Useless facts

Joz said:
Since 1949, the LEGO company, based in Denmark, has produced more than 200,000,000,000 of the plastic elements that make up the Lego System.

half of those are in 2 big rubbermaid tubs at my house...Tim and I love to build stuff with legos when we have no money or a sitter to go out. It usually ends up being both of us building forts and war vehicles and using random household stuff (like sponges and soap bars) to launch & demolish each other's with. I know...we're weird.
Adam's Apple said:
The world’s largest dam, currently being built in China, will be more than one mile wide and 600 feet high when it becomes operational in 2009. The reservoir created by this dam will be approximately the size of the state of Arizona. Unbelievable but true--the site of this massive dam is built over a seismic fault.
Yike!- I did not know an area the size of Arizona was to be innundated.

The Yangtze, right?- the Huang Ho has hopefully been tamed.

Excuse the archaicisms.

I do not see how information like this could be considered useless.
USViking said:
I do not see how information like this could be considered useless.

Well, it's very interesting information, that's true; but what use are you going to make of it? :tng:

The Discovery Channel recently had a program on about the building of the Three Gorges Dam. It's a fascinating program to watch. The best I can remember it was a couple hours in length. If you didn't see it, catch it the next time they run it. Well worth the time to watch.
Seven million cars are junked yearly.
Two hundred three million dollars are spent yearly on barbed wire in the U.S.
Adam's Apple said:
The world’s largest dam, currently being built in China, will be more than one mile wide and 600 feet high when it becomes operational in 2009. The reservoir created by this dam will be approximately the size of the state of Arizona. Unbelievable but true--the site of this massive dam is built over a seismic fault.
lemme guess...when it cracks in half from an earthquake and millions drown, it will be Bush's fault for not signing Kyoto...then we will be guilted into sending millions in aid, and then criticized for not acting sooner.
Many units of measure were named after people

Watt (unit of power) - James Watt
Ohm (unit of electrical resistance) - Georg Ohm
Volts (unit of electrical potential) - Alessandro Volta
Amps (unit of rate of electrical flow) - André-Marie Ampère
Kelvin (unit of temperature) - William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
Fahrenheit (unit of temperature) - Gabriel Fahrenheit
Celsius (unit of temperature) - Anders Celsius
Hertz (unit of vibration) - Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
According to the Gregorian Calendar, leap years occur every 4 years, except during century years not divisible by 400
Fmr jarhead said:
Not according to Ron Burgandy...he has leather bound books, and is evidently, a big deal.

Regardless, Diego is a common name in Spanish and is translated as James or John... I actually think I was wrong and it is James. San is a male Saint. Such as San Domingo or Santa Maria (Santa being female saint...) Domingo is John I believe... I'll have to look into it. Maybe there is another language that San Diego translates to whale vagina...
Native to Peru and Ecuador, a plant which produced yellow or red fruit (later called tomatoes) was introduced to Europe in the early 1500s. Brought back by Conquistadors to Spain, the tomato was thought to be poisonous and was viewed with suspicion. It wasn't until the late 1600s that Europeans began to eat the tomato.
Boys with odd first names have more mental problems than boys with more common names.
Girls don't seem to have this problem.
The names of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were taken from names of artists of the Renaissance.
KarlMarx said:
The names of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were taken from names of artists of the Renaissance.
# Leonardo - The de facto leader of the Turtles, Leonardo is courageous, decisive, and a disciplined student of martial arts. As a strict adherent to Bushido, he has a very strong sense of honor and justice. He wears a blue mask and wields a pair of katana. He is named after Leonardo da Vinci.
# Raphael - The team "anti-hero", Raphael has an aggressive nature and seldom hesitates to throw the first punch. His personality can be alternately fierce, sarcastic, and full of angst. He wears a red mask and wields a pair of sai. He is named after Raphael Sanzio.
# Michelangelo - The easy-going and free-spirited Michelangelo provides much of the comic relief. While he loves to read comics and eat pizza, this Turtle also has an adventurous side. He wears an orange mask and wields the nunchaku. He is named after Michelangelo Buonarroti.
# Donatello - The brilliant scientist, inventor, and technology geek, Donatello has a reputation as something of a wiseacre. He is perhaps the most non-violent Turtle, preferring to use his intellect to solve conflicts. He wears a purple mask and wields the bo. He is named after Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi.

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