USA is #7! USA used to be #1


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
We dropped from 5th place to 7th place since last year.

"This year’s report findings show that Switzerland tops the overall rankings in The Global Competitiveness Report for the fourth consecutive year. Singapore remains in second position with Finland, in third position, overtaking Sweden 4th). These and other Northern and Western European countries dominate the top 10 with the Netherlands, Germany and United Kingdom respectively ranked 5th, 6th and 8th. The United States (7th), Hong Kong (9th) and Japan (10th) complete the top 10."

Global Competitiveness | World Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness

The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 | World Economic Forum - The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009
...USA is #7! USA used to be #1 We dropped from 5th place to 7th place since last year...
Hey guy, you got it all wrong. It's not that America went down, what happened is that Switzerland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, and Germany got better!
What was it when Obama took office? The U.S. is quickly dropping off the top 10 list. Don't our politicians make us proud!
Obama will be remembered in the history books as the president that lead the collapse of the United states.


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USA is #7! USA used to be #1

Yea,that Obama guy is breaking all kinds of records these days,,,,,,,:9:
We can NOT afford to have Obama for another 4 years!!
Where's all this GOOD that he's done that the libs are talking about? And they'll still vote for him!
7th? I didn't think we were that good. I'm thinkin' if Obama is re-elected we'll be a lot worse than that in 4 years.
US competitiveness will be nil if we stick ourselves with four years of:

► A “speculation tax” on Wall Street covering all investment

► A higher capital gains tax rate.

► A reinstated estate tax.

► A single-payer health care system.

► Nationalized U.S. education system, including federal
control of curriculum and federalized standards.

► A carbon tax on utilities.

► A special windfall profits tax on oil companies to
subsidize renewable energy projects.

► Expunging criminal records of many felons.

► Socializing the private credit-scoring system used
by banks, insurers and employers.

► Socializing lending to small businesses.

► Higher taxes, including a value-added tax, on the
middle class for new transfer payments for the poor.

► Suing towns to force public-housing integration of
the suburbs.

► Bolstering the Community Reinvestment Act.

► Packing the the Supreme Court with leftists.

► Minimum living wage.

► Universal 401(k) for the poor.

► Wage insurance.
The U.S. has consistently produced 20-26% of the total world production for the past 50 years.

What has Switzerland, Singapore or Hong Kong produced? doodley-squat.

The American people have been totally victumized by capitalism run amuck. We have been betrayed by the very financial system that we saved from communism.

Those that do they real work and create the wealth get next to nothing while a bunch of unproductive fat cats get it all.

Switzerland was safe harbor for the European royalty during the revolutions of the 1800s, as it was for the fortunes of the Nazis. Lenin and Stalin did their banking there as well..

Now after 30 years of supply-side economics, we've had a GOP primary candidate (Bachman) who is a Swiss citizen, and a GOP candidate that does his banking there.

Do you see the writing on the wall yet? Can you connect the dots?
7th? I didn't think we were that good. I'm thinkin' if Obama is re-elected we'll be a lot worse than that in 4 years.
US competitiveness will be nil if we stick ourselves with four years of:

► A “speculation tax” on Wall Street covering all investment

► A higher capital gains tax rate.

► A reinstated estate tax.

► A single-payer health care system.

► Nationalized U.S. education system, including federal
control of curriculum and federalized standards.

► A carbon tax on utilities.

► A special windfall profits tax on oil companies to
subsidize renewable energy projects.

► Expunging criminal records of many felons.

► Socializing the private credit-scoring system used
by banks, insurers and employers.

► Socializing lending to small businesses.

► Higher taxes, including a value-added tax, on the
middle class for new transfer payments for the poor.

► Suing towns to force public-housing integration of
the suburbs.

► Bolstering the Community Reinvestment Act.

► Packing the the Supreme Court with leftists.

► Minimum living wage.

► Universal 401(k) for the poor.

► Wage insurance.

The U.S. was a semi-socialist country - probably the most Marxist country that ever existed - from 1932 to 2000.

At the same time America became the most advanced nation that has ever existed. We WERE number ONE at almost everything.

So your assertions are pure BULLSHIT. It's conservative policies, implemented since the 1980s, that have slowly but surely been destroying America.
The U.S. was a semi-socialist country - probably the most Marxist country that ever existed - from 1932 to 2000.

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! The USSR, Cuba, East Germany, Albania, Cambodia, Red China were Marxist while the USA more capitalist.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??
The U.S. has consistently produced 20-26% of the total world production for the past 50 years.

What has Switzerland, Singapore or Hong Kong produced? doodley-squat.

The American people have been totally victumized by capitalism run amuck. We have been betrayed by the very financial system that we saved from communism.

Those that do they real work and create the wealth get next to nothing while a bunch of unproductive fat cats get it all.

Switzerland was safe harbor for the European royalty during the revolutions of the 1800s, as it was for the fortunes of the Nazis. Lenin and Stalin did their banking there as well..

Now after 30 years of supply-side economics, we've had a GOP primary candidate (Bachman) who is a Swiss citizen, and a GOP candidate that does his banking there.

Do you see the writing on the wall yet? Can you connect the dots?

So let's go after Big Business and see how that turns out. :lol::lol::lol:
The U.S. has consistently produced 20-26% of the total world production for the past 50 years.

What has Switzerland, Singapore or Hong Kong produced? doodley-squat.

The American people have been totally victumized by capitalism run amuck. We have been betrayed by the very financial system that we saved from communism.

Those that do they real work and create the wealth get next to nothing while a bunch of unproductive fat cats get it all.

Switzerland was safe harbor for the European royalty during the revolutions of the 1800s, as it was for the fortunes of the Nazis. Lenin and Stalin did their banking there as well..

Now after 30 years of supply-side economics, we've had a GOP primary candidate (Bachman) who is a Swiss citizen, and a GOP candidate that does his banking there.

Do you see the writing on the wall yet? Can you connect the dots?

So let's go after Big Business and see how that turns out. :lol::lol::lol:

let's correct the liberal housing crisis that caused this depression and see how that turns out.

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