Unemployment Claims Unexpectedly Up, Again


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Our government meets the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Yet more evidence of the lunacy of Obamanomics:

Unemployment claims once again UNEXPECTEDLY rise.

America's job machine is stuck in neutral. And that's a worrying sign.

The number of Americans signing up for first-time unemployment benefits – a gauge of layoffs – surged to 464,000 last week, the Labor Department reported Thursday. That was higher than a consensus of economists expected and slightly above the average for the year.

With first-time claims staying stubbornly high, it's unlikely that unemployment will come down quickly. If unemployed Americans don't return to work, they can't spend, which slows the recovery.

There's an outside chance that it stops recovery altogether.

Unemployment claims surge, as jobs outlook sours - CSMonitor.com

Extending Unemployment benefits won't fix this.

Wall Street Reform won't fix this.

ObamaCare won't fix this.

More Stimulus spending won't fix this.

Raising taxes won't fix this.

Cap and Trade won't fix this.

Taking over more industries won't fix this.

Obamanomics = EPIC FAIL
Liberal economics is a religion. It has saints, it has a devil, it has its golden texts, and facts are irrelevant.
Actually new Unemployment Insurance Claims went down last week.

The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 498,022 in the week ending July 17, a decrease of 13,113 from the previous week.

The fact remains that half a Million newly unemployed file for UI each week. This has gone on now for years.
I love how the media always says 'unexpectedly' the claim numbers went up. Unexpectedly to whom? There are many economists who understand the re-percussions of regulation on businesses and easy money policy at the Federal Reserve. The numbers are only unexpected to those who are believing what the media and Obama administration are telling them about the economy improving.
This is jobless recovery. So it will last for some time until everything will return into normalcy.
This is jobless recovery. So it will last for some time until everything will return into normalcy.

A jobless recovery from a recession or a Depression is not a rational thought.

In my book it is the lack of jobs that are the biggest issue in an economic downturn.

If I am right, saying that we can have a Jobless recovery from our Depression is illogical.
This is jobless recovery. So it will last for some time until everything will return into normalcy.

If, that's a Big IF, the illiterate, semi-literate and functionally illiterate could somehow be convinced to elect an educated in the real world, free market and pro-business crowd, with veto proof majorities in both Houses plus the WH, it would take two decades at minimum to undo the damage wrought upon the Empire by the Socialist Lite Party (Pubs) and the Marxist Party (Dems).

The Empire will implode and collapse long before we ever see 5% UE again.

The "Entitlement Mentality" is to far ingrained in the Sheep.

But the Band plays on..........................[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85gO8XLb4ug&videos=iSIAgnnFwCo"]the Asshole song[/ame]

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