saturday, no call on the test results. My son's cough was pretty much gone. But I call the Dr's office to see if they got the results. Positive for Covid. My jaw hit the floor. Really??

I have a shared parenting plan with my Ex and have my son every other week. Based on the incubation period and the stated transmissibility of Covid, not only should my household have come down with Covid, but so should my Ex's. We all got tested as soon as we found out my son tested positive. Everyone came back negative. Prior to getting my son tested, the previous Sunday we had a few people over for a birthday gather. All negative. My in-laws were exposed from another couple that tested positive. The viral load would have put them at high risk of contracting. Negative.

I can't explain how, why or whom this virus chooses to infect. But my own personal experience, not being persuaded by any political bias, is that this virus is not as contagious as the science, politicians, and MSM claim it is. Or, the tests being administered were flawed and providing wrong positive/negative test results and the tests can't fully differentiate between Covid and other viruses.
How is this goof going to push vaccine if it doesn't do anything? All it looks like now is another big pharma scam to sell more vaccines. Either that or Democrats are doing another one of their, 'I don't know WTF I'm doing so I'll just create another panic'.
Vaccinated people are dying. They are dying from the jab, they are dying from delta, they are dying from covid. Vaccinated people are DYING.
Sorry EvMetro...

Prove people are dying from the jab... Not people have died who got the jab..

The numbers dying who are vaccinated compared unvaccinated is like 97 to 1... Also consider high risk people are far more likely vaccinated that is pretty incredible...

The big data is not in but this is interesting:
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What is it about Covid-19 Delta variant being more contagious that "confuses" you?

Are seriously so dumb that you have difficulty understanding that? may be more contagious...who gives a rat's ass?

One stat should matter most...and you NEVER hear, or see it posted

Mortality Rate.

The HIGHEST I have seen is 1.8% (highly debatable)

What is the average age of a covid fatality? 77 years, in the USA
Average life expectancy? 78 years

Keep believing the hype.
More bullshit.

The science is changing because Covid has changed. And it changed exactly BECAUSE unvaccinated kept reiterating it.

Israel has had a total of 20 Covid deaths over the past month. You can compare that 1400+ deaths in January.

Vaccine CLEARLY works.
Well then YOU take and STFU.
How is this goof going to push vaccine if it doesn't do anything? All it looks like now is another big pharma scam to sell more vaccines. Either that or Democrats are doing another one of their, 'I don't know WTF I'm doing so I'll just create another panic'.
Don't fact and reality get in the way of a good conspiracy theory...
Sorry EvMetro...

Prove people are dying from the jab... Not people have died who got the jab..

The numbers dying who are vaccinated compared unvaccinated is like 97 to 1... Also consider high risk people are far more likely vaccinated that is pretty incredible...

The big data is not in but this is interesting:
Vaccinated people are dying. They are dying from the jab, they are dying from delta, they are dying from covid. Vaccinated people are DYING.
Meanwhile back at the Rest of the World

Lets not underestimate, this virus is highly transmittable and the vaccines are not fool proof from infection but it helps... No country has got to the level yet where the vaccine can supress while delta is effecting it..
The moderators are deleting my posts from this thread. They want one-sided arguments. So y'all have fun.
Because you’re a troll and don’t provide any propelling arguments
I can’t wait to hear the CDC say that the vaccine doesn’t protect against the Delta and that you will now have to take the booster.

Demonrats will put all of this behind them. Never admit they were wrong. Then they’ll be back to forcing us to take the booster
The moderators are deleting my posts from this thread. They want one-sided arguments. So y'all have fun.
This is where you and I have something in common. Censorship changes everything. We may be on opposite sides of the aisle, but I want to read your posts in the context that you intended.
As I understand it: Vaccinated people have always been able to get infected and carry the virus just like unvaxed people. The vax is only to curb the side effects and symptoms of the virus and to boost your immune system. That's it. For the most part, I don't believe the vax was ever meant to stop the spread, but rather stop the symptoms and curb potential death. If you believe the vax is suppose to "stop covid", that's a false narrative.
Which is why we’re never going back to normal, yet they bribe people by saying if you’re vaxxed you can get your freedoms back. But then they just steal your freedom again
It sure is puzzling that YOU ignored the fact that it has been gone from the country since 1979, DESPITE that 99% of Americans are Vaccinated against it.

Heck after they started vaccinating the people, it rapidly vanished from the country since the late 1950's, that sounds like there isn't any transmission of the virus by those who are vaccinated.

The polio vaccine does not, and never did prevent a vaccinated person from being a carrier, but it was effective enough to virtually eliminate polio in the US. That link was from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, but any other medical authority will tell you the same thing. You're really not very smart.