UNRWA suspends Gaza aid after Hamas steals supplies


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
UNRWA informed the IDF on Friday that it is suspending its humanitarian aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip after Hamas stole supplies the United Nations organization had transferred to the Palestinian territory.

The seizure of the 200 tons of supplies took place Thursday night and in response, UNRWA officials informed the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration that it was suspending its deliveries to the Gaza Strip until further notice. The supplies confiscated included flour and other basic commodities.

The transfer of 40 truckloads of humanitarian supplies - some 800 tons - planned for Sunday has already been canceled.

It was the second time this week that Hamas stole UN supplies transferred to the Gaza Strip for impoverished Palestinians.

The first incident took place Tuesday evening when armed Hamas police broke into a Gaza warehouse packed with UN humanitarian supplies and seized thousands of blankets and food packages.

The seizure took place after UNRWA staff earlier refused to hand over the aid supplies to the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs.

"We received a phone call this morning from UNRWA officials that they have decided to suspend their deliveries after Hamas stole supplies from one of the organization's warehouses in the Gaza Strip," explained a senior official.

The official said that the IDF noticed the trend already during Operation Cast Lead last month, when despite the fighting, Israel transferred close to 80 trucks a day to the Strip.

Nuaf Atar, a Fatah operative captured during the operation, told the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) that Hamas government officials "took over" humanitarian aid Israel allowed in to the Gaza Strip and sold it when it was supposed to be distributed for free.

UNRWA Spokesman Sami Mshasha confirmed that the organization had suspended its deliveries to Gaza after Hamas stole its supplies.

"This is the second incident this week and this is a point of great concern for us and sets a bad precedent and if we are to provide services to people in Gaza after such an ordeal we need assurances that our work will be unimpeded," Mshasha said. "We cannot subjugate our work to the Ministry of Social Affairs in Gaza."

UNRWA suspends Gaza aid after Hamas steals supplies | Middle East | Jerusalem Post
Ironically, NOW that they release this type of arab-hating story, the UN is a totally lovable bear with big plushy, huggable arms for zionists everywhere! When just last month....
Ironically, NOW that they release this type of arab-hating story, the UN is a totally lovable bear with big plushy, huggable arms for zionists everywhere! When just last month....

Ironically you find no problem with Hamas STEALING aid and then SELLING it to the highest bidder. Israel shipped in TONS of aid and saw the same thing happen.
Ironically, NOW that they release this type of arab-hating story, the UN is a totally lovable bear with big plushy, huggable arms for zionists everywhere! When just last month....

Ironically you find no problem with Hamas STEALING aid and then SELLING it to the highest bidder. Israel shipped in TONS of aid and saw the same thing happen.

we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!
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Ironically, NOW that they release this type of arab-hating story, the UN is a totally lovable bear with big plushy, huggable arms for zionists everywhere! When just last month....

Ironically you find no problem with Hamas STEALING aid and then SELLING it to the highest bidder. Israel shipped in TONS of aid and saw the same thing happen.

we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!

Funny how YOU believed every word the UN uttered until they said that Hamas stole aid supplies.
Ironically, NOW that they release this type of arab-hating story, the UN is a totally lovable bear with big plushy, huggable arms for zionists everywhere! When just last month....

Ironically you find no problem with Hamas STEALING aid and then SELLING it to the highest bidder. Israel shipped in TONS of aid and saw the same thing happen.

we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!

The 'Palestinian' population has only quintupled since 1948...hell of a genocide.
Ironically you find no problem with Hamas STEALING aid and then SELLING it to the highest bidder. Israel shipped in TONS of aid and saw the same thing happen.

we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!

The 'Palestinian' population has only quintupled since 1948...hell of a genocide.

Yeah, Shogun has a difficult time with real definitions. He has his own made up versions for words like terrorist and genocide. Ive never understood the logic of using the word "genocide" in situations where genocide is clearly not happening. I guess people do it to make the situation sound worse than it really is, in an effort to garner sympathy, but the problem with that is, all parties are well aware that genocide isnt taking place. Its a strange phenomena and i dont get it.

I mean in all honesty, even if you were to judge this by the most ferocious fighting theyve ever had, during the couple weeks "Operation Cast Lead" was in effect, they only killed a little over 1,000 people. They rolled in there with tanks and hundreds of thousands of bullets, thousands of infantry, in that tiny little strip where 1.5 million people are packed together, and only a thousand die and you want to call it genocide? Clearly, everyone understands that is not the definition genocide, right?

So, Shogun...why DID you use THAT word?
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we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!

The 'Palestinian' population has only quintupled since 1948...hell of a genocide.

Yeah, Shogun has a difficult time with real definitions. He has his own made up versions for words like terrorist and genocide. Ive never understood the logic of using the word "genocide" in situations where genocide is clearly not happening. I guess people do it to make the situation sound worse than it really is, in an effort to garner sympathy, but the problem with that is, all parties are well aware that genocide isnt taking place. Its a strange phenomena and i dont get it.

I mean in all honesty, even if you were to judge this by the most ferocious fighting theyve ever had, during the couple weeks "Operation Cast Lead" was in effect, they only killed a little over 1,000 people. They rolled in there with tanks and hundreds of thousands of bullets, thousands of infantry, in that tiny little strip where 1.5 million people are packed together, and only a thousand die and you want to call it genocide? Clearly, everyone understands that is not the definition genocide, right?

So, Shogun...why DID you use THAT word?

Approximately 1,100 people were killed during Operation Cast Lead, and many reports are indicating that up to half, if not more, of the casualties were terrorists. When NATO forces rolled into Serbia and killed civilians to combatants at a 100:1 ratio...that's not genocide. But when Israel kills civilians to terrorists at a 1:1 ratio...that's clearly genocide!

It's plainly obvious why he would use a word such as genocide, or even apartheid. He seeks to demonize Israel and would receive no greater satisfaction than to see it destroyed.
Ironically you find no problem with Hamas STEALING aid and then SELLING it to the highest bidder. Israel shipped in TONS of aid and saw the same thing happen.

we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!

Funny how YOU believed every word the UN uttered until they said that Hamas stole aid supplies.

not at all, I simply read the story. Did you?
Ironically you find no problem with Hamas STEALING aid and then SELLING it to the highest bidder. Israel shipped in TONS of aid and saw the same thing happen.

we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!

The 'Palestinian' population has only quintupled since 1948...hell of a genocide.

Ahh.. so, then growing populations validate killing off the riff raff, eh? Please, tell me another joke that Hitler would have guffawed at.
we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!

The 'Palestinian' population has only quintupled since 1948...hell of a genocide.

Yeah, Shogun has a difficult time with real definitions. He has his own made up versions for words like terrorist and genocide. Ive never understood the logic of using the word "genocide" in situations where genocide is clearly not happening. I guess people do it to make the situation sound worse than it really is, in an effort to garner sympathy, but the problem with that is, all parties are well aware that genocide isnt taking place. Its a strange phenomena and i dont get it.

I mean in all honesty, even if you were to judge this by the most ferocious fighting theyve ever had, during the couple weeks "Operation Cast Lead" was in effect, they only killed a little over 1,000 people. They rolled in there with tanks and hundreds of thousands of bullets, thousands of infantry, in that tiny little strip where 1.5 million people are packed together, and only a thousand die and you want to call it genocide? Clearly, everyone understands that is not the definition genocide, right?

So, Shogun...why DID you use THAT word?

You know, for a guy whose lack of testicular fortitude causes you to run screaming like a little girl from my posts you sure are one to follow me around these threads and act like my fucking biographer. YOU may not want to use the nomenclature I do but, then, your kind didn't want to believe in south african apartheid either so... 12 to 1000+, dude. If your excuses don't define genocide then I suggest you go email Nelson Mandela.

ONLY KILLED 1 THOUSAND, right, buddy? Hell, 600 fucking women and children are disposable like that.


Hey, I changed the font color of your post to match the blood on your hands and hate in your mind. If only South Africa could pull off the kind of blank check excuses you allow israel to kill of ITS lesser ethnicity! I mean, we've got 12 jews to revenge!

The 'Palestinian' population has only quintupled since 1948...hell of a genocide.

Yeah, Shogun has a difficult time with real definitions. He has his own made up versions for words like terrorist and genocide. Ive never understood the logic of using the word "genocide" in situations where genocide is clearly not happening. I guess people do it to make the situation sound worse than it really is, in an effort to garner sympathy, but the problem with that is, all parties are well aware that genocide isnt taking place. Its a strange phenomena and i dont get it.

I mean in all honesty, even if you were to judge this by the most ferocious fighting theyve ever had, during the couple weeks "Operation Cast Lead" was in effect, they only killed a little over 1,000 people. They rolled in there with tanks and hundreds of thousands of bullets, thousands of infantry, in that tiny little strip where 1.5 million people are packed together, and only a thousand die and you want to call it genocide? Clearly, everyone understands that is not the definition genocide, right?

So, Shogun...why DID you use THAT word?

Approximately 1,100 people were killed during Operation Cast Lead, and many reports are indicating that up to half, if not more, of the casualties were terrorists. When NATO forces rolled into Serbia and killed civilians to combatants at a 100:1 ratio...that's not genocide. But when Israel kills civilians to terrorists at a 1:1 ratio...that's clearly genocide!

It's plainly obvious why he would use a word such as genocide, or even apartheid. He seeks to demonize Israel and would receive no greater satisfaction than to see it destroyed.

Many would disagree about calling that kind of civilian death rate genocide. Do you want to pretend that this didn't catch a critical eye? As if the world didn't take notice of how many dead civilians were being killed? Hell, we DID here the word genocide during that encounter.. it's just that your zionist little puppy doesn't reflect Nato so much as it reflects Genocidal Serbs hellbent on maintaining their own racial purity.

yea, it is obvious. Because I don't make excuses for racist states as they exterminate goyim cockroaches. Go ask Nelson Mandela all about it, sucker. You've got some history to learn even if you have to deny everything in order to pretend israel is righteous.

Now, go get your Kill Squad, on dude. There is an arab keeping a jew from claiming the west bank and gaza and we all know how you people want to complete your burning bush real estate puzzle before the rest of the world takes a closer look!
Fucking moron. But hey you are consistant. You LOVE terrorists and even defend them when they steal food and blankets from their own people to sell to the highest bidder.

Can I move next door to you and shoot my rifle into your house numerous times a day? As Long as I don't actually hit anyone you won't mind right?
Fucking moron. But hey you are consistant. You LOVE terrorists and even defend them when they steal food and blankets from their own people to sell to the highest bidder.

Can I move next door to you and shoot my rifle into your house numerous times a day? As Long as I don't actually hit anyone you won't mind right?

I take it that this is your admittance to having not read the OP story?

Indeed, come move by me and shoot rifles into my house. By that point i'd have already moved into more than half of YOUR home anyway so, as im beating your ass back into the basement where your basic human needs cause you to shit in the corner and eat rats, the canaanization punchline is on you!


myawww... poor guy... did you get tired of making ironic "islam is a fake religion based on some crazy fucker's nutty story" jokes?
I suppose UNRWA is now part of the ZOG conspiracy

Amusing comment, considering that the UN is usually attacked as an "Arab puppet." (PROTIP: An organization with a partner of the USraeli alliance on the Security Council permanently can't function as a very effective Arab puppet.)

As to Hamas, it's not surprising that a "vanguard" of sorts would cheat those they allegedly represent. It's a problem with all varieties of "representative" democracy.
The 'Palestinian' population has only quintupled since 1948...hell of a genocide.

Yeah, Shogun has a difficult time with real definitions. He has his own made up versions for words like terrorist and genocide. Ive never understood the logic of using the word "genocide" in situations where genocide is clearly not happening. I guess people do it to make the situation sound worse than it really is, in an effort to garner sympathy, but the problem with that is, all parties are well aware that genocide isnt taking place. Its a strange phenomena and i dont get it.

I mean in all honesty, even if you were to judge this by the most ferocious fighting theyve ever had, during the couple weeks "Operation Cast Lead" was in effect, they only killed a little over 1,000 people. They rolled in there with tanks and hundreds of thousands of bullets, thousands of infantry, in that tiny little strip where 1.5 million people are packed together, and only a thousand die and you want to call it genocide? Clearly, everyone understands that is not the definition genocide, right?

So, Shogun...why DID you use THAT word?

You know, for a guy whose lack of testicular fortitude causes you to run screaming like a little girl from my posts you sure are one to follow me around these threads and act like my fucking biographer. YOU may not want to use the nomenclature I do but, then, your kind didn't want to believe in south african apartheid either so... 12 to 1000+, dude. If your excuses don't define genocide then I suggest you go email Nelson Mandela.

ONLY KILLED 1 THOUSAND, right, buddy? Hell, 600 fucking women and children are disposable like that.


Hey, I changed the font color of your post to match the blood on your hands and hate in your mind. If only South Africa could pull off the kind of blank check excuses you allow israel to kill of ITS lesser ethnicity! I mean, we've got 12 jews to revenge!


Run screaming from your posts? Why on earth would i ever do that? You dont even know the meaning of simple words like "genocide", and apparently you are too stupid to look them up. Seriously man, why should we have to be responsible for teaching you the definitions of english words? If you want to come here and debate topics with people, you need to at least take the time to use a dictionary when you are confused about the definitions of certain words. The rest of us come prepared, so i dont see why you cant do the same thing.

Heres the definition of genocide, for the legally retarded among us who dont already know...

gen·o·cide (jěn'ə-sīd') Pronunciation Key
n. The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, or ethnic group.

If there isnt proof of a systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, or ethnic group, then it isnt genocide and you shouldnt be using that word, because it only makes you look even more stupid than you already do.

It does make me laugh though when you make this foolish mistake, so you should tell us some more about the genocide in Gaza. :lol:
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Ironically you find no problem with Hamas STEALING aid and then SELLING it to the highest bidder. Israel shipped in TONS of aid and saw the same thing happen.

we covered this yesterday. When This organization chooses to SELECTIVELY offer aid only to a particular political affiliation then your claim of stealing pretty much sounds like the king crying about Robin Hood hunting in his forest.

Again, FUNNY how all of a sudden the UN is an organization to be believed and trusted with unflinching loyalty now that THIS is the story being issued and not civilian casualties in this last example of zionist genocide.... FUNNY how that SELECTIVE standard works!

The 'Palestinian' population has only quintupled since 1948...hell of a genocide.

Yep the Zionist perferred methods of genocide on the Palestinians - Old Age and natural causes! :lol:

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