Upchuck Should Resign


Sep 23, 2010
DEFINITION: Never get between a television camera and Senator Chuck Schumer.

The burst of speed Schumer demonstrated to get to the cameras in the Mike Flynn and Jeff Sessions nonsense made Jesse Owens look like a turtle. This time out Upchuck might slip on a puddle of oil put there by Larry Klayman:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is demanding that Attorney General Jeff Sessions resign after only about 22 days on the job.

President Trump is aiming to drain the swamp in the District of Corruption (D.C.) and hired Sessions as the principal government leader in that effort. Well, Schumer is one of the chief alligators in that swamp. Schumer is the successor to former corrupt Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid in more ways than one, including as the chief proponent of hypocrisy and deceit. Not surprisingly, it turns out the alligators don’t want to see the swamp drained.


. . . I have launched today at Freedom Watch, the public-interest organization I founded, a series of investigations into Sen. Schumer. We will be filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with all relevant federal and state agencies to further uncover the unethical if not criminal conduct of Session’s accuser.


Freedom Watch and I will use the Freedom of Information Act and other investigative means to dig up all of the sordid leftist sleaze about Schumer and his friends. And our new fine attorney general, Jeff Sessions, can assist us in this regard, by first and foremost cleaning out the dishonest crowd of attorneys in the DOJ’s Federal Programs Branch, which has run interference for the Clinton and Obama administrations by unethically obstructing FOIA requesters in the past.​

4 Schumer scandals I've begun to uncover
Posted By Larry Klayman On 03/03/2017 @ 7:04 pm

4 Schumer scandals I’ve begun to uncover

Throughout my adult life numerous senators and congressmen either resigned, or were shamed, over sex scandals. It remains to be seen if the media will force out Schumer over criminal activity on behalf of Russia, not to mention violating his oath of office.

Every member of Congress swears their oath of office at the beginning of each of his or her terms in office. Upchuck swore the oath nine times as a congressman and twice as a US Senator; so you would think he can recite it backwards by now:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.​

To be fair to Upchuck, they should do away with oaths of office since nobody is ever held accountable for violating them.

Finally, this one in Schumer’s résumé is not a criminal offense, but it does show Schumer jumping on every opportunity to get a little publicity:

Not only is Schumer always wrong he is a con artist. Here is his latest publicity grab:​

Sen. Charles Schumer is calling on the cruise ship industry to adopt a "bill of rights" to guarantee passengers certain protections while aboard their ships.

The New York Democrat says Sunday he'll be asking industry leaders to voluntarily adopt the guidelines which include guarantees that ships have sanitary conditions, back-up power, medical staff and other standard procedures.​

Schumer calls for cruise ship bill of rights
Last Updated: 12:25 PM, March 17, 2013
Posted: 12:25 PM, March 17, 2013

Schumer Calls for Cruise Ship Bill of Rights

I guess Schumer played hooky the day vessels under foreign flags was taught. Democrats do not give a rat’s ass about the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution; nevertheless, I will give Schumer the benefit of the doubt and say he is worried about passengers on cruise ships. If that is true the only thing he has to do is push Congress to notify every company their ships will NOT be allowed to dock in American ports until they clean up their act. Hell, Hussein can even write one of his executive orders instructing the appropriate bureaucracies to implement the restriction.

NOTE: There are no passenger ships sailing under the America flag.

Instead of trying to get a little publicity for himself Upchuck Schumer should look into this:​


Q - my vessel is healthy and I request free pratique​

Questions: Why were filthy ships granted pratique in the first place? Did a little money change hands?
For all of the publicity Schumer got for defending the Rights of passengers on vacation he did not do a damn thing about it:

Now that Barack Taqiyya has threatened to write executive orders in order to go around Congress good old Schumer can get him to write an EO denying pratique. That is assuming Schumer can take time off from plotting the destruction of Tea Parties and get back to working on his bill of rights for passengers:​


Royal Caribbean Passengers Recall Days Of Misery
By SAMANTHA HENRY 01/29/14 04:16 PM ET EST

Cruise ship passengers recall days of misery

I want him to at least lose the glasses....That whole, I am old and need magnifying glasses to read with hanging off my nose is annoying, especially if you are not wearing a cardigan sweater, buttoned..
I want him to at least lose the glasses....
To Moonglow: He got the image from retired:


Carl Levin

When questioning witnesses, Senator Levin likes to peer over his Ben Franklin spectacles in order to give the impression he is a gentle grandfather figure without a Left-leaning bone in his body. The truth is: If China’s aggressive, militaristic, posture came as a surprise to Levin he should move to Peking.​

Flowers, Birds, Trees & Planets
Does anyone anywhere actually read a Flanders post?

I can't. I mean, I try, but they're literally unreadable. It hurts the brain to look at them.

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