University Reform

I am a student, although not social sciences, but I can attest that the biggest idiotism is taught, especially at American colleges. In Europe, everyone is used to it, but in the US now too? Here is an example. Why should you want assets as your money? Why should you want cash? Why should you want hereditary piers participating in the political leadership of your country? Why should you want an Electoral College? Why should you want to stand your ground? Why would you ever disagree with popular majority elections? And so on. They expect you to be "sensible" enough to have a "common sense" to say "no" to all these. The Soviet communists couldn't have done it better.

You like to burn ideas as much as you'd like to burn books I'd guess.

For you and the other simple minds out there. When you leave a class, any class, you don't have to believe it and you aren't in any jeopardy because you are asked and are answering questions that make you uncomfortable.

That is precisely what college is for. Otherwise you can just sit next to your AM radio and hear all the claptrap that some snake oil salesman wants to sell you and veg out. Its called the tea party.
Wow you couldn't be more wrong! It's the PC fanatics that want to burn books and impose censorship.
I am a student, although not social sciences, but I can attest that the biggest idiotism is taught, especially at American colleges. In Europe, everyone is used to it, but in the US now too? Here is an example. Why should you want assets as your money? Why should you want cash? Why should you want hereditary piers participating in the political leadership of your country? Why should you want an Electoral College? Why should you want to stand your ground? Why would you ever disagree with popular majority elections? And so on. They expect you to be "sensible" enough to have a "common sense" to say "no" to all these. The Soviet communists couldn't have done it better.

You like to burn ideas as much as you'd like to burn books I'd guess.

For you and the other simple minds out there. When you leave a class, any class, you don't have to believe it and you aren't in any jeopardy because you are asked and are answering questions that make you uncomfortable.

That is precisely what college is for. Otherwise you can just sit next to your AM radio and hear all the claptrap that some snake oil salesman wants to sell you and veg out. Its called the tea party.
Wow you couldn't be more wrong! It's the PC fanatics that want to burn books and impose censorship.

Read some books or search online for the acts of conservatives in various societies. In some instances they didn't burn books they burned people. It is the fear of the conservative mind that drives these bizarre behaviors throughout human history.
The conservative habit of finding 'one' example of something, and then claiming 'therefore I've discredited all of it forever and ever' won't fly junior. You live in hyperbole land.
1) I am not a Republican. For example I think the U.S. meddles far too much in the Middle East. 2) Why do you dismiss all the facts I've presented?

George Yancey has provided empirical evidence documenting academic bias against conservatives and religious folk. Why do you feel he is wrong? See: Compromising Scholarship: Religious and Political Bias in American Higher Education

A group of academics I linked to above stated: Psychologists have demonstrated the value of diversity—particularly diversity of viewpoints—for enhancing creativity, discovery, and problem solving. But one key type of viewpoint diversity is lacking in academic psychology in general and social psychology in particular: political diversity. This article reviews the available evidence and finds support for four claims: 1) Academic psychology once had considerable political diversity, but has lost nearly all of it in the last 50 years; 2) This lack of political diversity can undermine the validity of social psychological science via mechanisms such as the embedding of liberal values into research questions and methods, steering researchers away from important but politically unpalatable research topics, and producing conclusions that mischaracterize liberals and conservatives alike; 3) Increased political diversity would improve social psychological science by reducing the impact of bias mechanisms such as confirmation bias, and by empowering dissenting minorities to improve the quality of the majority’s thinking; and 4) The underrepresentation of nonliberals in social psychology is most likely due to a combination of self-selection, hostile climate, and discrimination. We close with recommendations for increasing political diversity in social psychology.

Why do you feel they are wrong too?

Your mind seems nailed shut against the facts.
Thanks for keeping it civil, a breath of fresh air in these parts.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov -

This in a nutshell is it.

Are there professors in colleges, in high schools, in private schools that hold a certain belief pattern and try to force their students into that pattern? Of course, we are talking about human beings. Is this a systemic thing in colleges? No. The vast majority of professors teach their subjects and that's it.

There is a liberal, as in liberated, bent to people that have had higher education in general. And it isn't because of 'indoctrination'. Knowledge naturally leads people away from superstition and the belief in 'magic'. Because no magic can be observed. None. All things operate on the laws of nature. All. Physics and chemistry.

People who have not outgrown this need to believe in magic DO have a hard time in college. No question. Asking colleges to somehow 'equalize' the curriculum to present fact and magic as just two differing opinions to be debated equally is ludicrous. This is why academia sees 'intelligent design' (an Orwellian construct intentionally constructed to make it 'appear' there is an equal discussion) as something to be belittled and kept out of the classroom. Though it is considered in a religious studies type of class, where all religions are looked at.

Conservative media has been nonstop in demonizing colleges and professors. You can hear it every single day. That is on purpose. Their purpose is to create these phoney manufactured 'debates' between fact and opinion.

Sorry, not going to happen. If normal college teaches something you don't like then leave and go to a bible college, or somewhere else. As I stated I think professors should refrain from trying to force students to their opinion, but its a human thing to do and it isn't 'rampant' in colleges.

You certainly aren't going to be getting any equal time in a church for any view of ANYTHING that the pastor or congregation disagrees with.

Ignorance is not as good as knowledge. Requiring any school to teach them as equals is ignorance in action.
Thanks for keeping it civil, a breath of fresh air in these parts.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov -

This in a nutshell is it.
As we've seen many of these anti-intellectuals are on the left.

There is a liberal, as in liberated, bent to people that have had higher education in general. And it isn't because of 'indoctrination'. Knowledge naturally leads people away from superstition and the belief in 'magic'.
You seem overly partisan. Liberals often hide from the facts.

Because no magic can be observed. None. All things operate on the laws of nature. All. Physics and chemistry.

People who have not outgrown this need to believe in magic DO have a hard time in college.
This is the sort of simple-minded positivism I expect to hear from pouty, whiny adolescent atheist boys on the internet.

Check out these articles:

Blinded by Scientism

Five Things Science Cannot Prove (but are necessary for science to work) |

Conservative media has been nonstop in demonizing colleges and professors. You can hear it every single day. That is on purpose.
The media elite are, with a few well known exceptions, on the left.
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I am a student, although not social sciences, but I can attest that the biggest idiotism is taught, especially at American colleges. In Europe, everyone is used to it, but in the US now too? Here is an example. Why should you want assets as your money? Why should you want cash? Why should you want hereditary piers participating in the political leadership of your country? Why should you want an Electoral College? Why should you want to stand your ground? Why would you ever disagree with popular majority elections? And so on. They expect you to be "sensible" enough to have a "common sense" to say "no" to all these. The Soviet communists couldn't have done it better.

You like to burn ideas as much as you'd like to burn books I'd guess.

For you and the other simple minds out there. When you leave a class, any class, you don't have to believe it and you aren't in any jeopardy because you are asked and are answering questions that make you uncomfortable.

That is precisely what college is for. Otherwise you can just sit next to your AM radio and hear all the claptrap that some snake oil salesman wants to sell you and veg out. Its called the tea party.
Wow you couldn't be more wrong! It's the PC fanatics that want to burn books and impose censorship.

Read some books or search online for the acts of conservatives in various societies. In some instances they didn't burn books they burned people. It is the fear of the conservative mind that drives these bizarre behaviors throughout human history.

Running to history is a sad attempt to ignore that today it is the progressive side that doesn't want exposure to ideas they consider "bad". From trigger warnings, to safe zones, to the latest and greatest "cultural appropriation" bullshit. the SJW twats that make up your activist vanguard only desire the complete elimination of ideas they find "icky"
Standardized Testing: Skewers

Given that standardized tests (administered to high school and junior high school students) have been criticized lately for being culturally biased, and universities use these tests for admissions evaluations, how much dialogue does university reform create for preparatory education (i.e., grades K-12)?

To understand the American education diaspora, you may have to address the full menu of education administration.

There's no reason today that high school counselors should not talk to students about the prestige value of brain fitness geared standardized tests such as the California Achievement Test (CAT) and the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).

We could find ways to connect administration with mentorship.



Libs respect SCIENCE? Are you kidding me?

Medical science continually PROVES the humanity of a fetus in the womb.

Economic science proves the idiocy of minimum wage laws.

Environmental science disproves the bizarre assertion that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant."

Social science proves the total failure of the War on Poverty, and that it has done nothing but create generations of government-dependent slugs.

Social science proves the dramatic high value of monogamous marriage to society, and yet the Left continually sponsors and supports bastardy and bizarre distortions of marriage.

Lefties like to continually make reference to the 8 people in the U.S., coincidentally Republican, who believe that the earth is "6,000" years old, and claim that they represent the entire political Right.

That's scientific, isn't it?
Liberal arts education is wonderful - history, philosophy, classic literature are great; but today's liberal arts departments are often devoted to ridiculous propaganda and intolerance.

Weird College Courses

The over-privileged shrieking like toddlers because of possibly insensitive Halloween costumes!

Professor vs. free speech.

Students and their parents go bankrupt while university bureaucrats grow fat!

College president pay: Is it too high?

Why the Government is to Blame for High College Costs

I certainly don't want to ban PC propaganda (or Mein Kampf or Das Kapital for that matter), but I don't think taxpayers should be forced to fund this kind of useless nonsense.

Maybe we should defund government supported humanities departments and focus instead on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and vocational training.

World University Rankings Reflect Growing Demand for STEM Subjects

I agree. it is important to choose your battles, and it seems like these liberal college students and professors choose the most stupid battles some of the time. With all the problems we are having in our world today, to focus on some Halloween costume is incredibly dumb.
Scott Walker and other governors have worked to defund the anti-intellectual hysterics who infest too many liberal arts departments at state universities.

Limousine liberals/academic elites have received enough aid from American taxpayers.
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I am a student, although not social sciences, but I can attest that the biggest idiotism is taught, especially at American colleges. In Europe, everyone is used to it, but in the US now too? Here is an example. Why should you want assets as your money? Why should you want cash? Why should you want hereditary piers participating in the political leadership of your country? Why should you want an Electoral College? Why should you want to stand your ground? Why would you ever disagree with popular majority elections? And so on. They expect you to be "sensible" enough to have a "common sense" to say "no" to all these. The Soviet communists couldn't have done it better.

You like to burn ideas as much as you'd like to burn books I'd guess.

For you and the other simple minds out there. When you leave a class, any class, you don't have to believe it and you aren't in any jeopardy because you are asked and are answering questions that make you uncomfortable.

That is precisely what college is for. Otherwise you can just sit next to your AM radio and hear all the claptrap that some snake oil salesman wants to sell you and veg out. Its called the tea party.
Wow you couldn't be more wrong! It's the PC fanatics that want to burn books and impose censorship.

Indeed. They are already doing it though, ever since 1917.
"University Reform"

Again, this has nothing to do with 'good faith reform,' this is in fact bad faith rightwing partisan politics, an effort on the part of some conservatives to attack colleges and universities most on the right incorrectly perceive to be 'liberal,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
"University Reform"
an effort on the part of some conservatives to attack colleges and universities most on the right incorrectly perceive to be 'liberal,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
I've posted studies that show you are wrong, but don't let the facts get in the way of your partisan whining.

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