US Preparing for a World Without Israel


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal
Israel is a member of Fight Club.........."and this is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.....".

They ain't goin' nowhere!
nah the jews really like that piece of land I doubt they'll leave
Henry Kissinger doesn't agree:
"The New York Post quotes Kissinger 'word for word”: In 10 years, there will be no more Israel. Kissinger's statement is flat and unqualified. He is not saying that Israel is in danger, but could be saved if we just gave it additional trillions of dollars and smashed enough of its enemies with our military. He is not saying that if we elect Netanyahu's old friend Mitt Romney, Israel could somehow be salvaged. He is not saying that if we bomb Iran, Israel might survive. He is not offering a way out. He is simply stating a fact: In 2022, Israel will no longer exist."
PressTV-Kissinger endorses world without Israel
Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

The exploitation of Jewish capital on Palestine must stop. Jews should be gassed.
Be careful what you wish for George.........................You might not like the ending............

The Wimp in Chief doesn't have much longer in office.................and you might find someone with a spine in their next.................

We will not continue to bow to places like Iran much longer.................

and BTW.............keep chanting DEATH TO AMERICA in places like Iran and we'll destroy Israel by the scum who cause all this shit................and eventually someone is going to be saying here we are.............KILL US..............................

and fight the battle without the BS rules any more......................and you will not like the ending...........

That's the deal...........America hasn't abandoned Israel...............we just have a chump in office now.
Kissinger will be dead in 10 he can afford to be wrong. (Sometimes ya' just can't take the nazi out of the German....).
They've been trying to rid the world of Israel for ages and are still flummoxed
"The far-right in Israel may have given prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu his election victory after he officially promised not to recognize any Palestinian state and his racist remarks on Palestinian citizens, but the victory margin of Likud and other extremist Zionist parties that deny basic Palestinian rights are further evidence of a decisive shift among Jewish-Israelis to the far-right camp, dropping any pretense of seeking a just peace, leading Palestinian civil society activists said today."
Payback's still a bitch.
Israel votes for permanent occupation and apartheid it must face international isolation
They've been trying to rid the world of Israel for ages and are still flummoxed
"The far-right in Israel may have given prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu his election victory after he officially promised not to recognize any Palestinian state and his racist remarks on Palestinian citizens, but the victory margin of Likud and other extremist Zionist parties that deny basic Palestinian rights are further evidence of a decisive shift among Jewish-Israelis to the far-right camp, dropping any pretense of seeking a just peace, leading Palestinian civil society activists said today."
Payback's still a bitch.
Israel votes for permanent occupation and apartheid it must face international isolation

The only thing I can't stand more than a liberal left loon is an anti Semite liberal left loon. You people need help

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