US coronavirus: Hospitalization rates are down across the US, but these 8 states still have fewer than 15% of ICU beds available


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
I wonder..what do these states have in common, eh?

While much of the US is seeing a decline in hospitalizations for Covid-19, it's also evident the fight against the pandemic is far from over as eight states are reporting limited numbers of available ICU beds.
Texas, Idaho, Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arkansas and North Carolina have 15% or less of their ICU capacity available to patients, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Dwindling capacity from Covid-19 has led to many hospitals strained for resources and staffing, often leaving them unable to provide the standard of care they would like, according to health care professionals.
On average over the last week, Covid-19 hospitalizations have declined by more than 1,400 a day, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Whether the change is temporary or the beginning of the end is still not clear
I wonder..what do these states have in common, eh?

While much of the US is seeing a decline in hospitalizations for Covid-19, it's also evident the fight against the pandemic is far from over as eight states are reporting limited numbers of available ICU beds.
Texas, Idaho, Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arkansas and North Carolina have 15% or less of their ICU capacity available to patients, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Dwindling capacity from Covid-19 has led to many hospitals strained for resources and staffing, often leaving them unable to provide the standard of care they would like, according to health care professionals.
On average over the last week, Covid-19 hospitalizations have declined by more than 1,400 a day, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Whether the change is temporary or the beginning of the end is still not clear

Never trust presstitutes and their lies.
Who counted the capacities of ICUs?
Satanic demoncrats, not humans.
Never trust presstitutes and their lies.
Who counted the capacities of ICUs?
Satanic demoncrats, not humans.
You're de-compensating at an alarming help~

BTW..capacities of ICU's are a matter of public record---as is occupancy.
You're de-compensating at an alarming help~

BTW..capacities of ICU's are a matter of public record---as is occupancy.
Same for OK. Should we go state by state to disprove CNN and their narrative?


Looks like TX has rebounded well
They're getting are most places. Looks as though this wave is receding. Hopefully, things get better...but as long as vaxxing and masking are political footballs--I believe the risk is higher--in the Red states. Just my opinion~
Same for OK. Should we go state by state to disprove CNN and their narrative?

Uhh..not to belittle your efforts to derail what you see as an agenda, but nothing you have posted states that the ICU beds available are over the 15% figure quoted. You seem to have a loose interpretation of the word, "disprove"?

Your Texas graph shows 7778 total ICU beds available with 7305 occupied--which is indeed about 15% empty, right? 473 available ICU beds.
Your Oklahoma link appears to prove my point, rather than disputing it.
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I’m trying to think what all those states have in common … Hmmm 🤔
I’m in back in Boise this week for doc appointments this week.
Not doing a whole lot of socializing though.
Idaho is uno in the nation in infectious and one of the worst vax percentages.
Do they require masks in the grocery store?
Nah, only in St Luke’s locations. Can’t fix stoopid!
Uhh..not to belittle your efforts to derail what you see as an agenda, but nothing you have posted states that the ICU beds available are over the 15% figure quoted. You seem to have a loose interpretation of the word, "disprove"?

Your Texas graph shows 7778 total ICU beds available with 7305 occupied--which is indeed about 15% empty, right? 473 available ICU beds.
Your Oklahoma link appears to prove my point, rather than disputing it.
Nope. Each link shows availability coming online and keep in mind that Hospitals always want ICU beds at around 90%. That’s how they make money. If they need more capacity they move the people out of ICU. The intent of your thread is to shame states that vote Republican. Let’s be honest. Would you also post a numbers of how many people are leaving the restricted blue states to move to red states and also post the economic impact on small businesses in the locked down blue states. At least be honest with the intent behind your narrative.
I’m trying to think what all those states have in common … Hmmm 🤔
I’m in back in Boise this week for doc appointments this week.
Not doing a whole lot of socializing though.
Idaho is uno in the nation in infectious and one of the worst vax percentages.
Do they require masks in the grocery store?
Nah, only in St Luke’s locations. Can’t fix stoopid!
Yet you live there. Feel free to move. I never wear a mask. It’s stupid. Especially if I had the virus and I am vaccinated. Can’t fix stupid. I see People in MA driving in cars alone wearing masks. Idiotic sheep.
Nope. Each link shows availability coming online and keep in mind that Hospitals always want ICU beds at around 90%. That’s how they make money. If they need more capacity they move the people out of ICU. The intent of your thread is to shame states that vote Republican. Let’s be honest. Would you also post a numbers of how many people are leaving the restricted blue states to move to red states and also post the economic impact on small businesses in the locked down blue states. At least be honest with the intent behind your narrative.
My intent is to shame those states..including the one I live in...for putting their political and cultural agendas in front of effectively dealing with a public health crises,,and the inevitable consequences of such.

Yes, things are getting better, which is not to say that people who could have, and would have, lived had they vaxxed..are not dead~
I wonder..what do these states have in common, eh?

While much of the US is seeing a decline in hospitalizations for Covid-19, it's also evident the fight against the pandemic is far from over as eight states are reporting limited numbers of available ICU beds.
Texas, Idaho, Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arkansas and North Carolina have 15% or less of their ICU capacity available to patients, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Dwindling capacity from Covid-19 has led to many hospitals strained for resources and staffing, often leaving them unable to provide the standard of care they would like, according to health care professionals.
On average over the last week, Covid-19 hospitalizations have declined by more than 1,400 a day, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Whether the change is temporary or the beginning of the end is still not clear
They left out Kansas. Monday's report has our ICUs managing by "contingency operations" which means ICU patients in converted wards. In other words no regular ICU beds available.
I wonder..what do these states have in common, eh?

While much of the US is seeing a decline in hospitalizations for Covid-19, it's also evident the fight against the pandemic is far from over as eight states are reporting limited numbers of available ICU beds.
Texas, Idaho, Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arkansas and North Carolina have 15% or less of their ICU capacity available to patients, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Dwindling capacity from Covid-19 has led to many hospitals strained for resources and staffing, often leaving them unable to provide the standard of care they would like, according to health care professionals.
On average over the last week, Covid-19 hospitalizations have declined by more than 1,400 a day, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Whether the change is temporary or the beginning of the end is still not clear
Speaking on strict anonymity... here.. insiders (nurses and therapist) are saying their hospitals are admitting Covid patients who are not that sick. When numbers were high, only truly sick people were admitted. Now, with dwindling numbers and not-so-sick people... hospitals are milking the Covid gravy train (all expenses paid) by admitting people who have only minor symptoms.
My intent is to shame those states..including the one I live in...for putting their political and cultural agendas in front of effectively dealing with a public health crises,,and the inevitable consequences of such.

Yes, things are getting better, which is not to say that people who could have, and would have, lived had they vaxxed..are not dead~
Thank you for your admission. When it comes to freedom we should all be allowed to make certain choices. If you dislike where you live, move. I dislike the politics in MA but my family is here so I grin and bear it. The lockdowns have caused a major health crisis in MA, especially in children. Call around and try to find a psychotherapist for kids. You won’t be able to. My friend’s son tried to kill himself because the lockdowns and isolation caused major depression. He still has yet to fully recover. Another friend’s daughter refuses to go to school as she has major anxiety after being remote for 18 mos. My youngest refuses to eat lunch at school because she has to put the mask back on and it’s an uncomfortable feeling after she eats.

These are minor and anectodal examples but lack of psychotherapy help is not. These lockdowns have damaged many children and adults significantly. And over the next 5-10 yrs we will see just how badly. On the bright side the Pharma companies are making a killing.

Speaking on strict anonymity... here.. insiders (nurses and therapist) are saying their hospitals are admitting Covid patients who are not that sick. When numbers were high, only truly sick people were admitted. Now, with dwindling numbers and not-so-sick people... hospitals are milking the Covid gravy train (all expenses paid) by admitting people who have only minor symptoms.
100% accurate. Hospitals want ICU beds at 90% utilization at all times.
Speaking on strict anonymity... here.. insiders (nurses and therapist) are saying their hospitals are admitting Covid patients who are not that sick. When numbers were high, only truly sick people were admitted. Now, with dwindling numbers and not-so-sick people... hospitals are milking the Covid gravy train (all expenses paid) by admitting people who have only minor symptoms.
Well...maybe. Although it seems odd, to me, that hospitals would forgo their elective surgical business, which is their bread and butter, for some sort of Covid scam.

Covid 'gravy train' not being as lucrative as you might expect.
My intent is to shame those states..including the one I live in...for putting their political and cultural agendas in front of effectively dealing with a public health crises,,and the inevitable consequences of such.

Yes, things are getting better, which is not to say that people who could have, and would have, lived had they vaxxed..are not dead~

What percentage of ICU vacancies is "normal" pre-covid?

A 15% vacancy seems like a fair number.
Well...maybe. Although it seems odd, to me, that hospitals would forgo their elective surgical business, which is their bread and butter, for some sort of Covid scam.

Covid 'gravy train' not being as lucrative as you might expect.
Oh it is quite the gravy train.
Charges with no questions asked.
Typically hospitals have to reduce their rates by 30% or more to keep with insurance contracts.
Not with Covid.
Yet you live there. Feel free to move. I never wear a mask. It’s stupid. Especially if I had the virus and I am vaccinated. Can’t fix stupid. I see People in MA driving in cars alone wearing masks. Idiotic sheep.

I live on the Oregon Coast now. Happen to like my docs here & the health care system in general. Also a good excuse to visit my daughter and a few old friends.

So Boston is masks optional now? That’s a bit surprising.

Btw, if I’m out running errands in OR and only have a few blocks between stops, I’ll just leave mine on. In general, yes it’s stupid to wear a mask alone in your car if that’s not the case.

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