US politicians should not punish Russian people. Because when the USA invaded Iraq Americans were not punished.

You are being fair, but in my opinion, the invasion of Iraq was still a good thing.

For one thing, if youre were to ask anyone in Iraq today if they could turn back time, erase the Iraq war and have Saddam and his psycho sons ruling them, you arent going to find any takers.

Secondly, we drew terrorists from all over the Middle East into a meat grinder. We killed many thousands of terrorists.

Thirdly, we put the world on notice. Fuck with the US and we might just go apeshit.
I support the US military 100%. The men and women of the military I stand by 100%. Same with our firefighters and police police force. That’s the American way and the left wing doesn’t like it.

Well, I know quite a few Iraqi people. All of them said it was a much better country under Saddam. They even had a Christian vice president.

Trump praised Saddam as a man who eliminated the terrorists…. Some of the curbs, and he rocked and not like the situation, but even many of them faithfully served the Ba’ath government

I even spoke with an Italian Palestinian guy today at the casino. He was telling me that some of his relatives from Palestine worked in Iraq and they all thought it was the greatest country in the Middle East in the 1970s and 80s.

I mean remember the USA and Iraq work together against the fundamentalist Islamic Iran in the 1980s. Unfortunately the relationship between Iraq and the USA went sour following Iraq invasion of Kuwait.

Maybe the USA should’ve just gone after afghanistan in 2003 instead of Iraq. It is to say only Afghanistan, because they were harboring AQ. I think George W. Bush had a personal vendetta against Saddam and it was more of a personal war. Compared to Russia and Ukraine, which is more of a event where some portion of Russians and Ukrainians want a return to Ukraine,
being a part of Russia.
Thats isnt true. Israel has the lowest civilian to soldier death ratio in world history in their current war in Gaza. Its a fact that no one seems to recognize.
The number show that 10 of thousands of civilians have been killed by Israel. 30,000 killed by Israel and 2/3 of them are civilians.

I think that Hamas only took out a few hundred Israeli civilians on October 7. Most of those casualties were Israel military personnel. Or somehow related to the Israeli military

But I want to make it really important that I respect the many Russian Jews, faithfully serving Israel. Some of the Russian news sites have showed both sides of the story there and I think that’s quite interesting. There’s something like 1 million Russian Jews living in Israel.

Anyway, I see no problem especially as a Christian, and an American providing my opinion that the US military goes way out of its way to avoid civilian deaths way more than Israel or Hamas do.

It’s really important that the world understands that the Arab Christians are also vehemently critical of Israel. Remember that that thing with Ted Cruz getting booed by Lebanese Christians for supporting Israel.
You cant blame the actions of lone wolves on the US. Some humans are simply bad.
Exactly and it’s a similar situation in Ukraine. Most Russian soldiers are honorable people. They even served by us in World War II in helping to liberate the concentration camps to save many Jews.

The whole point is, there’s no need to sanction the Russian people. They shouldn’t have to pay the prices. It doesn’t make any sense diplomatically speaking. Because Russia, in the USA are both a part of the UN security council, and they should somehow find a way to continue to work together, even if one of them invades a third-party. it’s just not right the American people were not punished for us in Iraq
I support the US military 100%. The men and women of the military I stand by 100%. Same with our firefighters and police police force. That’s the American way and the left wing doesn’t like it.

Well, I know quite a few Iraqi people. All of them said it was a much better country under Saddam. They even had a Christian vice president.

Trump praised Saddam as a man who eliminated the terrorists…. Some of the curbs, and he rocked and not like the situation, but even many of them faithfully served the Ba’ath government

I even spoke with an Italian Palestinian guy today at the casino. He was telling me that some of his relatives from Palestine worked in Iraq and they all thought it was the greatest country in the Middle East in the 1970s and 80s.

I mean remember the USA and Iraq work together against the fundamentalist Islamic Iran in the 1980s. Unfortunately the relationship between Iraq and the USA went sour following Iraq invasion of Kuwait.

Maybe the USA should’ve just gone after afghanistan in 2003 instead of Iraq. It is to say only Afghanistan, because they were harboring AQ. I think George W. Bush had a personal vendetta against Saddam and it was more of a personal war. Compared to Russia and Ukraine, which is more of a event where some portion of Russians and Ukrainians want a return to Ukraine,
being a part of Russia.
You have to consider how things would have gone if we didnt kill Saddam. For one, we almost certainly would have seen Iraq and Iran go through a bloody war by now, so they both dodged that awful scenario. We also would have a nuclear arms race between the two nations.

And god only knows what would happen if one of his crazy sons took over.
Because Biden supporters are often uneducated and have a short attention span I will put this in the first paragraph. Please keep in mind when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003 … American people were not sanctioned by Russia or the international world. Americans were free to travel where they wanted. They could go to Spain or have a good time in Asia and use their credit card and debit cards.

The various sanctions that the United States has influenced on Russia has had a dramatic effect on the Russian people.

Along with Belarusians, for example.

For example, a Russian or Belarusian has a difficult time traveling now. And they cannot use their debit or credit cards in foreign countries. They’re blocked.

I was informed of this by a Belarusian here in Cambodia along with some Russians in Thailand. This is disgraceful. As an American hearing them telling me “yeah man we can’t use our credit or debit cards When we travel we have to bring a bunch of cash.”

The Russians and Russians are our fellow Christians. These are beautiful people. They also have diverse cultures. There are Jews and Muslims within their ranks. Such wonderful people. Of course they stood tall in World War II on our side.

A lot of our fellow Americans don’t travel anywhere. They’re not aware of the world around them. Whatever they are told by CNN or Fox News is what they believe…..They should explore the world learn about different countries or at least read a book or watch documentaries about the Russian people … that’s actually the liberal way.


Iraq War II was merely Dubya finishing Daddy's war.

Most of the world saw Iraq as a resurgent threat and wanted Saddam Hussein gone.

Ukraine was neither a threat - resurgent or otherwise - nor did the world did not want Zelensky gone.

Iraq had invaded Kurwait a decade before and was making noises like it was going to rebuild in anticipation of aggression.

Ukraine made no such noises and had already been robbed of the Crimea in 2014 by the goddamned thieving Russians.

Russians are neither intelligent enough nor courageous enough to rule themselves...

They rely on dictatorial Strong Men to do their macro-level thinking for them, and follow such Strong Men like sheep...

Therefore rendering themselves Beyond the Pale and beyond caring in your context here...

Phukk 'em... right, Ivan, tvaritch?
( goddamned Russian fifth-columnists and their fellow traveler American useful idiots ) :fu:
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The number show that 10 of thousands of civilians have been killed by Israel. 30,000 killed by Israel and 2/3 of them are civilians.

I think that Hamas only took out a few hundred Israeli civilians on October 7. Most of those casualties were Israel military personnel. Or somehow related to the Israeli military

But I want to make it really important that I respect the many Russian Jews, faithfully serving Israel. Some of the Russian news sites have showed both sides of the story there and I think that’s quite interesting. There’s something like 1 million Russian Jews living in Israel.

Anyway, I see no problem especially as a Christian, and an American providing my opinion that the US military goes way out of its way to avoid civilian deaths way more than Israel or Hamas do.

It’s really important that the world understands that the Arab Christians are also vehemently critical of Israel. Remember that that thing with Ted Cruz getting booed by Lebanese Christians for supporting Israel.

The number show that 10 of thousands of civilians have been killed by Israel. 30,000 killed by Israel and 2/3 of them are civilians.

Almost 6 months, why so few dead civilians, according to the terrorists?

It’s really important that the world understands that the Arab Christians are also vehemently critical of Israel.

Couple of hundred left in Gaza, who cares?
You have to consider how things would have gone if we didnt kill Saddam. For one, we almost certainly would have seen Iraq and Iran go through a bloody war by now, so they both dodged that awful scenario. We also would have a nuclear arms race between the two nations.

And god only knows what would happen if one of his crazy sons took over.
But the USA supported secular Iraq in the 1980s in the fight against fundamentalist Iran.

And we all know what happened to Iraq after the invasion…. it saw the rise of ISIL, one of the most bloodthirsty groups to ever exist. They’re kind of like the Vikings, or even worse.

Pakistan and India are big rivals and they’re both nuclear armed yet They’re not about to launch nukes at each other. I don’t think that iraq would have had an interest or desire to start a nuclear war anymore than Pakistan or India would.
Exactly and it’s a similar situation in Ukraine. Most Russian soldiers are honorable people. They even served by us in World War II in helping to liberate the concentration camps to save many Jews.

The whole point is, there’s no need to sanction the Russian people. They shouldn’t have to pay the prices. It doesn’t make any sense diplomatically speaking. Because Russia, in the USA are both a part of the UN security council, and they should somehow find a way to continue to work together, even if one of them invades a third-party. it’s just not right the American people were not punished for us in Iraq
Its not about whats "fair". Its about putting heat on Putin and his government. If we run around being "fair", we are going to lose. No one else plays fair, so we cant either. Ethics and morals are for people, not governments.
Its not about whats "fair". Its about putting heat on Putin and his government. If we run around being "fair", we are going to lose. No one else plays fair, so we cant either. Ethics and morals are for people, not governments.
Agreed. It’s about common sense and doing the right thing that benefits the USA. I don’t think that supporting Ukraine benefits the USA.

Like Russia sending a bunch of weapons to Iraq in 2003 or giving them $100 billion of the best weapons around wouldn’t have actually really helped Russia. So the USA giving military support and financial support to Ukraine to fight Russia doesn’t really help the USA.

After taking consideration that Russia is on the UN Security Council, and is a big player in the world. …it’s a much better world when the USA and Russia work together.
But the USA supported secular Iraq in the 1980s in the fight against fundamentalist Iran.

And we all know what happened to Iraq after the invasion…. it saw the rise of ISIL, one of the most bloodthirsty groups to ever exist. They’re kind of like the Vikings, or even worse.

Pakistan and India are big rivals and they’re both nuclear armed yet They’re not about to launch nukes at each other. I don’t think that iraq would have had an interest or desire to start a nuclear war anymore than Pakistan or India would.
What we did in the 80s doesnt mean much. The world changes so we change with it.

Its not a matter of them launching nukes at each other, its the fact that you cant do much to nuclear nations when they doing something fucked up. They simply get away with virtually every evil scheme they want.
Agreed. It’s about common sense and doing the right thing that benefits the USA. I don’t think that supporting Ukraine benefits the USA.

Like Russia sending a bunch of weapons to Iraq in 2003 or giving them $100 billion of the best weapons around wouldn’t have actually really helped Russia. So the USA giving military support and financial support to Ukraine to fight Russia doesn’t really help the USA.

After taking consideration that Russia is on the UN Security Council, and is a big player in the world. …it’s a much better world when the USA and Russia work together.
We should stop funding the war now and end it, but it was well worth giving Russia a black eye in the beginning.
What we did in the 80s doesnt mean much. The world changes so we change with it.

Its not a matter of them launching nukes at each other, its the fact that you cant do much to nuclear nations when they doing something fucked up. They simply get away with virtually every evil scheme they want.
But Iraq did a lot of good things in the 1980s. They had a vibrant Christian community and a lot of women in the workplace. They’re nothing like fundamentalist Iran or Afghanistan.

Although to be fair, there have been some recent positives in Iran women are covering their hair anymore and nobody’s doing anything about it. And that’s a benefit to the Persian people … the Persian people are trying to start to take control
We should stop funding the war now and end it, but it was well worth giving Russia a black eye in the beginning.
But we’re not getting any dividend payments as American citizens. We’re not getting anything from our assistance to Ukraine, which by the way is a country filled with authoritarianism and corruption issues.

I personally don’t have anything against the Russian people or their culture and I don’t think that we should be harming them because they did not harm us when we invaded Iraq.

This thing in Russia and Ukraine isn’t about morals. It’s something else going on maybe big business that play or something. But we know that there are other military conflicts occurring in Africa and the USA and our media isn’t talking about those. We’re certainly not giving $100 billion to Rwanda or Ethiopia, or one of the African countries involved in a conflict right now.

But it appears that people in the US media and establishment are attempting to sell support of Ukraine as some kind of a moral thing to do. But that just won’t cut. It doesn’t make any sense.

Bottom line it’s one thing to oppose Russia or even support Ukraine. Individual American should be allowed to do that just like it was in the Spanish Civil War. But it’s entirely different when our taxpayer dollars go toward supporting Ukraine. Or when we as a country are deciding to punish Russian people for invading a third-party. It doesn’t make any sense.

I mean it really doesn’t make any logical sense for us to sanction Russia . It would make sense, but only if Russia attacked us.
But Iraq did a lot of good things in the 1980s. They had a vibrant Christian community and a lot of women in the workplace. They’re nothing like fundamentalist Iran or Afghanistan.

Although to be fair, there have been some recent positives in Iran women are covering their hair anymore and nobody’s doing anything about it. And that’s a benefit to the Persian people … the Persian people are trying to start to take control
You can always find a ray of sunshine even in the worst places on Earth, but Iraq was a terrible place. Saddam's government is the only government (in at least modern world history) that employed paid rapists to rape the wives in front of Saddam's political enemies and whatnot. His psycho son Uday was literally kidnapping women off the streets and taking them to his palace where he would rape and torture them. He once took a bride in her wedding dress off the street and killed her husband on the spot, just because he wanted to fuck her.
You can always find a ray of sunshine even in the worst places on Earth, but Iraq was a terrible place. Saddam's government is the only government (in at least modern world history) that employed paid rapists to rape the wives in front of Saddam's political enemies and whatnot. His psycho son Uday was literally kidnapping women off the streets and taking them to his palace where he would rape and torture them. He once took a bride in her wedding dress off the street and killed her husband on the spot, just because he wanted to fuck her.
But that’s not what the Iraqi people say especially the ones I have talked to. I think about how the media sells a war they want to convince us that those things you described have occurred.

I have read saddams sons were bad …. Now, is it true. Only God knows. But that’s not the same thing as the entire Iraqi government apparatus. We have to look at the whole picture here. Look at the positives and look at the negatives.

Don’t you remember the baby incubator story from Kuwait it was a total hoax. They had some Kuwaiti girl rather crying on TV saying the Iraqi soldiers were stealing babies from incubators. It was a hoax.

Atrocity propaganda is a way to sell wars.
But we’re not getting any dividend payments as American citizens. We’re not getting anything from our assistance to Ukraine, which by the way is a country filled with authoritarianism and corruption issues.

I personally don’t have anything against the Russian people or their culture and I don’t think that we should be harming them because they did not harm us when we invaded Iraq.

This thing in Russia and Ukraine isn’t about morals. It’s something else going on maybe big business that play or something. But we know that there are other military conflicts occurring in Africa and the USA and our media isn’t talking about those. We’re certainly not giving $100 billion to Rwanda or Ethiopia, or one of the African countries involved in a conflict right now.

But it appears that people in the US media and establishment are attempting to sell support of Ukraine as some kind of a moral thing to do. But that just won’t cut. It doesn’t make any sense.

Bottom line it’s one thing to oppose Russia or even support Ukraine. Individual American should be allowed to do that just like it was in the Spanish Civil War. But it’s entirely different when our taxpayer dollars go toward supporting Ukraine. Or when we as a country are deciding to punish Russian people for invading a third-party. It doesn’t make any sense.

I mean it really doesn’t make any logical sense for us to sanction Russia . It would make sense, but only if Russia attacked us.
This war slowed Russia down dramatically. They have taken a massive hit and wont be a problem for quite some time. That is good for Americans and the world.
But that’s not what the Iraqi people say especially the ones I have talked to. I think about how the media sells a war they want to convince us that those things you described have occurred.

Don’t you remember the baby incubator story from Kuwait it was a total hoax. They had some Kuwaiti girl rather crying on TV saying the Iraqi soldiers were stealing babies from incubators. It was a total hoax.
Nah, im not accepting that. The stories of Saddam and his sons are well documented. These arent mere rumors.

The number show that 10 of thousands of civilians have been killed by Israel. 30,000 killed by Israel and 2/3 of them are civilians.

I think that Hamas only took out a few hundred Israeli civilians on October 7. Most of those casualties were Israel military personnel. Or somehow related to the Israeli military

But I want to make it really important that I respect the many Russian Jews, faithfully serving Israel. Some of the Russian news sites have showed both sides of the story there and I think that’s quite interesting. There’s something like 1 million Russian Jews living in Israel.

Anyway, I see no problem especially as a Christian, and an American providing my opinion that the US military goes way out of its way to avoid civilian deaths way more than Israel or Hamas do.

It’s really important that the world understands that the Arab Christians are also vehemently critical of Israel. Remember that that thing with Ted Cruz getting booed by Lebanese Christians for supporting Israel.
No. Either you are sadly misinformed, or you are an intentional liar and propagandist.
On 7 October 2023, 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals, including 764 civilians, were killed, and 248 persons taken hostage during the initial attack
Early estimates were much higher than 1,139, but have been revised downward.

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