Universal Background check for gun sales? Ends gun sales at New Mexico Walmarts....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Because Walmart can't handle universal background checks on private sales....they don't want people bringing in guns to sell privately, now requiring a background check......they will no longer sell guns.

This is a feature, not a bug, and was likely pointed out to the anti-gunners when it was being considered as a law.

The anti-gunners do not give a crap about universal background checks. It makes them warm and fuzzy to know that they ended gun sales at Walmart. They know that universal background checks do not stop criminals, and they do not stop mass public shooters.....but they do know they have now made it that much more difficult for normal people to buy a gun for self defense.

The real goal is to use universal background checks to then demand universal gun registration. They need guns registered so that when they finally get the power to ban and confiscate guns either by one type, or all at once, they will know where they are.

That is the only reason they want universal background checks. Anything else they say is a lie.

New Mexico Walmarts Will Stop Selling Guns Due to Universal Background Check Law - The Truth About Guns

Just a happy little side effect of New Mexico’s new “universal” background check law.

The retailer is not equipped to conduct checks for private sales, Walmart spokeswoman Tiffany Wilson said. Employees and customers could be put in danger by people bringing in guns seeking checks for private sales, she said.

“Unlike a specialty sporting goods retailer where customers expect to see firearms of various types being handled, Walmart customers do not generally expect to see individuals walking through the store potentially carrying multiple firearms, which can lead to confusion and potentially putting both our customers and associates at risk,” Wilson told KOAT-TV .
Background checks=gun registration.

I just bought a gun, and I know that's gonna be registered.

I bet the 1st rifle I bought as an adult isn't in their whompingly huge database, though.

I bet that .303 my buddy gave me isn't either.

They must have registration before confiscation.

They need to know where the guns are.

I have 2 guns they can see. 1 pistol and 1 rifle. That's ok, I like to shoot. :dunno:

I don't like that it puts my name into a database, but I wanted that gun, never before has a gun with that quality been such a good deal.
Background checks are absolutely ridiculous. They are oppressive and the wrong thing to do for the following reasons:

1. They don't work. Passing a background is absolutely no assurance that you won't use the firearm in a crime. Not passing a background check does not mean that you would use the firearm in a legal manner.

2. Background checks is an assumption of being guilty until you have to prove your innocence. Anti American.

3. It is getting permission from the filthy government before being allowed to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. It is absolutely the same as if we had to get permission from the filthy government before being allowed to practice religion or practice free speech.

Nothing more than typical worthless feel good bullshit from the shithead Liberals that serve no useful purpose but curtails our Liberty.

Arizona is an idiot state for doing it.
And when was the last gun got at Walmart used in a mass shooting?
Because Walmart can't handle universal background checks on private sales....they don't want people bringing in guns to sell privately, now requiring a background check......they will no longer sell guns.

This is a feature, not a bug, and was likely pointed out to the anti-gunners when it was being considered as a law.

The anti-gunners do not give a crap about universal background checks. It makes them warm and fuzzy to know that they ended gun sales at Walmart. They know that universal background checks do not stop criminals, and they do not stop mass public shooters.....but they do know they have now made it that much more difficult for normal people to buy a gun for self defense.

The real goal is to use universal background checks to then demand universal gun registration. They need guns registered so that when they finally get the power to ban and confiscate guns either by one type, or all at once, they will know where they are.

That is the only reason they want universal background checks. Anything else they say is a lie.

New Mexico Walmarts Will Stop Selling Guns Due to Universal Background Check Law - The Truth About Guns

Just a happy little side effect of New Mexico’s new “universal” background check law.

The retailer is not equipped to conduct checks for private sales, Walmart spokeswoman Tiffany Wilson said. Employees and customers could be put in danger by people bringing in guns seeking checks for private sales, she said.

“Unlike a specialty sporting goods retailer where customers expect to see firearms of various types being handled, Walmart customers do not generally expect to see individuals walking through the store potentially carrying multiple firearms, which can lead to confusion and potentially putting both our customers and associates at risk,” Wilson told KOAT-TV .
Sounds reasonable

Walmart does not want to be associated with selling guns to felons
The slippery slope logical fallacy, presented above, is just that. Gun licensing and gun registration are common sense regulations and their time has come.

No universal effort to take guns from the entire population of gun owners would be cost effective or anywhere near possible. So, let's put that claim to rest.

However, when a gun owner commits a violent crime, or is detained as a danger to themselves or others, it is reasonable for law enforcement to obtain a warrant to confiscate any firearms owned by the defendant, and via the same due process, suspend their license to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun.

Upon conviction, and the severity of the crime, the suspension could be for only the time on probation, or, if sent to prison, the license could be revoked for ever. In the former case, the suspension of the license could be reinstated, and the guns returned to the person, if the court so decides.
The slippery slope logical fallacy, presented above, is just that. Gun licensing and gun registration are common sense regulations and their time has come.

No universal effort to take guns from the entire population of gun owners would be cost effective or anywhere near possible. So, let's put that claim to rest.

However, when a gun owner commits a violent crime, or is detained as a danger to themselves or others, it is reasonable for law enforcement to obtain a warrant to confiscate any firearms owned by the defendant, and via the same due process, suspend their license to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun.

Upon conviction, and the severity of the crime, the suspension could be for only the time on probation, or, if sent to prison, the license could be revoked for ever. In the former case, the suspension of the license could be reinstated, and the guns returned to the person, if the court so decides.

They are not common sense, they are simply ways to know where guns are located and who owns the weapon so that later they can be banned and confiscated, without the owners hiding them.

We already know this from the licensing and registration regimes in Britain, Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand, Australia, and various states here in the U.S......

There is no need to license guns, there is no need to register guns.

We can already arrest any felon who buys, owns or carries a gun....you cannot convict a felon for not registering an illegal gun...so that is a moot point.......criminals can't license or register guns as of current law....so the only ones you would be licensing and registering are law abiding gun owners, the people who do not use them for crimes.....

Mass shooters would happily license and register their guns....and then use them for mass shootings...

There isn't one rational reason to license and register guns, other than to later confiscate them and ban them.....and before you reach that point....you use licensing to increase the paperwork, fees and legal peril for normal people who want to own and buy a gun for self defense....

There are no rational reasons to license and register guns.
The slippery slope logical fallacy, presented above, is just that. Gun licensing and gun registration are common sense regulations and their time has come.

No universal effort to take guns from the entire population of gun owners would be cost effective or anywhere near possible. So, let's put that claim to rest.

However, when a gun owner commits a violent crime, or is detained as a danger to themselves or others, it is reasonable for law enforcement to obtain a warrant to confiscate any firearms owned by the defendant, and via the same due process, suspend their license to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun.

Upon conviction, and the severity of the crime, the suspension could be for only the time on probation, or, if sent to prison, the license could be revoked for ever. In the former case, the suspension of the license could be reinstated, and the guns returned to the person, if the court so decides.

No universal effort to take guns from the entire population of gun owners would be cost effective or anywhere near possible. So, let's put that claim to rest.

As New Zealand is teaching us....the Government will not pay for the guns, they will simply declare them banned, and offer less than the worth of the guns. If you do not turn them in, any use of the gun, including self defense, will have you arrested for illegal possession. Again, this is simply a way to keep normal people from wanting to own a gun. The first ban guns and confiscate as many as they can get, then wait for normal interactions between civilians and police to scoop up the rest. Noisy party call...oh, you are on the record for not having turned in your gun, you are now under arrest. Traffic stop .....oh, you are on the record for having not turned in your gun, you are now under arrest...... a robber invades your home, you use the gun to defend your family...oh, you are on record as not having turned in that gun, you are arrested next to the criminal......

You will become a felon, lose your job, lose tons of money defending yourself, go to jail, likely lose your home, and will be unemployable in the future as a convicted felon......

This is how it will be done....you have no idea what you are talking about...

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