Unemployed need not apply


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Republicans like to blame all the unemployed on Obama but they don't ask the corporations they serve to stop the practice of not hiring people who are out of work.

Corporations are being really picky. I think they like unemployment high. It keeps wages down. I remember an article years ago explaining that's what Greenspan said it was his responsibility to keep wages low they need unemployment to be high but not too high.
Republicans like to blame all the unemployed on Obama but they don't ask the corporations they serve to stop the practice of not hiring people who are out of work.

Corporations are being really picky. I think they like unemployment high. It keeps wages down. I remember an article years ago explaining that's what Greenspan said it was his responsibility to keep wages low they need unemployment to be high but not too high.

Wait a second, sparky. I thought unemployment was a driver of the Obama economy, if people stop collecting it could hurt the economy
Face it, when companies need employees, they hire. And who do they hire? People that are looking for a job!!!

If you want one of those jobs, get qualified, instead of looking at employment as an extension of welfare.
Republicans like to blame all the unemployed on Obama but they don't ask the corporations they serve to stop the practice of not hiring people who are out of work.

Corporations are being really picky. I think they like unemployment high. It keeps wages down. I remember an article years ago explaining that's what Greenspan said it was his responsibility to keep wages low they need unemployment to be high but not too high.
Trace the roots back as far as you can. Start back in the 50's. Come back and let us know what you find out. Thanks.
Republicans like to blame all the unemployed on Obama but they don't ask the corporations they serve to stop the practice of not hiring people who are out of work.

Corporations are being really picky. I think they like unemployment high. It keeps wages down. I remember an article years ago explaining that's what Greenspan said it was his responsibility to keep wages low they need unemployment to be high but not too high.
Wages and employment are being kept down because employers are being strangled by the cost of Obamacare. Ever think of that?
Republicans like to blame all the unemployed on Obama but they don't ask the corporations they serve to stop the practice of not hiring people who are out of work.

Corporations are being really picky. I think they like unemployment high. It keeps wages down. I remember an article years ago explaining that's what Greenspan said it was his responsibility to keep wages low they need unemployment to be high but not too high.
Wages and employment are being kept down because employers are being strangled by the cost of Obamacare. Ever think of that?
false employment is being kept down by employers who falsely assume the aca will hurt their bottom line.
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Republicans like to blame all the unemployed on Obama but they don't ask the corporations they serve to stop the practice of not hiring people who are out of work.

Corporations are being really picky. I think they like unemployment high. It keeps wages down. I remember an article years ago explaining that's what Greenspan said it was his responsibility to keep wages low they need unemployment to be high but not too high.
Wages and employment are being kept down because employers are being strangled by the cost of Obamacare. Ever think of that?

Sure I thought about that. I even gave it serious consideration after hearing the right wing claim it for decades on end. It just doesn't stand up to the facts. Employers are not being strangled. In fact, profits are soaring. In many cases soaring to record setting highs. Of course most of the giveaways are to the biggest corporations, and that should be focused more on the small businesses who actually have more in common with normal people than the big boys, but over all, profits are better than ever. The strangling you mention is only in the imaginations of lobbyists, corporations, and the right wing dupes who believe them.
Republicans like to blame all the unemployed on Obama but they don't ask the corporations they serve to stop the practice of not hiring people who are out of work.

Corporations are being really picky. I think they like unemployment high. It keeps wages down. I remember an article years ago explaining that's what Greenspan said it was his responsibility to keep wages low they need unemployment to be high but not too high.
Companies act in a completely predictable fashion. You want to blame them for something that they are designed and meant to do.

That is idiotic.

Crate an atmosphere where unemployment is high and companies will be picky as well as drive wages down. Crate the opposite and they will not. Companies are not colluding to crate the circumstances they are in - those circumstances are created by a combination of technology, government/regulation and the economy at large.
With millions out of work corporations can afford to be picky.

And in California, I have read one qualification for a growing number of corporations is to speak Spanish. The trend is growing. :omg:

Fuck that, you come here you learn the language
Not much you can do about that. Considering that companies can set pretty much whatever requirements they want, having an excess number of applicants grants them the ability to demand such things.
With millions out of work corporations can afford to be picky.

And in California, I have read one qualification for a growing number of corporations is to speak Spanish. The trend is growing. :omg:

Fuck that, you come here you learn the language
Not much you can do about that. Considering that companies can set pretty much whatever requirements they want, having an excess number of applicants grants them the ability to demand such things.
Could it be that being bi lingual makes good business sense. ?
With millions out of work corporations can afford to be picky.

And in California, I have read one qualification for a growing number of corporations is to speak Spanish. The trend is growing. :omg:

Fuck that, you come here you learn the language
Not much you can do about that. Considering that companies can set pretty much whatever requirements they want, having an excess number of applicants grants them the ability to demand such things.
Could it be that being bi lingual makes good business sense. ?
Depends on the position and field. In the vast majority of cases, being bi-lingual is utterly meaningless. However, many positions such as retail in southern CA (or anywhere near the border) or construction it is a huge asset.
With millions out of work corporations can afford to be picky.

And in California, I have read one qualification for a growing number of corporations is to speak Spanish. The trend is growing. :omg:

Fuck that, you come here you learn the language
Not much you can do about that. Considering that companies can set pretty much whatever requirements they want, having an excess number of applicants grants them the ability to demand such things.
Could it be that being bi lingual makes good business sense. ?
Depends on the position and field. In the vast majority of cases, being bi-lingual is utterly meaningless. However, many positions such as retail in southern CA (or anywhere near the border) or construction it is a huge asset.
singing to the choir I am A so cal native.
With millions out of work corporations can afford to be picky.
Why require a work ethic of Only labor and not also an employment ethic from employers; especially in Right to Work States.

You need to explain what you mean by an employment ethic. You do realize that there are legal protections that employees benefit from. There is almost nothing on the other end of that.

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