Update: Asking for a raise


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Update: The below letter was mailed to my boss's house last May. The final outcome was that my pay was increased from $8.25 per hour to $9.00 per hour.

Was that a failure or a success?

Just let me know. vasuderatorrent

To: Big Company
Head Honcho
Subj: Pay increase
Date: June 9, 2014

Dear Sir,

It is my firm belief that you would benefit greatly by increasing my pay to $10.00 per hour to take effect on or before July 18, 2014.

•I have a keen interest in math that has been proven by my ability to obtain an Associate’s Degree in Accounting. This makes me the ideal candidate for problem solving which is necessary for the front desk staff.

•I have a great interest in working at this hotel. That has been proven by my attendance, positive attitude and my longevity at Big Company. After almost 3 years at Big Company I have become accustomed to our culture and methods of operation. This experience is extremely valuable to you, your management team, your employees and the guests at your hotel.

•I am very sensitive to the market situations of the moment and willing to obtain the highest price for rooms under ideal conditions. I am also aware of soft market conditions and enjoy working with customers to obtain a competitive price under those conditions. This is not something that I have learned. This is how I am naturally inclined to respond. I take pride in the fact that I excel at making your top line flourish.

•I am in a strong financial position. I currently have a lucrative part time job. My wife has a strong income as well. There are options available to me that were not present when I requested a pay increase back in December 2013.

•My honesty and my flexibility alone is sufficient justification to request a pay increase. These are not characteristics that can be easily identified through the hiring process. Honesty and flexibility are assets that must be proven. My time here has offered me the chance to display my impeccable character.

It is my firm belief that you would greatly benefit by increasing my pay to $10.00 an hour to take effect on or before July 18, 2014.

Please consider my value to your company when making your decision. It is my desire to continue working for you for many years to come.

Thank you,

If you're smart enough to write this letter, and have an AA in accounting, you should find another job paying a lot more than $9.00 per hour.
1. If the "culture" of this company is not to give pay raises at all upon request,
then you did VERY well to receive a .75 pay raise. The standard pay raise of 2% would be .16 raise;
and .25 and .50 raises are standard for some companies.
Given that context, that is not bad at all.

2. Given that less qualified jobs pays 12-14 an hour, overall you could do better.
The best part about working an underpaid job is you have more security.
If your pay level matches the skills required for that job, the company can hire other people with the same skills.
IF they were paying market cost for this job.

Being underpaid means it is less likely the company would be able to hire a different person for that money. Other qualified candidates would turn down 8-10 an hour, and go for jobs that pay more.

If the convenience is worth it to you, and not having to compete with others for your job,
that is another benefit. So you can evaluate the personal costs and benefits to you,

3. What I could suggest for next time, if you count "inflation" and the cost of living/gas/transportation going up,
Then you could show that keeping the same salary from 2006-2015, for example,
is the equivalent of giving you a PAY CUT. So proportionally, you are getting paid less each year that
living and transportation rise at the rate of inflation.

You could "do the math" and argue that raising your salary to 10.00 (or whatever is the right number)
would be the "equivalent of paying you at the same rate" because of inflation

Work out the numbers, and see what you would need to get paid
in proportion to the inflated cost of living today, compared with your previous salary..

If the standard raise is 2% a year, then if you have skipped 3 years with no pay raise, that's could mean a 6% raise.

Update: The below letter was mailed to my boss's house last May. The final outcome was that my pay was increased from $8.25 per hour to $9.00 per hour.

Was that a failure or a success?

Just let me know. vasuderatorrent

To: Big Company
Head Honcho
Subj: Pay increase
Date: June 9, 2014

Dear Sir,

It is my firm belief that you would benefit greatly by increasing my pay to $10.00 per hour to take effect on or before July 18, 2014.

•I have a keen interest in math that has been proven by my ability to obtain an Associate’s Degree in Accounting. This makes me the ideal candidate for problem solving which is necessary for the front desk staff.

•I have a great interest in working at this hotel. That has been proven by my attendance, positive attitude and my longevity at Big Company. After almost 3 years at Big Company I have become accustomed to our culture and methods of operation. This experience is extremely valuable to you, your management team, your employees and the guests at your hotel.

•I am very sensitive to the market situations of the moment and willing to obtain the highest price for rooms under ideal conditions. I am also aware of soft market conditions and enjoy working with customers to obtain a competitive price under those conditions. This is not something that I have learned. This is how I am naturally inclined to respond. I take pride in the fact that I excel at making your top line flourish.

•I am in a strong financial position. I currently have a lucrative part time job. My wife has a strong income as well. There are options available to me that were not present when I requested a pay increase back in December 2013.

•My honesty and my flexibility alone is sufficient justification to request a pay increase. These are not characteristics that can be easily identified through the hiring process. Honesty and flexibility are assets that must be proven. My time here has offered me the chance to display my impeccable character.

It is my firm belief that you would greatly benefit by increasing my pay to $10.00 an hour to take effect on or before July 18, 2014.

Please consider my value to your company when making your decision. It is my desire to continue working for you for many years to come.

Thank you,

Last edited:
Given what you've stated about your education and experience, you could be making double your current pay. You'd be amazed at how many jobs are actually available out there. Go to Indeed or Monster or any of the job search sites and take a look. Doesn't a 50% raise sound better than a .75 cent per hour raise?

Here is a list of 40k+ accounting jobs paying $15 per hour or $30k per year.

Accountant 30 000 Jobs Employment Indeed.com
Given what you've stated about your education and experience, you could be making double your current pay. You'd be amazed at how many jobs are actually available out there. Go to Indeed or Monster or any of the job search sites and take a look. Doesn't a 50% raise sound better than a .75 cent per hour raise?

Here is a list of 40k+ accounting jobs paying $15 per hour or $30k per year.

Accountant 30 000 Jobs Employment Indeed.com

Here is my income for the last 12 years.
2003 $14,269.09
2004 $17,540.55
2005 $23,082.84
2006 $22,486.64
2007 $23,108.60
2008 $26,400.05
2009 $24,666.34
2010 $22,204.23
2011 $11,859.24
2012 $12,664.64
2013 $15,832.92
2014 $22,316.66

$22,316.66 is enough to pay my living expenses and meet my financial obligations but as you can see I have made more money in the past. Should my past income even factor into the equation or should I just be tickled pink that I have a job that provides my living? I'll have a good life either way but what kind of things should be considered?

This seems to be simple but I hear a lot of political ideas about who poor people are and what poor people should be. Those comments makes me kind of question what my responsibility to society should be. It is never my intention to cause anybody harm with my income but it sounds as if I do cause a great deal of suffering by having such a little income. I was taught to be responsible. It becomes very hard to reconcile these things emotionally. It hurts really bad to be considered a failure but should I really consider myself a failure? After all, what have I failed at in life? Every other area of my life is going fine. My family is happy and healthy. I enjoy my job and my co-workers. My car runs good. My dog is pretty nice. I have 3 of the coolest black cats. I graduated from college. I published a book. I ran for public office. I have plenty of money. It just seems that I cause a burden to Conservative Republicans which I consider to be on my side. A larger income might help me gain favor in their presence.

I suppose my mom just raised me old school. I don't fit into my mom's fantasy of what a man is supposed to be. Any other males from the south kind of understand where I am coming from? My life is good but I don't fit into the stereotypical image of a self reliant man that provides for his family. or do I? Does anybody get what I am saying?

Is there any such thing as being an underacheiver? and what does that look like?
Update: The below letter was mailed to my boss's house last May. The final outcome was that my pay was increased from $8.25 per hour to $9.00 per hour.

Was that a failure or a success?

Just let me know. vasuderatorrent

To: Big Company
Head Honcho
Subj: Pay increase
Date: June 9, 2014

Dear Sir,

It is my firm belief that you would benefit greatly by increasing my pay to $10.00 per hour to take effect on or before July 18, 2014.

•I have a keen interest in math that has been proven by my ability to obtain an Associate’s Degree in Accounting. This makes me the ideal candidate for problem solving which is necessary for the front desk staff.

•I have a great interest in working at this hotel. That has been proven by my attendance, positive attitude and my longevity at Big Company. After almost 3 years at Big Company I have become accustomed to our culture and methods of operation. This experience is extremely valuable to you, your management team, your employees and the guests at your hotel.

•I am very sensitive to the market situations of the moment and willing to obtain the highest price for rooms under ideal conditions. I am also aware of soft market conditions and enjoy working with customers to obtain a competitive price under those conditions. This is not something that I have learned. This is how I am naturally inclined to respond. I take pride in the fact that I excel at making your top line flourish.

•I am in a strong financial position. I currently have a lucrative part time job. My wife has a strong income as well. There are options available to me that were not present when I requested a pay increase back in December 2013.

•My honesty and my flexibility alone is sufficient justification to request a pay increase. These are not characteristics that can be easily identified through the hiring process. Honesty and flexibility are assets that must be proven. My time here has offered me the chance to display my impeccable character.

It is my firm belief that you would greatly benefit by increasing my pay to $10.00 an hour to take effect on or before July 18, 2014.

Please consider my value to your company when making your decision. It is my desire to continue working for you for many years to come.

Thank you,


To: vasuderatorrent
Frm: Head Honcho
Re: Request for Pay Raise

Getting a pay raise here at Big Company is easy. You need only demonstrate that you are worth more than your current wage. You must demonstrate that increasing my investment in you will generate greater return.

* Problem solving is what I pay your for now. Are you going to be able to solve more problems, or more complex problems, if I increase your pay?

* If you will recall, you were paid to gain your experience with Big Company. Despite your inability to make meaningful contribution during your learning period, you were retained in the expectation that your contributions would reach a certain level. You have reached the level where your contribution is equal to your compensation.

* Doing a good job is what you get paid for. I expect all my employees to further our top-line business.

* Your financial position is of no concern to me. If I interpret what you say as a veiled threat, I would remind you that the current unemployment conditions indicate that about 6% of the population would be glad to have your position - even at its current pay scale.

* Your honesty and flexibility, combined with your dependability, make you a valued employee. But then, I expect nothing less from ALL my employees.

* In short, you are being rewarded for doing your job - and doing it well. If you wish a raise, convince me you're worth it. Show me how giving you a pay raise will increase my bottom line.

Big Company
So long as Obama's recession lasts, employees are in no position to make demands of their employers.
Given what you've stated about your education and experience, you could be making double your current pay. You'd be amazed at how many jobs are actually available out there. Go to Indeed or Monster or any of the job search sites and take a look. Doesn't a 50% raise sound better than a .75 cent per hour raise?

Here is a list of 40k+ accounting jobs paying $15 per hour or $30k per year.

Accountant 30 000 Jobs Employment Indeed.com

Here is my income for the last 12 years.
2003 $14,269.09
2004 $17,540.55
2005 $23,082.84
2006 $22,486.64
2007 $23,108.60
2008 $26,400.05
2009 $24,666.34
2010 $22,204.23
2011 $11,859.24
2012 $12,664.64
2013 $15,832.92
2014 $22,316.66

$22,316.66 is enough to pay my living expenses and meet my financial obligations but as you can see I have made more money in the past. Should my past income even factor into the equation or should I just be tickled pink that I have a job that provides my living? I'll have a good life either way but what kind of things should be considered?

This seems to be simple but I hear a lot of political ideas about who poor people are and what poor people should be. Those comments makes me kind of question what my responsibility to society should be. It is never my intention to cause anybody harm with my income but it sounds as if I do cause a great deal of suffering by having such a little income. I was taught to be responsible. It becomes very hard to reconcile these things emotionally. It hurts really bad to be considered a failure but should I really consider myself a failure? After all, what have I failed at in life? Every other area of my life is going fine. My family is happy and healthy. I enjoy my job and my co-workers. My car runs good. My dog is pretty nice. I have 3 of the coolest black cats. I graduated from college. I published a book. I ran for public office. I have plenty of money. It just seems that I cause a burden to Conservative Republicans which I consider to be on my side. A larger income might help me gain favor in their presence.

I suppose my mom just raised me old school. I don't fit into my mom's fantasy of what a man is supposed to be. Any other males from the south kind of understand where I am coming from? My life is good but I don't fit into the stereotypical image of a self reliant man that provides for his family. or do I? Does anybody get what I am saying?

Is there any such thing as being an underacheiver? and what does that look like?

Well, alrighty then. Look, you said you asked for a raise. I assume it is because you need/want more money. All I showed you was that there are many, many jobs in your field where you can start off making at least $8k more per year. Wouldn't that be better than hoping for a .75 cent per hour raise where you currently are? The advice cost you nothing, take it or leave it.
To: vasuderatorrent
Frm: Head Honcho
Re: Request for Pay Raise

Getting a pay raise here at Big Company is easy. You need only demonstrate that you are worth more than your current wage. You must demonstrate that increasing my investment in you will generate greater return.

* Problem solving is what I pay your for now. Are you going to be able to solve more problems, or more complex problems, if I increase your pay?

* If you will recall, you were paid to gain your experience with Big Company. Despite your inability to make meaningful contribution during your learning period, you were retained in the expectation that your contributions would reach a certain level. You have reached the level where your contribution is equal to your compensation.

* Doing a good job is what you get paid for. I expect all my employees to further our top-line business.

* Your financial position is of no concern to me. If I interpret what you say as a veiled threat, I would remind you that the current unemployment conditions indicate that about 6% of the population would be glad to have your position - even at its current pay scale.

* Your honesty and flexibility, combined with your dependability, make you a valued employee. But then, I expect nothing less from ALL my employees.

* In short, you are being rewarded for doing your job - and doing it well. If you wish a raise, convince me you're worth it. Show me how giving you a pay raise will increase my bottom line.

Big Company

Dear Head Honcho,

It was funny to hear you say that out loud and to confirm my suspicions. I was hoping that you would prove me wrong but don't worry there is no hard feelings here. Here is my two weeks notice. It has been fun working for you. Good luck to you. I wish you well. If there is any way that I can be of further assistance in the future do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you so much for this fabulous opportunity.



Enclosure: Two weeks notice
So long as Obama's recession lasts, employees are in no position to make demands of their employers.

I have noticed the 'change' too. I received a raise every year from 1997-2002. I took a pay cut in 2002 but received a pay increase every time I asked between 2002 - 2010.

After that life has sucked pretty hard core. I don't know if Obama is to blame but it is an odd coincidence that he happened to be in office when things started going to crap.
After it's over, people will view this decade as lost years where they had to put their lives on hold.
Well, alrighty then. Look, you said you asked for a raise. I assume it is because you need/want more money. All I showed you was that there are many, many jobs in your field where you can start off making at least $8k more per year. Wouldn't that be better than hoping for a .75 cent per hour raise where you currently are? The advice cost you nothing, take it or leave it.

I didn't mean any disrespect. This was a raise that I asked for last year. The boss increased my pay to $9.00 per hour.
To: vasuderatorrent
Frm: Head Honcho
Re: Request for Pay Raise

Getting a pay raise here at Big Company is easy. You need only demonstrate that you are worth more than your current wage. You must demonstrate that increasing my investment in you will generate greater return.

* Problem solving is what I pay your for now. Are you going to be able to solve more problems, or more complex problems, if I increase your pay?

* If you will recall, you were paid to gain your experience with Big Company. Despite your inability to make meaningful contribution during your learning period, you were retained in the expectation that your contributions would reach a certain level. You have reached the level where your contribution is equal to your compensation.

* Doing a good job is what you get paid for. I expect all my employees to further our top-line business.

* Your financial position is of no concern to me. If I interpret what you say as a veiled threat, I would remind you that the current unemployment conditions indicate that about 6% of the population would be glad to have your position - even at its current pay scale.

* Your honesty and flexibility, combined with your dependability, make you a valued employee. But then, I expect nothing less from ALL my employees.

* In short, you are being rewarded for doing your job - and doing it well. If you wish a raise, convince me you're worth it. Show me how giving you a pay raise will increase my bottom line.

Big Company

Dear Head Honcho,

It was funny to hear you say that out loud and to confirm my suspicions. I was hoping that you would prove me wrong but don't worry there is no hard feelings here. Here is my two weeks notice. It has been fun working for you. Good luck to you. I wish you well. If there is any way that I can be of further assistance in the future do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you so much for this fabulous opportunity.



Enclosure: Two weeks notice

To: vasuderatorrent

I wish you luck trying to find a job. Since you've shown no propensity for self improvement, and have so obviously overestimated your value to this company, I suspect it will be much more difficult than you might believe.

By the way, don't worry about any difficulty we might have finding your replacement. We have two drawers of resumes on file.

As a parting gift, I will give you some free advice - something for you to keep in mind in your future endeavors. "Minimum wage performance gets minimum wage pay."

Good luck!
To: vasuderatorrent

I wish you luck trying to find a job. Since you've shown no propensity for self improvement, and have so obviously overestimated your value to this company, I suspect it will be much more difficult than you might believe.

By the way, don't worry about any difficulty we might have finding your replacement. We have two drawers of resumes on file.

As a parting gift, I will give you some free advice - something for you to keep in mind in your future endeavors. "Minimum wage performance gets minimum wage pay."

Good luck!

Dear Sir,

Sounds good. When you said, "If you will recall, you were paid to gain your experience with Big Company. Despite your inability to make meaningful contribution during your learning period, you were retained in the expectation that your contributions would reach a certain level. You have reached the level where your contribution is equal to your compensation."

Does that mean that you lost money because I left before that period of time was reached? Did you realize that you started me at minimum wage?

I guess it doesn't really matter. I was just thinking out loud. Oh well. Maybe your new employee will stay for 20 years and work for minimum wage. Personally I'm not interested in that bull shit. I think that you will find that not too many people are either. I'm sure you do have a drawer full of resumes. Will they show up? Will they steal from you? Will they lie to you? Will they come in at the drop of hat because you failed to plan properly? Will they care about your company? Will they be repeatedly sick and miss work? By the way you can't fire them for being sick. You just have to put up with it. Enjoy your hiring spree.

Again. I guess I am thinking out loud. I hope all works out with your new employees. Once the first 3 or 4 quit, keep me in mind. You know where I stand. You know what kind of employee that I am. You know that I will bend over backwards for you to make things happen. You can't tell that by looking at 500 pieces of paper.

Anyways. None of this matters. Go hire yourself silly and don't cry when you get a crummy employee that wants to stay with you forever and a day and you are too cheap to fire them because you don't want to get in trouble with the Employment Security Commission.

On second thought. Go screw yourself. Don't ever call me again and just forget that you ever met me. You are a complete idiot that has no idea how to run a business. I hope you continue to lose money. Just keep buying everything on the cheap. The customers have been noticing it for several years. Go hire your minimum wage slob. Stay the hell away from me and everybody that I know.

Good bye,

Last edited:
Given what you've stated about your education and experience, you could be making double your current pay. You'd be amazed at how many jobs are actually available out there. Go to Indeed or Monster or any of the job search sites and take a look. Doesn't a 50% raise sound better than a .75 cent per hour raise?

Here is a list of 40k+ accounting jobs paying $15 per hour or $30k per year.

Accountant 30 000 Jobs Employment Indeed.com

Here is my income for the last 12 years.
2003 $14,269.09
2004 $17,540.55
2005 $23,082.84
2006 $22,486.64
2007 $23,108.60
2008 $26,400.05
2009 $24,666.34
2010 $22,204.23
2011 $11,859.24
2012 $12,664.64
2013 $15,832.92
2014 $22,316.66

$22,316.66 is enough to pay my living expenses and meet my financial obligations but as you can see I have made more money in the past. Should my past income even factor into the equation or should I just be tickled pink that I have a job that provides my living? I'll have a good life either way but what kind of things should be considered?

This seems to be simple but I hear a lot of political ideas about who poor people are and what poor people should be. Those comments makes me kind of question what my responsibility to society should be. It is never my intention to cause anybody harm with my income but it sounds as if I do cause a great deal of suffering by having such a little income. I was taught to be responsible. It becomes very hard to reconcile these things emotionally. It hurts really bad to be considered a failure but should I really consider myself a failure? After all, what have I failed at in life? Every other area of my life is going fine. My family is happy and healthy. I enjoy my job and my co-workers. My car runs good. My dog is pretty nice. I have 3 of the coolest black cats. I graduated from college. I published a book. I ran for public office. I have plenty of money. It just seems that I cause a burden to Conservative Republicans which I consider to be on my side. A larger income might help me gain favor in their presence.

I suppose my mom just raised me old school. I don't fit into my mom's fantasy of what a man is supposed to be. Any other males from the south kind of understand where I am coming from? My life is good but I don't fit into the stereotypical image of a self reliant man that provides for his family. or do I? Does anybody get what I am saying?

Is there any such thing as being an underacheiver? and what does that look like?

The very fact that you've been in the job market for 12 years and you've topped out at 22 grand tells me something about you just aint right.
I dont have a college education and I was making twice that in twelve years.
To: vasuderatorrent

I wish you luck trying to find a job. Since you've shown no propensity for self improvement, and have so obviously overestimated your value to this company, I suspect it will be much more difficult than you might believe.

By the way, don't worry about any difficulty we might have finding your replacement. We have two drawers of resumes on file.

As a parting gift, I will give you some free advice - something for you to keep in mind in your future endeavors. "Minimum wage performance gets minimum wage pay."

Good luck!

Dear Sir,

Sounds good. When you said, "If you will recall, you were paid to gain your experience with Big Company. Despite your inability to make meaningful contribution during your learning period, you were retained in the expectation that your contributions would reach a certain level. You have reached the level where your contribution is equal to your compensation."

Does that mean that you lost money because I left before that period of time was reached? Did you realize that you started me at minimum wage?

I guess it doesn't really matter. I was just thinking out loud. Oh well. Maybe your new employee will stay for 20 years and work for minimum wage. Personally I'm not interested in that bull shit. I think that you will find that not too many people are either. I'm sure you do have a drawer full of resumes. Will they show up? Will they steal from you? Will they lie to you? Will they come in at the drop of hat because you failed to plan properly? Will they care about your company? Will they be repeatedly sick and miss work? By the way you can't fire them for being sick. You just have to put up with it. Enjoy your hiring spree.

Again. I guess I am thinking out loud. I hope all works out with your new employees. Once the first 3 or 4 quit, keep me in mind. You know where I stand. You know what kind of employee that I am. You know that I will bend over backwards for you to make things happen. You can't tell that by looking at 500 pieces of paper.

Anyways. None of this matters. Go hire yourself silly and don't cry when you get a crummy employee that wants to stay with you forever and a day and you are too cheap to fire them because you don't want to get in trouble with the Employment Security Commission.

On second thought. Go screw yourself. Don't ever call me again and just forget that you ever met me. You are a complete idiot that has no idea how to run a business. I hope you continue to lose money. Just keep buying everything on the cheap. The customers have been noticing it for several years. Go hire your minimum wage slob. Stay the hell away from me and everybody that I know.

Good bye,


As most often, you have an overinflated sense of self importance, and have grossly overestimated your contribution to this company. You were getting paid exactly what you were worth - your contribution to the overall production of this company was reflected in your pay scale. Minimum wage production gets minimum wage pay.

I wish you luck - I suspect you're going to need it.
Dude you have an aa in accounting. You can be a self-employed bookkeeper and charge over 15 an hr. Hotel? Do you realize how many small businesses need bookkeepers? Get referral s and go business to business and you can make it a career. Emily would agree

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