US cuts off weapons supply to rebel group in southern Syria


Nov 14, 2012
Some developments took place after Trump´s order shut down the rebel factory.

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:35 P.M.) – The Al-Umari Brigade in southern Syria is no longer receiving weapons and ammunition from the U.S. military, the rebel group’s spokesman announced on Saturday, as cited by Smart News Agency.

While the Al-Umari Brigade no longer receives weapons and ammunition, the group’s spokesman did claim that the program to train rebels is still ongoing in Jordan.

However, the program is specifically geared to train rebel fighters to combat the Islamic State (ISIL) forces in Syria, not to fight the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies.

On Friday, one of the largest rebel factions in southern Syria, the Quraytayn Martyrs Brigade, announced that they were leaving the Anti-ISIL Coalition after the U.S. refused to support their battle against the Syrian government forces."

US cuts off weapons supply to rebel group in southern Syria

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