US orders largest ever military drill to simulate war with N. Korea


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Just days after Pyongyang launched its most advanced ICBM, one which experts warned has the potential to hit a target anywhere on the territory of the United States, North Korea said the U.S. is “begging” for a nuclear war by planning the “largest-ever” joint aerial drill with South Korea just after concluding an exercise with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, Bloomberg reported.
US Orders ‘Largest-Ever’ Military Drill To Simulate War With NKorea

Oh what will the trendy's ever do if this actually popped off because the Clintons hell they might have given fat boy all he needs to hit the US, and what better timing to create distraction as they're trying to get Trump impeached to begin with. Gotta create a lie of some sort Democratic and fake Republicans are great at doing that.

For the mentally challenged who can't find source links.

The nuclear demon is eager for blood. He ate chocolate when he ordered his missiles to kill people, what will he eat when he orders the Armageddon?

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