United Nations Finds The LOST — Again


Sep 23, 2010
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. Marcus Tillius Cicero

Identifying the enemy within has never been easier. The naive foolishly believe that the United Nations is mankind’s best hope for a better world, while proof of treason is found in those who support United Nations treaties well-knowing what they will do to this country.

Knowing the enemy within, and even knowing their plans, does not seem to matter as the LOST (Law of the Sea Treaty) is back for another run at ratification. This article is background on a previous attempt to ratify. Nothing has changed since Frank Gaffney said:

"I'm sorry to see that the Bush administration is not being conservative and does not seem to care about its base," Mr. Gaffney said. "The only way this treaty will be enacted is if nobody reads it."

Bush's base splits over sea treaty
July 2, 2007
By David R. Sands

Bush's base splits over sea treaty - Washington Times

More recently (yesterday):

The U.S. is in jeopardy of losing its capacity to guarantee freedom of the seas -- and that guarantee is crucial to reducing the risk of future global conflicts.


The White House claims there is an “Easy Button” remedy for all these woes: congressional ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, or UNCLOS.

Try again. The merits of this treaty are debatable, but one mission it can't possibly accomplish is ensuring freedom of the seas.

We’ve tried the treaty approach before. Prior to World War II, the U.S. signed almost every treaty in sight — from a pact that banned war outright to naval arms control agreements. None of them proved a substitute for having the capacity to defend of America's interest in open seas. UNCLOS is no better.


Today, that capacity is in jeopardy. And, it's a bigger problem than just not having enough Navy ships. The Marine Corps matters, too, for its capacity to project power from the sea. The Air Force plays a major role in keeping sea lanes -- especially vital choke points -- open. And the Army is on call to handle threats to sea lanes anchored in critical parts of Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Yet the latest Quadrennial Defense Review from the Pentagon would allow capacity in all these areas to atrophy.


Soon the congressionally-chartered National Defense Panel will offer its independent, bipartisan assessment of the QDR. How it addresses the issue of defending freedom of the seas will indicate whether anyone is really buying the do-more-with-less defense program the Pentagon is selling.

Who will ensure freedom of the seas if the US can't?
By James Jay Carafano | APRIL 28, 2014 AT 11:05 AM

Who will ensure freedom of the seas if the US can't? | WashingtonExaminer.com

Advice and Consent is the critical component in ratifying treaties. Should the Democrats hang onto the Senate they will have two more years to impose the UN’s will on the American people. If you think Democrats do not have the necessary 67 votes to ratify the LOST go back to New START. The vote to ratify was 71 to 26 with THIRTEEN Republicans voting with the Democrats. (Three Republicans did not show up for the vote.)

I don’t have a head count, but I know that Lisa Murkowski is but one “Republican” who will join long-time RINO in ratifying the LOST:

Republican senator says sea treaty might pass after election
By Zack Colman - 08/17/12 10:32 AM ET

Republican senator says sea treaty might ?pass after election | TheHill

NOTE: Arguing against the reasons UN advocates put forth for ratification is a trap baited with everything except Mom & Apple Pie. America’s sovereignty is the only argument that counts. Everybody pushing ratification knows that sovereignty is the one argument the United Nations cannot win; so they lay down so much misdirection a cartographer would go nuts trying to map it all out.

If for no other reason the efforts to ratify the LOST should convince Americans that Democrats retaining control of the Senate is a blueprint for abolishing America’s absolute sovereignty via UN treaties. If sovereignty isn’t concrete enough for you try this: Should the LOST ever be ratified it will give the UN taxing authority over the American people via the International Seabed Authority contrary to Hillary Clinton’s dismissal. Notice that limited opposition means limited among Clinton and her kind. Add the American people to the equation and opposition is massive:

“I am well aware that this treaty does have determined opposition, limited, but nevertheless quite vociferous,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the committee. “And it’s unfortunate because it’s opposition based in ideology and mythology, not in facts, evidence, or the consequences of our continuing failure to accede to the treaty.”

There’s no mythology in this:

Inhofe objected to the Law of the Sea treaty’s royalty provisions on the grounds that it would deprive the United States of billions in royalties via a new international tax.


“This is the first time in history that an international organization – the U.N. in this case – would possess taxing authority over this country.”

Nobody in their right mind would trust a Democrat president to veto anything the UN does with its ill-gotten revenues —— and certainly not presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton:

Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) responded to Sen. Inhofe’s objection by pointing out that the United States would possess a permanent veto power over the actions of the international body that would control those royalty payments: the International Seabed Authority (ISA).

Kerry also pointed out that U.S. oil and gas companies support the Law of the Sea treaty and are willing to pay the international royalties.

“They [oil companies] signed on to these royalties, which are far less than the royalties that they pay today, to us, in the Gulf of Mexico or elsewhere,” said Kerry. “And they [would] pay them into an international entity that we will have a veto over as to where and how it will be spent.”

Hillary Clinton: Opposition to Sea Treaty Based on 'Mythology'
May 23, 2012 - 5:58 PM
By Matt Cover

Hillary Clinton: Opposition to Sea Treaty Based on 'Mythology' | CNS News

First off, anything oil companies pay in royalties is passed along to consumers. More to the point, the amount oil companies pay in royalties is not the issue. In any event, start with a penny a barrel and before long the UN will own the barrel. The issue is this: Giving the United Nations taxing authority over the American people is a major loss of sovereignty.

Finally, I realize it is a lot of reading, but I am posting these links for those who are not familiar with the in and outs of LOST. Reading one or two articles will give the misinformed a handle on what UN supporters are really after:

Why Reagan Would Still Reject the Law of the Sea Treaty
By Steven Groves
October 24, 2007

Why Reagan Would Still Reject the Law of the Sea Treaty


Law of the Sea Treaty is dead
By: Hope Hodge
7/16/2012 03:46 PM

Law of the Sea Treaty is dead


April 18, 2013
The U.N.'s Latest Attempt to Shackle the USA
By Sierra Rayne

Articles: The U.N.'s Latest Attempt to Shackle the USA


Republicans ready for ‘sneaky treaties’
By: Hope Hodge
12/3/2012 05:23 AM

Republicans ready for 'sneaky treaties' - Conservative News, Views & Books


This treaty crushes U.S. sovereignty
Exclusive: Rick Santorum exposes shocking details of U.N. power play
Published: 12/02/2012 at 8:43 PM

This treaty crushes U.S. sovereignty


U.N. treaties mean LOST U.S. sovereignty (Washington Times 07/25/2012)
By Sen. James M. Inhofe and Sen. Jim DeMint
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

U.S. Senator for Oklahoma Senator James M. Inhofe


Secretary Kerry Still Pushing Law Of The Sea Treaty
Posted 03/28/2013 06:39 PM ET

http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/032813-649779-kerr y-wants-law-of-the-sea-treaty.htm

p.s. Then-Senator Chuck Hagel supported ratifying the LOST. Look closely and you will see that Barack Taqiyya’s entire presidency has been a Senate Administration. Bottom line: Senate foreign policy has been a disaster of monumental scope. Ratifying the LOST will pile a larger disaster on top of the others.
My guess is that a majority of Americans do not see United Nations treaties as threats. If the public did see the danger built into every UN treaty quislings would not keep trying to ratify them.

As much as I distrust the US Senate I must say that just enough senators have been able to stop ratification on their own. In other words less than a majority (34 senators) do the right thing without any pressure from the general public.

NOTE: NOT ratifying United Nations treaties is included in the Administration’s complaint about a “Do-nothing Congress.” I can just hear the same characters complaining about a “Do too much Congress” when HillaryCare II is repealed.

United Nations treaties aside, so far Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press is the only journalist that I’ve come across who has the courage to link this to the United Nations:

“The US is on the brink of losing its status as the world’s largest economy, and is likely to slip behind China this year, sooner than widely anticipated, according to the world’s leading statistical agencies. (Financial Times, April 30, 2014)


Know that it was fully orchestrated from the wings of stage left where the United Nations had been working feverishly to bring President Barack Obama to the world stage to complete the UN’s mission known as: “The Fundamental Transformation of America”.

I am guessing that the news of America’s lost economic leadership will resonate far more than UN treaties ever did. This is not a guess: More than 90 percent of Americans probably never heard of Maurice Strong. So who is he? Here’s a taste:

UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong, who last week celebrated his 85th birthday, started his work on the downfall of America in Canada the country of his birth before moving to Beijing in 2006, during the fallout of the UN Oil-for-Food scandal.


Maurice Strong, Godfather of Agenda 21, when he hooked up with -currency speculator George Soros, . . .


Having cashed in his Kyoto credits and having launched his ManyOne Internet project from afar, Strong is back on the international scene, ready or not period.


This comeback sees Strong teaming up in the biz world with George Soros.


. . . Strong and Soros were working on anti-American schemes as far back as 2006.


Maurice Strong has almost as much impact on average Americans as the air that they breathe.

All that President Barack Obama is doing to fundamentally transform America and the Free World over to One World Government begins and ends with one Maurice Strong. Soros is merely the financier.

If you want more on Maurice Strong click on the link then click on the hyperlinks in Judi’s article:

UN’s ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ Puts China in Driver’s Seat
By Judi McLeod Wednesday, April 30, 2014

UN?s ?Fundamental Transformation of America? Puts China in Driver?s Seat
Listen to something Steve Hayes said about China in the video about the LOST:

Charles Krauthammer the Obama Admin Has Shown it Doesn t Stand Up Fox News Insider

HAYES: These were Philippine-controlled islands and they are now doing something that I think could be argued is a violation of the UN’s Law of the Sea Treaty.​

Krauthammer on China Tensions: Obama Admin Has 'Shown it Doesn't Stand Up'

As seen on Special Report with Bret Baier
by Fox News Insider
Posted in: // Special Report // Charles Krauthammer // China​

I was surprised by Hayes’ reference to the Law of the Sea Treaty which was never ratified, nor should it ever be considered for ratification. Hayes seemed to be saying that China violating a non-existent treaty amounts to a military catastrophe of monumental size.

China will do what Chicoms were doing before they were seated in the United Nations. If they want to play at grabbing chunks of the Pacific Ocean, American can claim 800 miles off the Aleutian Chain, not to mention Hawaii, our continental coastlines, etc. Then tell the Chicoms: “Okay, we will stay out of your waters if you agree to stay the hell out of ours.”

It is not to hard to see where the claims about China’s manmade islands are going. The Chicago sewer rat will argue that the LOST must now be ratified in order counter China’s military threat. Bottom line: Americans must rely on a United Nations treaty for protection against those big bad-ass Chicoms.

Finally, General MacArthur should have bombed China back to the stone age. Had he done it during the Korean War, the Chicoms would still be rebuilding their country instead of building islands to use against us.

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