US/Russia Uranium Enrichment Deal = Stuff of Nightmares!!!

May 27, 2009
Here Read:

+ Radioactive Contamination Caused By Nuclear Fuel Cycle Operation In Russia / Socio-Ecological Union:

--"Russia is considered one of the most radioactively contaminated countries in the world. It was caused by:

* nuclear weapons testing; plutonium production; dumping activities and naval nuclear reactors; uranium enrichment plants; fuel fabrication plants; reactors of nuclear power plants; reprocessing plants;nuclear explosions (tests); satellite failures.

* Mayak = plutonium production facility = three major radioactive catastrophies; Siberian Chemical Combine = plutonium production facility = over 40 incidents; Krasnoyarsk Mining Chemical Combine = the Enisey floodlands are contaminated ... along the whole flow of the river up its mouth in the Kara Sea; Chernobyl = fires in contaminated forests result in new contamination; Leningradskaya NPP = tons of liquid radioactive waste discharged into the Baltic sea.

*Fuel fabrication = drainage of liquid radioactive waste into public areas.
Enrichment plants = scientists from Russian Academy of Sciences = there is drainage of contaminated water in the direction of the closest river.”

+ Nuclear Power Myth And Reality--The risks and prospects of nuclear power / Heinrich Boll Foundation:

"The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

The use of nuclear energy involves the work of several very different industrial plants. Each of these plant types has a specific hazardous potential. It starts with the dust in uranium mines, continues with potential and actual radioactive burdens in cases or normal operations, accidents for workers in the nuclear facilities of people living nearby, and ends with the possible contamination of groundwater in a final repository for radioactive waste.

The enrichment results in a large amount of depleted uranium [tails].

With the foreseeable end of the availability of secondary resources, and proposals for the expansion of nuclear power generation being made in several countries, the situation is changing again; uranium might once again become a scarce resource that has to be mined at high environmental cost.... Given that the secondary resources will expire in less than ten years, uranium production from mines will have to nearly double to meet demands at current levels.

Particularly serious is the uranium supply situation of Russia: Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia has been cut off from major uranium resources, mainly in Kazakhstan.... Russian officials now even propose to mine large, uneconomical low-grade deposits in Yakutia--just to get any uranium at all.... Therefore, nuclear power could run on, if more and more low-grade and marginal uranium deposits would be mined--at high environmental and monetary cost.

The fast breeder technology once promised ... However, technical problems have caused the shutdown of all prototype reactors, except for he one in Russia."

+ Uranium Enrichment--Process to Privatize the U.S. Enrichment Corporation Needs to Be Strengthened / GAO

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