US Gives Tongue-Lashing to Japan for Holding Meetings With Russia


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
This is a very interesting development.


Japan received a tongue-lashing from the United States due to Tokyo’s attempts to hold peace and trade talks with Russia, Radio Free Europe reported.

Washington was worried about Tokyo's recent talks with Moscow on a World War II peace treaty, pointing out to its East Asian ally that it should honor Western sanctions against Russia.

Read more: US Gives Tongue-Lashing to Japan for Holding Meetings With Russia
This is a very interesting development.


Japan received a tongue-lashing from the United States due to Tokyo’s attempts to hold peace and trade talks with Russia, Radio Free Europe reported.

Washington was worried about Tokyo's recent talks with Moscow on a World War II peace treaty, pointing out to its East Asian ally that it should honor Western sanctions against Russia.

Read more: US Gives Tongue-Lashing to Japan for Holding Meetings With Russia
I'd say at this point, the U.S. needs Japan more than Japan needs the U.S.

Unless, of course, China decides to go buckwild.
This is a very interesting development.


Japan received a tongue-lashing from the United States due to Tokyo’s attempts to hold peace and trade talks with Russia, Radio Free Europe reported.

Washington was worried about Tokyo's recent talks with Moscow on a World War II peace treaty, pointing out to its East Asian ally that it should honor Western sanctions against Russia.

Read more: US Gives Tongue-Lashing to Japan for Holding Meetings With Russia
I'd say at this point, the U.S. needs Japan more than Japan needs the U.S.

Unless, of course, China decides to go buckwild.

Have you noticed some strange stuff that has been going on for at least a decade?

China which poses serious threat to the U.S. and its allies is rarely painted as such by the U.S. media but we hear so much noise about Syria and Iran when neither of them are in a capacity to project any real danger to the U.S.

I think Japan is not too happy about the way its security concerns viz China are being dismissed by some in D.C. I think Japan's annoyance is totally understandable. They are being asked to take it easy on China while all the raucous is being made on Syria. Japanese, I think are genuinely disappointed by this.
Another consequence of our having a weak and feckless President.
Another consequence of our having a weak and feckless President.

It does not matter who the president of the U.S. is, the Middle East will always be the center of the U.S. foreign policy.

What happens there, and consequently elsewhere, is very much affected by who we have as President. Just take a look around to see what a clueless, arrogant, spineless buffoon like obama can do (or not do as the case may be), and what happens as a result.
Another consequence of our having a weak and feckless President.

It does not matter who the president of the U.S. is, the Middle East will always be the center of the U.S. foreign policy.

What happens there, and consequently elsewhere, is very much affected by who we have as President. Just take a look around to see what a clueless, arrogant, spineless buffoon like obama can do (or not do as the case may be), and what happens as a result.

In a limited sense, Obama administration did attempt to appease China at the expense of Japan but I do think Obama is spineless or arrogant.

It is a standard Chinese tactics to force countries to denounce Dalai Lama in order to secure Chinese businesses. I think they are testing the water now to see if they can include Japan in this tactics but the thing is Japan is not Tibet.

It is a standard Chinese tactics to force countries to denounce Dalai Lama .....

The CCP does seem pretty obsessed with him. It is not at all difficult to predict what the play will be when he eventually passes away.

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