US Regime goes mad over Turkey´s S-400 order


Nov 14, 2012
The list of punishments the US wants to hit Turkey with should they buy the S-400 just got longer.
They not only want to exclude Turkey from the F-35 program and even from Nato but to destroy the country.

"Sanctions will hit Turkey's economy hard — rattling international markets, scaring away foreign direct investment and crippling Turkey's aerospace and defense industry."

US Congressional Committee Leaders Warn Turkey on F-35, S-400
Why shouldn't Turkey buy a new car?
The list of punishments the US wants to hit Turkey with should they buy the S-400 just got longer.
They not only want to exclude Turkey from the F-35 program and even from Nato but to destroy the country.

"Sanctions will hit Turkey's economy hard — rattling international markets, scaring away foreign direct investment and crippling Turkey's aerospace and defense industry."

US Congressional Committee Leaders Warn Turkey on F-35, S-400

Fuck Turkey.
The list of punishments the US wants to hit Turkey with should they buy the S-400 just got longer.
They not only want to exclude Turkey from the F-35 program and even from Nato but to destroy the country.

"Sanctions will hit Turkey's economy hard — rattling international markets, scaring away foreign direct investment and crippling Turkey's aerospace and defense industry."

US Congressional Committee Leaders Warn Turkey on F-35, S-400

Fuck Turkey.
The list of punishments the US wants to hit Turkey with should they buy the S-400 just got longer.
They not only want to exclude Turkey from the F-35 program and even from Nato but to destroy the country.

"Sanctions will hit Turkey's economy hard — rattling international markets, scaring away foreign direct investment and crippling Turkey's aerospace and defense industry."

US Congressional Committee Leaders Warn Turkey on F-35, S-400

Fuck Turkey.
I guess this latest threats have carved the S-400 deal into stone. Erdogan has certainly realized that cooperation with Nato doesn´t pay off. He will certainly move Turkey closer to Russia, China and Iran.

US sanctions on every country. It will mean some day that the US excludes itself from the rest of the world. You, the US citizens, can put an end to this madness.
The list of punishments the US wants to hit Turkey with should they buy the S-400 just got longer.
They not only want to exclude Turkey from the F-35 program and even from Nato but to destroy the country.

"Sanctions will hit Turkey's economy hard — rattling international markets, scaring away foreign direct investment and crippling Turkey's aerospace and defense industry."

US Congressional Committee Leaders Warn Turkey on F-35, S-400

Fuck Turkey.

Pervert ^^^, he wants to commit a fowl crime.
It seems that Trump says right - in its current form Nato is obsolete and ineffective organization. It should be dissolved and a new body should be created instead of it.

Delivery includes 40N6 missile, it is latest missile for S-400 with 400 km range and altitude of 35 km.
Placed on Cyprus there will be no-fly zone in Eastern Mediteranean.

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