US Says Turkey Among Worst Violators Of Religious Freedom


Jun 29, 2011
Quran 60:4
We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"

A new report from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom shines the light on 16 nations for violating religious rights.

This year, Turkey joins the list of the worst violators, which includes Tajikistan, Myanmar, North Korea, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

Turkey was cited by the commission for "systematic and egregious limitations" on religious liberty.

Turkey Named in Religious Rights Abuse Report - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
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The tiny (budget $3 million, staff of about 20) advisory panel has long been, as our colleague Michelle Boorstein noted, “rife . . . with ideology and tribalism” and oft-accused of an anti-Muslim bias. (And the members are not even paid.)
The Washington Post

Turkey: US religion report null, void
“The report, which is prepared by politicians representing some interest groups, contradicts the findings of U.S. State Department’s annual reports so far,” the ministry said in a written statement.
RIGHTS - Turkey: US religion report null, void
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Applications to the European Court of Human Rights

Turkey : 1,18 applications per 10.000 population, total applications: 8702

Sweden: 2,02 applications per 10.000 population, total applications: 1899

Serbia: 5,1 applications per 10.000 population, total applications: 3730

Turkey's population is multiple the size of Serbia+Sweden combined.
They still have higher application-rates to European Court per 10.000 population.

When will Israel sign European Convention on Human Rights and grant the Palestinians the right to sue Israel at European Court of Human Rights?
You don't have the same standards as Turkey has.
Turkey signed the convention and its judiciary is subordinated to a transnational Court, and all of its citizens have access and right to sue Turkey at Strassbourg.
If Israel would've signed European Convention on Human Rights, and the Palestinians had access to Human Rights Court in Strassbourg they'd file a record number of applications due to Israel dropping phosphor-bombs upon them and pumping out their drinking-water to redirdect it to Israel settlements.

If you don't measure yourself by same standards, you don't have right to talk.
Mabye USA should sign European Convention on Human Rights also and by that subordinate its judiciary to European Court of Human Rights.
I'd be interested to see, what the European Court of Human Rights would rule about things like Fallujah, Guantanamo or Abu-Ghraib.

But that will never happen, off course, some people prefer to point the finger at others instead the finger pointed at them.
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US Criticizes Human Rights Violations In Turkey :clap2:
Unlawful killings, poor prison conditions, excessively long trials and limits on freedom of expression are among the alleged human-rights violations in Turkey that the U.S. State Department denounced in a recent report.

“Security forces committed unlawful killings; the number of arrests and prosecutions in these cases was low compared to the number of incidents, and convictions remained rare,” the State Department said late Friday in the section devoted to Turkey in its annual report on the status of human rights throughout the world.

U.S. officials also commented on the recent arrests of Turkish journalists, which came too late to be included in this report, saying they would be monitored and addressed in next year’s survey.

During the year human-rights organizations reported cases of torture, beatings and abuse by security forces. Prison conditions improved but remained poor, with overcrowding and insufficient staff training,” the State Department said in its 2010 human-rights report.

“The overly close relationship between judges and prosecutors continued to hinder the right to a fair trial. Excessively long trials were a problem. The government limited freedom of expression through the use of constitutional restrictions and numerous laws,” the State Department said.

“Press freedom declined during the year. There were limitations on Internet freedom. Courts and an independent board ordered telecommunications providers to block access to Web sites on numerous occasions,” it said in the report. “Violence against women, including honor killings and rape, remained a widespread problem.”

TURKEY - US criticizes 'human rights violations' in Turkey
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If Israel would've signed European Convention on Human Rights, and the Palestinians had access to Human Rights Court in Strassbourg they'd file a record number of applications due to Israel dropping phosphor-bombs upon them and pumping out their drinking-water to redirdect it to Israel settlements.

If you don't measure yourself by same standards, you don't have right to talk.

Turkey is a turkey. Suck it up, muslime loser. :badgrin:

Warren Buffett
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make

[ame=]Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube[/ame]
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If Israel would've signed European Convention on Human Rights, and the Palestinians had access to Human Rights Court in Strassbourg they'd file a record number of applications due to Israel dropping phosphor-bombs upon them and pumping out their drinking-water to redirdect it to Israel settlements.

If you don't measure yourself by same standards, you don't have right to talk.
:badgrin: :clap2:

Coming from a turkey. turkeys oppressed the Arabs and denied Arab independence for 400 years of Ottoman rule, dumbass.

Maybe, open a book and learn your own history, ignorant muslime.
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The tiny (budget $3 million, staff of about 20) advisory panel has long been, as our colleague Michelle Boorstein noted, “rife . . . with ideology and tribalism” and oft-accused of an anti-Muslim bias. (And the members are not even paid.)
The Washington Post

Turkey: US religion report null, void
“The report, which is prepared by politicians representing some interest groups, contradicts the findings of U.S. State Department’s annual reports so far,” the ministry said in a written statement.
RIGHTS - Turkey: US religion report null, void

Null and void. So says Turkey.

We're not slaughtering our people. So says Syria.

See the comparison. :)
US Says Turkey Among Worst Violators Of Religious Freedom

I was not aware that turkeys had any religion at all.

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