US State Dept Puts $700,000 into Hungarian Media, Demands ‘Programming’ Against Orban

So lemme get this straight ----

The Gummint putting $700,000 into Hungarian broadcasting to influence local politics is bad, while the same Gummint putting the same $700,000 into NFL broadcasting to influence American politics is good.....

----- thanks for clearing that up.
So lemme get this straight ----

The Gummint putting $700,000 into Hungarian broadcasting to influence local politics is bad, while the same Gummint putting the same $700,000 into NFL broadcasting to influence American politics is good.....

----- thanks for clearing that up.

Your comment is idiotic ogo.

Since when has Hungary been an American State? Thats right never.

America needs to GTFO and stop interferring in Sovereign nations domestic politics, America has pulled the crap for decades interferring in Sovereign nations domestic politics. GTFO of this Continent, the politics of the European Continent and our nations are nothing to do with America.
So lemme get this straight ----

The Gummint putting $700,000 into Hungarian broadcasting to influence local politics is bad, while the same Gummint putting the same $700,000 into NFL broadcasting to influence American politics is good.....

----- thanks for clearing that up.

Your comment is idiotic ogo.

Since when has Hungary been an American State? Thats right never.

America needs to GTFO and stop interferring in Sovereign nations domestic politics, America has pulled the crap for decades interferring in Sovereign nations domestic politics. GTFO.

Oh I agree Oosie. We have what's called the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) who request and allocate taxpayer funds to fuel media propaganda outlets like "Radio Free Europe" and "Radio/TV Marti". This Hungarian thing is part of what it does. Another part of what it does is run the most powerful shortwave station in the world, right here in my state, and a large part of what that facility does is simply jam broadcasts from Cuba by broadcasting noise to disrupt it.

And then we have a contingent of political wags who bitch and moan about Government offering minimal support to public broadcasting --- a tiny fraction of what the same service gets in, say, Germany --- and yet they have nothing to say about the BBG pissing away all this taxpayer money on this shit.

I know a lot about propaganda broadcasting Oosie. At age 14 I built my own shortwave radio and monitored them from around the world and to this day have QSL correspondence they sent me, including from Hungary.

My post here was not about Hungary though. It was about the NFL, which was shamed into returning, as it happens, the same amount of money ($723,000 and change) to the government which had bribed it to stage a bunch of pseudo-patriotic bullshit at football games. You may have heard of the whole "standing for the national anthem" canard --- that's part of it. It was a scandal when it was revealed they were doing that.

Again --- more propaganda, via broadcasting. I know a lot about broadcasting; it was my career. Anyway I loved the irony that here's a poster wailing about $700,000 pissed away on propaganda in Hungary, yet he's all in with $700,000 being pissed away on propaganda in the US.

I love me some Double Standard pretzels.

Say did you see the short-lived poster who joined yesterday for her fifteen minutes of fame using a parody of your name? Hee hee.
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So lemme get this straight ----

The Gummint putting $700,000 into Hungarian broadcasting to influence local politics is bad, while the same Gummint putting the same $700,000 into NFL broadcasting to influence American politics is good.....

----- thanks for clearing that up.
Good lord, did you just dream up all that shit?
So lemme get this straight ----

The Gummint putting $700,000 into Hungarian broadcasting to influence local politics is bad, while the same Gummint putting the same $700,000 into NFL broadcasting to influence American politics is good.....

----- thanks for clearing that up.

Your comment is idiotic ogo.

Since when has Hungary been an American State? Thats right never.

America needs to GTFO and stop interferring in Sovereign nations domestic politics, America has pulled the crap for decades interferring in Sovereign nations domestic politics. GTFO.

Oh I agree Oosie. We have what's called the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) who request and allocate taxpayer funds to fuel media propaganda outlets like "Radio Free Europe" and "Radio/TV Marti". This Hungarian thing is part of what it does. Another part of what it does is run the most powerful shortwave station in the world, right here in my state, and a large part of what that facility does is simply jam broadcasts from Cuba by broadcasting noise to disrupt it.

And then we have a contingent of political wags who bitch and moan about Government offering minimal support to public broadcasting --- a tiny fraction of what the same service gets in, say, Germany --- and yet they have nothing to say about the BBG pissing away all this taxpayer money on this shit.

I know a lot about propaganda broadcasting Oosie. At age 14 I built my own shortwave radio and monitored them from around the world and to this day have QSL correspondence they sent me, including from Hungary.

My post here was not about Hungary though. It was about the NFL, which was shamed into returning, as it happens, the same amount of money ($723,000 and change) to the government which had bribed it to stage a bunch of pseudo-patriotic bullshit at football games. You may have heard of the whole "standing for the national anthem" canard --- that's part of it. It was a scandal when it was revealed they were doing that.

Again --- more propaganda, via broadcasting. I know a lot about broadcasting; it was my career. Anyway I loved the irony that here's a poster wailing about $700,000 pissed away on propaganda in Hungary, yet he's all in with $700,000 being pissed away on propaganda in the US. I love me some Double Standard pretzels.

Say did you see the short-lived poster who joined yesterday for her fifteen minutes of fame using a parody of your name? Hee hee.

What is NFL?

Um your last comment, yes and No Comment.
So lemme get this straight ----

The Gummint putting $700,000 into Hungarian broadcasting to influence local politics is bad, while the same Gummint putting the same $700,000 into NFL broadcasting to influence American politics is good.....

----- thanks for clearing that up.
Good lord, did you just dream up all that shit?

Good lord, have you been asleep for two years?

By the way don't call me "lord". I prefer "Your Eminence". More syllables.
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So lemme get this straight ----

The Gummint putting $700,000 into Hungarian broadcasting to influence local politics is bad, while the same Gummint putting the same $700,000 into NFL broadcasting to influence American politics is good.....

----- thanks for clearing that up.
Good lord, did you just dream up all that shit?

Good lord, have you been asleep for two years?
basque is cool with giving the NFL 700K to influence politics?
So lemme get this straight ----

The Gummint putting $700,000 into Hungarian broadcasting to influence local politics is bad, while the same Gummint putting the same $700,000 into NFL broadcasting to influence American politics is good.....

----- thanks for clearing that up.

Your comment is idiotic ogo.

Since when has Hungary been an American State? Thats right never.

America needs to GTFO and stop interferring in Sovereign nations domestic politics, America has pulled the crap for decades interferring in Sovereign nations domestic politics. GTFO.

Oh I agree Oosie. We have what's called the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) who request and allocate taxpayer funds to fuel media propaganda outlets like "Radio Free Europe" and "Radio/TV Marti". This Hungarian thing is part of what it does. Another part of what it does is run the most powerful shortwave station in the world, right here in my state, and a large part of what that facility does is simply jam broadcasts from Cuba by broadcasting noise to disrupt it.

And then we have a contingent of political wags who bitch and moan about Government offering minimal support to public broadcasting --- a tiny fraction of what the same service gets in, say, Germany --- and yet they have nothing to say about the BBG pissing away all this taxpayer money on this shit.

I know a lot about propaganda broadcasting Oosie. At age 14 I built my own shortwave radio and monitored them from around the world and to this day have QSL correspondence they sent me, including from Hungary.

My post here was not about Hungary though. It was about the NFL, which was shamed into returning, as it happens, the same amount of money ($723,000 and change) to the government which had bribed it to stage a bunch of pseudo-patriotic bullshit at football games. You may have heard of the whole "standing for the national anthem" canard --- that's part of it. It was a scandal when it was revealed they were doing that.

Again --- more propaganda, via broadcasting. I know a lot about broadcasting; it was my career. Anyway I loved the irony that here's a poster wailing about $700,000 pissed away on propaganda in Hungary, yet he's all in with $700,000 being pissed away on propaganda in the US. I love me some Double Standard pretzels.

Say did you see the short-lived poster who joined yesterday for her fifteen minutes of fame using a parody of your name? Hee hee.

What is NFL?

Um your last comment, yes and No Comment.

National Football League. Almost a social religion here especially this time of year. Big big media splash every week hyping a dozen different games.

Whelp, the Department of Defense thought they could get away with pimping fake patriotism (so that they could sell military recruitment) by throwing taxpayer money at big-splash media sports events like that. Marching bands, jet planes, costumes, and trotting out players to pose as marionettes while the national anthem plays. Rah rah and all that.

When it was exposed about 2-3 years ago it was a scandal and the NFL publicly returned $723,000 back to the government in shame. Other sports got the same kind of pimp payments but they didn't return the money, and none of us taxpayers got a refund from it.

So with one hand the government is throwing $700k at Hungary to influence its politics, and with the other it's throwing the same amount at the NFL to do the same thing. And the OP thinks that's two different things.
Oh looky here. Carter Page met with Hungarian officials while Trump was running for office.. and now the U.S. is giving money to Hungary. Just more proof of fraud.

Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Hungarian officials in Budapest

Idiot they are giving this money to attempt to undermine Viktor Orbán who happens to openly be a fan of The Donald, this suggests to us that this State Department money has zero to do with The Donald and instead The Usual Suspects have given the order to attempt to undermine Viktor Orbán because he's against the International Globalists Agenda.

Lol you don't think Tillerson pulls the strings at the State Department do you? The International Globalists pull the strings at the State Department and they always have, most of them have dual citizenship of course and are not loyal to America but to Others, which is why they keep getting you into all the Wars in the Middle East you have been getting in for 20 plus years, those wars benefit the Others and certainly do not benefit America, but you cannot resist not sending more American soldiers to die as cannon fodder and return home in body bags for those Others can you. No.
You know what's funny about this title?

"Orban" is the name of a US company that makes audio chain equipment for radio stations.


Ah, I guess you have to be a radio engineer................
Oh looky here. Carter Page met with Hungarian officials while Trump was running for office.. and now the U.S. is giving money to Hungary. Just more proof of fraud.

Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Hungarian officials in Budapest
Are they not allowed to discuss things like that?
If not, i hope they investigate. They also need to investigate EVERYONE campaign that has done that.. :rolleyes:

Yes, it is against the law to negotiate and make promises on behalf of the U.S. government when you don't have the capacity to do so. It's a violation of the Logan Act.
Oh looky here. Carter Page met with Hungarian officials while Trump was running for office.. and now the U.S. is giving money to Hungary. Just more proof of fraud.

Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Hungarian officials in Budapest
Are they not allowed to discuss things like that?
If not, i hope they investigate. They also need to investigate EVERYONE campaign that has done that.. :rolleyes:

Yes, it is against the law to negotiate and make promises on behalf of the U.S. government when you don't have the capacity to do so. It's a violation of the Logan Act.
Lol how do you know thats what they did? Does that fake college you attend teach you to read minds or time travel?
Oh looky here. Carter Page met with Hungarian officials while Trump was running for office.. and now the U.S. is giving money to Hungary. Just more proof of fraud.

Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Hungarian officials in Budapest

Idiot they are giving this money to attempt to undermine Viktor Orbán who happens to openly be a fan of The Donald, this suggests to us that this State Department money has zero to do with The Donald and instead The Usual Suspects have given the order to attempt to undermine Viktor Orbán because he's against the International Globalists Agenda.

Lol you don't think Tillerson pulls the strings at the State Department do you? The International Globalists pull the strings at the State Department and they always have, most of them have dual citizenship of course and are not loyal to America but to Others, which is why they keep getting you into all the Wars in the Middle East you have been getting in for 20 plus years, those wars benefit the Others and certainly do not benefit America, but you cannot resist not sending more American soldiers to die as cannon fodder and return home in body bags for those Others can you. No.

Tillerson and the Donald have worked to destroy the State Department. Tillerson is even being taken to task on his position in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan for not including them on a list for using child soldiers.

The world around Trump is crashing down, and it will get much uglier than anyone will realize... even people who live in Europe and have no clue what they are talking about. :poke:
Oh looky here. Carter Page met with Hungarian officials while Trump was running for office.. and now the U.S. is giving money to Hungary. Just more proof of fraud.

Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Hungarian officials in Budapest
Are they not allowed to discuss things like that?
If not, i hope they investigate. They also need to investigate EVERYONE campaign that has done that.. :rolleyes:

Whoever Carter Page is this is completely unrelated to whatever he was doing in Hungary, if he was on The Donald's campaign then he'd be pro-Viktor Orbán and this money that is being given is being given to undermine Viktor Orbán.

BTW Viktor Orbán is massively popular in Hungary and will easily be re-elected again. The Usual Suspects are wasting time and money with this attempt at interferring in yet ANOTHER Sovereign nation, the list is long it must total 100 plus nations that America has constantly interferred with or attempted to interfere with, I'm sure The Usual Suspects has thought of just assassinating Viktor Orbán and/or getting the CIA to help with a coup like they have done in countless nations over the decades.

I repeat America GTFO, who the fuck do you think you are fuck off with your American Exceptionalism and wanting EVERY fucking nation on the planet to either be an American vassal or you'll put Unilateral Sanctions on them and/or threaten to bomb them.

I do not blame America per se, the problem is that the International Globalists are squatting in Washington DC and New York City and they tell every American President what foreign policy he does and does not do, it would benefit America if an American President could tell them to GTFO....oh I forgot JFK did that and he was assassinated.

The EU has threatened to put sanctions on America for a variety of products, WTF EU just do it already. America is no friend of the European Continent, we already have known this for decades.
Oh looky here. Carter Page met with Hungarian officials while Trump was running for office.. and now the U.S. is giving money to Hungary. Just more proof of fraud.

Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Hungarian officials in Budapest
Are they not allowed to discuss things like that?
If not, i hope they investigate. They also need to investigate EVERYONE campaign that has done that.. :rolleyes:

Yes, it is against the law to negotiate and make promises on behalf of the U.S. government when you don't have the capacity to do so. It's a violation of the Logan Act.
Lol how do you know thats what they did? Does that fake college you attend teach you to read minds or time travel?

Yeah... it doesn't take a college degree to see what is going on. It does take more than one brain cells to rub together.

Out of all the countries in the world Carter Page travels to Russia and Hungary... and no here we are messing around in Hungary? :spinner:
Oh looky here. Carter Page met with Hungarian officials while Trump was running for office.. and now the U.S. is giving money to Hungary. Just more proof of fraud.

Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Hungarian officials in Budapest
Are they not allowed to discuss things like that?
If not, i hope they investigate. They also need to investigate EVERYONE campaign that has done that.. :rolleyes:

Whoever Carter Page is this is completely unrelated to whatever he was doing in Hungary, if he was on The Donald's campaign then he'd be pro-Viktor Orbán and this money that is being given is being given to undermine Viktor Orbán.

BTW Viktor Orbán is massively popular in Hungary and will easily be re-elected again. The Usual Suspects are wasting time and money with this attempt at interferring in yet ANOTHER Sovereign nation, the list is long it must total 100 plus nations that America has constantly interferred with or attempted to interfere with, I'm sure The Usual Suspects has thought of just assassinating Viktor Orbán and/or getting the CIA to help with a coup like they have done in countless nations over the decades.

I repeat America GTFO, who the fuck do you think you are fuck off with your American Exceptionalism and wanting EVERY fucking nation on the planet to either be an American vassal or you'll put Unilateral Sanctions on them and/or threaten to bomb them.

The EU has threatened to put sanctions on America for a variety of products, WTF EU just do it already. America is no friend of the European Continent, we already have known this for decades.

If you don't know who Carter Page is, then you shouldn't even be wasting people's time with your posts. :thup:

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