US History Quizes


VIP Member
Apr 23, 2005
Greensboro, NC USA
I have taken all the tests at this link,
(Yes- I have too much time on my hands):

The questions I answered correctly were
an undistinguished 77%, discounting one,
which I threw out:

“Which best describes the character of
post office murals painted during the Depression?"

No one in his right mind should be able
to answer that!

Also, about half my right answers were made
using the process of elimination, rather than by
knowing the answer off the bat.

I enjoy tests, as long as I don’t have to depend
on them for a grade or a job, and as long as I don’t
have to study for them. I don’t mind publishing
the results either, as long I have a passable score.

Out of 81 tests There were five where I got 50% or less,
and six where I got 100%.

I am curious to know if others here dare these tests,
then talk about them, here.

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