universal singlepayer not unconstitutional

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Jack Roberts is a former GOP candidate for Governor of Oregon.

The brewing court battle over health care reform | OregonLive.com

Even without creating a government health insurance system, Congress could simply have imposed a tax dedicated to health care with an exemption for people who provided proof of insurance for themselves and their dependents. The exemption could be justified since people with insurance are, through their premiums, already helping cover part of the cost of uncompensated health care for the uninsured.

The individual mandate essentially works the same way, since it is enforced only by a fine assessed on individual tax returns. Unfortunately, its supporters were so afraid their opponents would accuse them of raising taxes they went out of their way to make it clear that the fine imposed was a penalty and not a tax.

If Democrats were thereby hoping to protect themselves politically, they clearly miscalculated. The question now is whether the Supreme Court will get hung up on obscure theories of commerce clause jurisprudence to strike down something that could have been easily accomplished under another label.

Meanwhile, the specter for Republicans is the knowledge that if it turns out an individual mandate isn't constitutional, a single-payer government health plan clearly is.
Any democrat facing re-election will sprint away from the words single payer........
Jack Roberts is a former GOP candidate for Governor of Oregon.

The brewing court battle over health care reform | OregonLive.com

Even without creating a government health insurance system, Congress could simply have imposed a tax dedicated to health care with an exemption for people who provided proof of insurance for themselves and their dependents. The exemption could be justified since people with insurance are, through their premiums, already helping cover part of the cost of uncompensated health care for the uninsured.

The individual mandate essentially works the same way, since it is enforced only by a fine assessed on individual tax returns. Unfortunately, its supporters were so afraid their opponents would accuse them of raising taxes they went out of their way to make it clear that the fine imposed was a penalty and not a tax.

If Democrats were thereby hoping to protect themselves politically, they clearly miscalculated. The question now is whether the Supreme Court will get hung up on obscure theories of commerce clause jurisprudence to strike down something that could have been easily accomplished under another label.

Meanwhile, the specter for Republicans is the knowledge that if it turns out an individual mandate isn't constitutional, a single-payer government health plan clearly is.

Clearly it is not Unconstitutional. However that still does not make it a good idea.

However, the Individual Mandate in ObamaCare Clearly is Unconstitutional. The Reason, is with the Mandate the GOvernment is forcing you to buy something from a Private Company. With universal Health care the government would be providing you with health insurance.

Not even close to the same thing.

The Mandate is not only not legal, it is simply not an effect way to address the problem. Essentially what it attempts to do is solve the problem of people not having health care, simply by making it law that they get Insurance with out effectively addressing the cost issue, which is why so many people go without as it is.

It simply is not the way to do it. Period.
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Any democrat facing re-election will sprint away from the words single payer........

Of course they will they will get no political contributions from the health care/ins industry.

Wrong, it's because the ass kicking they took in November will look like a swedish massage compared to what will happen if they start openly pushing that garbage.........
Bottom line is this; as costs continue to rise, and it becomes completely unaffordable for even the middle class, there will be a groundswell of support to move toward single pay. It's just a matter of time, because nobody, and I mean nobody is even close to addressing the problem of costs that continue to spiral out of control.
Bottom line is this; as costs continue to rise, and it becomes completely unaffordable for even the middle class, there will be a groundswell of support to move toward single pay. It's just a matter of time, because nobody, and I mean nobody is even close to addressing the problem of costs that continue to spiral out of control.

....which single payer will only make worse. It's one thing to ignore costs. It's entirely another to enact leglislation that is only going to exacerbate that problem.
Jack Roberts is a former GOP candidate for Governor of Oregon.

The brewing court battle over health care reform | OregonLive.com

Even without creating a government health insurance system, Congress could simply have imposed a tax dedicated to health care with an exemption for people who provided proof of insurance for themselves and their dependents. The exemption could be justified since people with insurance are, through their premiums, already helping cover part of the cost of uncompensated health care for the uninsured.

The individual mandate essentially works the same way, since it is enforced only by a fine assessed on individual tax returns. Unfortunately, its supporters were so afraid their opponents would accuse them of raising taxes they went out of their way to make it clear that the fine imposed was a penalty and not a tax.

If Democrats were thereby hoping to protect themselves politically, they clearly miscalculated. The question now is whether the Supreme Court will get hung up on obscure theories of commerce clause jurisprudence to strike down something that could have been easily accomplished under another label.

Meanwhile, the specter for Republicans is the knowledge that if it turns out an individual mandate isn't constitutional, a single-payer government health plan clearly is.

Yet the Democrats ran like a scared rabbit from single payer, didn't they? You want to know why? Or are you just an idiot that thinks he already knows the answer?

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