Understanding the depravity of Palestinian Islamic Nazism


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
How is Hamas any different from ISIS and Al queda? Palestinains are the bastard children of Islam and Nazism: Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals, when this is their constitution:

Hamas Charter

The Avalon Project Hamas Covenant 1988

The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement
Hamas Covenant 1988

18 August 1988
In The Name Of The Most Merciful Allah

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

The Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

Article Eleven:
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?

This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.

It happened like this: When the leaders of the Islamic armies conquered Syria and Iraq, they sent to the Caliph of the Moslems, Umar bin-el-Khatab, asking for his advice concerning the conquered land - whether they should divide it among the soldiers, or leave it for its owners, or what? After consultations and discussions between the Caliph of the Moslems, Omar bin-el-Khatab and companions of the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, it was decided that the land should be left with its owners who could benefit by its fruit. As for the real ownership of the land and the land itself, it should be consecrated for Moslem generations till Judgement Day. Those who are on the land, are there only to benefit from its fruit. This Waqf remains as long as earth and heaven remain. Any procedure in contradiction to Islamic Sharia, where Palestine is concerned, is null and void.

"Verily, this is a certain truth. Wherefore praise the name of thy Lord, the great Allah." (The Inevitable - verse 95).

Initiatives and International Conferences:

Article Thirteen:
Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. Abusing any part of Palestine is abuse directed against part of religion. Nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion. Its members have been fed on that. For the sake of hoisting the banner of Allah over their homeland they fight. "Allah will be prominent, but most people do not know."

These conferences are only ways of setting the infidels in the land of the Moslems as arbitraters. When did the infidels do justice to the believers?

"But the Jews will not be pleased with thee, neither the Christians, until thou follow their religion; say, The direction of Allah is the true direction. And verily if thou follow their desires, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, thou shalt find no patron or protector against Allah." (The Cow - verse 120).

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.

It is necessary to instill in the minds of the Moslem generations that the Palestinian problem is a religious problem, and should be dealt with on this basis. Palestine contains Islamic holy sites.
Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals, when this is their constitution:
Any Israeli that can't trace their ancestor back to the land, say, five generations? They need to immigrate to where ever their ancestors came from. This is probably the best way to deal with the situation. Or at least the most just way to deal with it. If you aren't wanted some place, go back home.

All problems will be solved. This. . . I guarantee you.

Or at least the problems in Palestine will be solved. The racists in Europe will be up in arms. To be sure. :lmao:
Israel has been ancient Jewish land for 3000 years, idiot. The Palestinians by their own admission are recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, so perhaps they are the ones that need to "go home":

Israel has been ancient Jewish land for 3000 years, idiot. The Palestinians by their own admission are recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, so perhaps they are the ones that need to "go home":

Palestinian war propaganda proves nothing. That is like American propaganda linking some of English ancestry begging to get Americans involved in WWII. Useless.

Try reading my post more closely. I said, any Israeli family that can't trace their roots to the land back five generations, vamoose. The Jews that were already there were left unmolested and the Arabs had no problem with them, just like the Jews in Iran. How about we apply the same standard to the Arabs in the area? If your Great Great Great Great Grand-parents didn't call the area home, vamoose.

Whoever is left in the area can sit down at the table and hammer out a government. Remember? We are trying to find a fair and equitable solution. Ancient history that is not verifiable by genealogy and fables and lore do not concern me. Legends and ancient stories do not concern me. Only science and facts documented by legal authority do. Let's find a way to peace. You asked a question, I gave you the most reasonable answer. If you didn't want to hear the truth, don't ask a stupid question.

I GUARANTEE YOU, the people sitting down at the table will be able to find a way to peace if you follow a just course that is this course of action. If the Jews leave, peace will follow, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED.

Do you remember the Judgement of King Solomon? Either they learn to live in peace, the folks that came and invaded the land leave, or they divide the land between the two tribes. If you don't like proscribed justice, don't come looking for answers.


Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals, when this is their constitution:
Any Israeli that can't trace their ancestor back to the land, say, five generations? They need to immigrate to where ever their ancestors came from. This is probably the best way to deal with the situation. Or at least the most just way to deal with it. If you aren't wanted some place, go back home.

All problems will be solved. This. . . I guarantee you.

Or at least the problems in Palestine will be solved. The racists in Europe will be up in arms. To be sure. :lmao:

And what about the arab muslims, doe the same apply to them. Then all the muslims in the west as well, and finally all the colonists in America that cant prove ancestry back before 1700 to be sent back to their historic homelands, that is if the homelands will have them.

Why not just erect a fence around gaza and shoot anyone approaching it.
Israel has been ancient Jewish land for 3000 years, idiot. The Palestinians by their own admission are recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, so perhaps they are the ones that need to "go home":

Palestinian war propaganda proves nothing. That is like American propaganda linking some of English ancestry begging to get Americans involved in WWII. Useless.

Try reading my post more closely. I said, any Israeli family that can't trace their roots to the land back five generations, vamoose. The Jews that were already there were left unmolested and the Arabs had no problem with them, just like the Jews in Iran. How about we apply the same standard to the Arabs in the area? If your Great Great Great Great Grand-parents didn't call the area home, vamoose.

Whoever is left in the area can sit down at the table and hammer out a government. Remember? We are trying to find a fair and equitable solution. Ancient history that is not verifiable by genealogy and fables and lore do not concern me. Legends and ancient stories do not concern me. Only science and facts documented by legal authority do. Let's find a way to peace. You asked a question, I gave you the most reasonable answer. If you didn't want to hear the truth, don't ask a stupid question.

I GUARANTEE YOU, the people sitting down at the table will be able to find a way to peace if you follow a just course that is this course of action. If the Jews leave, peace will follow, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED.

Do you remember the Judgement of King Solomon? Either they learn to live in peace, the folks that came and invaded the land leave, or they divide the land between the two tribes. If you don't like proscribed justice, don't come looking for answers.



The Jews have always been persecuted by the muslim and the history of massacres goes all the way back to 627 C.E.

Only one problem the arab muslims will have their numbers to sieze control and then start to ethnically cleanse the Jews and Christians from the area. haven't you been looking at the arab muslims threats and promises.

I can guantee that within 6 months the final solution and extension of the holocaust will be viewed on everyones TV screens and they will be angry at the people who thought of this harebrained scheme
Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals, when this is their constitution:
Any Israeli that can't trace their ancestor back to the land, say, five generations? They need to immigrate to where ever their ancestors came from. This is probably the best way to deal with the situation. Or at least the most just way to deal with it. If you aren't wanted some place, go back home.

All problems will be solved. This. . . I guarantee you.

Or at least the problems in Palestine will be solved. The racists in Europe will be up in arms. To be sure. :lmao:

And what about the Arab Muslims, doe the same apply to them. Then all the Muslims in the west as well, and finally all the colonists in America that cant prove ancestry back before 1700 to be sent back to their historic homelands, that is if the homelands will have them.

Why not just erect a fence around gaza and shoot anyone approaching it.

Anyone that can't live in peace and treat people fairly, must stay where they are. It is the principle of voluntary living. Sure.

Sure, if there is violence. I don't see much violence and bloodshed anymore over any land except for the little plot the size of New Jersey. But yeah, if all of Europe will have 300 million Americans back, sure. The problem here, is that most of these Americans have native blood in them. See, we Americans aren't racist. Not like those Jews. Most of the Jews, as Roudy so eloquently put it, actually BELIEVE they are some sort of "chosen" folk. They are no better than the Nazi's of WWII. They would never, "lower" them selves to love and interbreed with those, "animals." Their holy Talmud teaches that all "goyim" are no better than animals. Pretty much the attitude Hitler took toward all non-Aryans. Is it any wonder folks take an anti-Semitic attitude? Is there anything wrong with being an anti-Semite when Jews going around spouting hate like,"Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals?" They are taught from childhood that they are better than other humans. Muslims are taught the same thing.

What sort of hatred and nonsense is this?

Hindus? Taught the same thing. Fundamentalist Christians are taught, that anyone that doesn't accept Christ as their savior is going to hell.

All nonsense. It's all hatred.

God is love, it isn't ego or hatred. You don't teach children that their religion is the only true path to God. God created variety, just as he did in the universe and in the animal and plant kingdom. One cannot conceive of the notion of even a mind of a god. So to claim that any one religion or people is superior is nonsense. Only peace and love is the correct way. To get in the way of harmony, is sheer evil. Of them getting in the way of love and harmony are of evil that corruption. Silliness playing into the hands of the beast.
Israel has been ancient Jewish land for 3000 years, idiot. The Palestinians by their own admission are recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, so perhaps they are the ones that need to "go home":

Palestinian war propaganda proves nothing. That is like American propaganda linking some of English ancestry begging to get Americans involved in WWII. Useless.

Try reading my post more closely. I said, any Israeli family that can't trace their roots to the land back five generations, vamoose. The Jews that were already there were left unmolested and the Arabs had no problem with them, just like the Jews in Iran. How about we apply the same standard to the Arabs in the area? If your Great Great Great Great Grand-parents didn't call the area home, vamoose.

Whoever is left in the area can sit down at the table and hammer out a government. Remember? We are trying to find a fair and equitable solution. Ancient history that is not verifiable by genealogy and fables and lore do not concern me. Legends and ancient stories do not concern me. Only science and facts documented by legal authority do. Let's find a way to peace. You asked a question, I gave you the most reasonable answer. If you didn't want to hear the truth, don't ask a stupid question.

I GUARANTEE YOU, the people sitting down at the table will be able to find a way to peace if you follow a just course that is this course of action. If the Jews leave, peace will follow, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED.

Do you remember the Judgement of King Solomon? Either they learn to live in peace, the folks that came and invaded the land leave, or they divide the land between the two tribes. If you don't like proscribed justice, don't come looking for answers.



Hah? Muslims are recent 20th century invaders. The land is ancient Jewish land and they've kept a presence over the millennia. That is a fact. Your logic is nonsense.
Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals, when this is their constitution:
Any Israeli that can't trace their ancestor back to the land, say, five generations? They need to immigrate to where ever their ancestors came from. This is probably the best way to deal with the situation. Or at least the most just way to deal with it. If you aren't wanted some place, go back home.

All problems will be solved. This. . . I guarantee you.

Or at least the problems in Palestine will be solved. The racists in Europe will be up in arms. To be sure. :lmao:

And what about the Arab Muslims, doe the same apply to them. Then all the Muslims in the west as well, and finally all the colonists in America that cant prove ancestry back before 1700 to be sent back to their historic homelands, that is if the homelands will have them.

Why not just erect a fence around gaza and shoot anyone approaching it.

Anyone that can't live in peace and treat people fairly, must stay where they are. It is the principle of voluntary living. Sure.

Sure, if there is violence. I don't see much violence and bloodshed anymore over any land except for the little plot the size of New Jersey. But yeah, if all of Europe will have 300 million Americans back, sure. The problem here, is that most of these Americans have native blood in them. See, we Americans aren't racist. Not like those Jews. Most of the Jews, as Roudy so eloquently put it, actually BELIEVE they are some sort of "chosen" folk. They are no better than the Nazi's of WWII. They would never, "lower" them selves to love and interbreed with those, "animals." Their holy Talmud teaches that all "goyim" are no better than animals. Pretty much the attitude Hitler took toward all non-Aryans. Is it any wonder folks take an anti-Semitic attitude? Is there anything wrong with being an anti-Semite when Jews going around spouting hate like,"Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals?" They are taught from childhood that they are better than other humans. Muslims are taught the same thing.

What sort of hatred and nonsense is this?

Hindus? Taught the same thing. Fundamentalist Christians are taught, that anyone that doesn't accept Christ as their savior is going to hell.

All nonsense. It's all hatred.

God is love, it isn't ego or hatred. You don't teach children that their religion is the only true path to God. God created variety, just as he did in the universe and in the animal and plant kingdom. One cannot conceive of the notion of even a mind of a god. So to claim that any one religion or people is superior is nonsense. Only peace and love is the correct way. To get in the way of harmony, is sheer evil. Of them getting in the way of love and harmony are of evil that corruption. Silliness playing into the hands of the beast.

Gawd another bigmouth Jew hater comes crawling out of the woodwork.

Let's remind Mr Bean that currently there are almost two billion Muskims in Israel that have the same exact rights in Israel as the Jews.

It's not the Jews calling for the slaughter and death of all Muslims, it's Muslims like Hamas and ISIS, who openly call for murder of all Jews, and they have it in their manifesto.

Islamic supremacist animals are murdering non Muslims all over the world, and Hamas is just another group that wants to do the same.
Israel has been ancient Jewish land for 3000 years, idiot. The Palestinians by their own admission are recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, so perhaps they are the ones that need to "go home":

Palestinian war propaganda proves nothing. That is like American propaganda linking some of English ancestry begging to get Americans involved in WWII. Useless.

Try reading my post more closely. I said, any Israeli family that can't trace their roots to the land back five generations, vamoose. The Jews that were already there were left unmolested and the Arabs had no problem with them, just like the Jews in Iran. How about we apply the same standard to the Arabs in the area? If your Great Great Great Great Grand-parents didn't call the area home, vamoose.

Whoever is left in the area can sit down at the table and hammer out a government. Remember? We are trying to find a fair and equitable solution. Ancient history that is not verifiable by genealogy and fables and lore do not concern me. Legends and ancient stories do not concern me. Only science and facts documented by legal authority do. Let's find a way to peace. You asked a question, I gave you the most reasonable answer. If you didn't want to hear the truth, don't ask a stupid question.

I GUARANTEE YOU, the people sitting down at the table will be able to find a way to peace if you follow a just course that is this course of action. If the Jews leave, peace will follow, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED.

Do you remember the Judgement of King Solomon? Either they learn to live in peace, the folks that came and invaded the land leave, or they divide the land between the two tribes. If you don't like proscribed justice, don't come looking for answers.



It isn't Palestinian war propaganda moron. Listen closely, their leader clearly says the Palestinjans are all Arab invaders from neighboring Arab countries.
You'll not be persuaded from your indoctrination. I think we are done here.
Yes, you are done because you tried a pathetic false comparison, and failed.

Know what I mean, Mr Bean?

Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals, when this is their constitution:
Any Israeli that can't trace their ancestor back to the land, say, five generations? They need to immigrate to where ever their ancestors came from. This is probably the best way to deal with the situation. Or at least the most just way to deal with it. If you aren't wanted some place, go back home.

All problems will be solved. This. . . I guarantee you.

Or at least the problems in Palestine will be solved. The racists in Europe will be up in arms. To be sure. :lmao:

And what about the Arab Muslims, doe the same apply to them. Then all the Muslims in the west as well, and finally all the colonists in America that cant prove ancestry back before 1700 to be sent back to their historic homelands, that is if the homelands will have them.

Why not just erect a fence around gaza and shoot anyone approaching it.

Anyone that can't live in peace and treat people fairly, must stay where they are. It is the principle of voluntary living. Sure.

Sure, if there is violence. I don't see much violence and bloodshed anymore over any land except for the little plot the size of New Jersey. But yeah, if all of Europe will have 300 million Americans back, sure. The problem here, is that most of these Americans have native blood in them. See, we Americans aren't racist. Not like those Jews. Most of the Jews, as Roudy so eloquently put it, actually BELIEVE they are some sort of "chosen" folk. They are no better than the Nazi's of WWII. They would never, "lower" them selves to love and interbreed with those, "animals." Their holy Talmud teaches that all "goyim" are no better than animals. Pretty much the attitude Hitler took toward all non-Aryans. Is it any wonder folks take an anti-Semitic attitude? Is there anything wrong with being an anti-Semite when Jews going around spouting hate like,"Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals?" They are taught from childhood that they are better than other humans. Muslims are taught the same thing.

What sort of hatred and nonsense is this?

Hindus? Taught the same thing. Fundamentalist Christians are taught, that anyone that doesn't accept Christ as their savior is going to hell.

All nonsense. It's all hatred.

God is love, it isn't ego or hatred. You don't teach children that their religion is the only true path to God. God created variety, just as he did in the universe and in the animal and plant kingdom. One cannot conceive of the notion of even a mind of a god. So to claim that any one religion or people is superior is nonsense. Only peace and love is the correct way. To get in the way of harmony, is sheer evil. Of them getting in the way of love and harmony are of evil that corruption. Silliness playing into the hands of the beast.

Gawd another bigmouth Jew hater comes crawling out of the woodwork.

Let's remind Mr Bean that currently there are almost two billion Muskims in Israel that have the same exact rights in Israel as the Jews.

It's not the Jews calling for the slaughter and death of all Muslims, it's Muslims like Hamas and ISIS, who openly call for murder of all Jews, and they have it in their manifesto.

Islamic supremacist animals are murdering non Muslims all over the world, and Hamas is just another group that wants to do the same.

Firstly there are not 2 billion Muslims in Israel nor do the 2 million non-Jews have the same rights as Jews in Israel. Furthermore, Jews have jurisdiction and control over another 4.5 million Jews who do not have any rights, while Jews (settlers) living in the same area (West Bank) are given full rights.

So, stop the lies.
Israel has been ancient Jewish land for 3000 years, idiot. The Palestinians by their own admission are recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, so perhaps they are the ones that need to "go home":

Palestinian war propaganda proves nothing. That is like American propaganda linking some of English ancestry begging to get Americans involved in WWII. Useless.

Try reading my post more closely. I said, any Israeli family that can't trace their roots to the land back five generations, vamoose. The Jews that were already there were left unmolested and the Arabs had no problem with them, just like the Jews in Iran. How about we apply the same standard to the Arabs in the area? If your Great Great Great Great Grand-parents didn't call the area home, vamoose.

Whoever is left in the area can sit down at the table and hammer out a government. Remember? We are trying to find a fair and equitable solution. Ancient history that is not verifiable by genealogy and fables and lore do not concern me. Legends and ancient stories do not concern me. Only science and facts documented by legal authority do. Let's find a way to peace. You asked a question, I gave you the most reasonable answer. If you didn't want to hear the truth, don't ask a stupid question.

I GUARANTEE YOU, the people sitting down at the table will be able to find a way to peace if you follow a just course that is this course of action. If the Jews leave, peace will follow, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED.

Do you remember the Judgement of King Solomon? Either they learn to live in peace, the folks that came and invaded the land leave, or they divide the land between the two tribes. If you don't like proscribed justice, don't come looking for answers.



It isn't Palestinian war propaganda moron. Listen closely, their leader clearly says the Palestinjans are all Arab invaders from neighboring Arab countries.

Ruddy, starts his bullshit propaganda over and over again and I have to set him straight with documented facts, over and over again. The migrants and invaders to Palestine were the European Jews, not the Christians or Muslims. As stated clearly by the British demographers of 414,456 migrants to Palestine from 1920 to 1946, 376,415 were Jews. About 90 percent of the migrants were Jews.

Israel has been ancient Jewish land for 3000 years, idiot. The Palestinians by their own admission are recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, so perhaps they are the ones that need to "go home":

Palestinian war propaganda proves nothing. That is like American propaganda linking some of English ancestry begging to get Americans involved in WWII. Useless.

Try reading my post more closely. I said, any Israeli family that can't trace their roots to the land back five generations, vamoose. The Jews that were already there were left unmolested and the Arabs had no problem with them, just like the Jews in Iran. How about we apply the same standard to the Arabs in the area? If your Great Great Great Great Grand-parents didn't call the area home, vamoose.

Whoever is left in the area can sit down at the table and hammer out a government. Remember? We are trying to find a fair and equitable solution. Ancient history that is not verifiable by genealogy and fables and lore do not concern me. Legends and ancient stories do not concern me. Only science and facts documented by legal authority do. Let's find a way to peace. You asked a question, I gave you the most reasonable answer. If you didn't want to hear the truth, don't ask a stupid question.

I GUARANTEE YOU, the people sitting down at the table will be able to find a way to peace if you follow a just course that is this course of action. If the Jews leave, peace will follow, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED.

Do you remember the Judgement of King Solomon? Either they learn to live in peace, the folks that came and invaded the land leave, or they divide the land between the two tribes. If you don't like proscribed justice, don't come looking for answers.



It isn't Palestinian war propaganda moron. Listen closely, their leader clearly says the Palestinjans are all Arab invaders from neighboring Arab countries.

Ruddy, starts his bullshit propaganda over and over again and I have to set him straight with documented facts, over and over again. The migrants and invaders to Palestine were the European Jews, not the Christians or Muslims. As stated clearly by the British demographers of 414,456 migrants to Palestine from 1920 to 1946, 376,415 were Jews. About 90 percent of the migrants were Jews.

View attachment 40075

The troll with the bullshit chart that doesn't reflect the illegal Arab invaders, because the numbers were unreliable.

Stick to the topic troll, which is, the Palestinian leadership doctrine calls for an Islamic state ruled by Shariah by committing genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Not much has changed, they have always been genocidal IslamoNazi animals. No difference between them and ISIS.
Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals, when this is their constitution:
Any Israeli that can't trace their ancestor back to the land, say, five generations? They need to immigrate to where ever their ancestors came from. This is probably the best way to deal with the situation. Or at least the most just way to deal with it. If you aren't wanted some place, go back home.

All problems will be solved. This. . . I guarantee you.

Or at least the problems in Palestine will be solved. The racists in Europe will be up in arms. To be sure. :lmao:

And what about the Arab Muslims, doe the same apply to them. Then all the Muslims in the west as well, and finally all the colonists in America that cant prove ancestry back before 1700 to be sent back to their historic homelands, that is if the homelands will have them.

Why not just erect a fence around gaza and shoot anyone approaching it.

Anyone that can't live in peace and treat people fairly, must stay where they are. It is the principle of voluntary living. Sure.

Sure, if there is violence. I don't see much violence and bloodshed anymore over any land except for the little plot the size of New Jersey. But yeah, if all of Europe will have 300 million Americans back, sure. The problem here, is that most of these Americans have native blood in them. See, we Americans aren't racist. Not like those Jews. Most of the Jews, as Roudy so eloquently put it, actually BELIEVE they are some sort of "chosen" folk. They are no better than the Nazi's of WWII. They would never, "lower" them selves to love and interbreed with those, "animals." Their holy Talmud teaches that all "goyim" are no better than animals. Pretty much the attitude Hitler took toward all non-Aryans. Is it any wonder folks take an anti-Semitic attitude? Is there anything wrong with being an anti-Semite when Jews going around spouting hate like,"Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals?" They are taught from childhood that they are better than other humans. Muslims are taught the same thing.

What sort of hatred and nonsense is this?

Hindus? Taught the same thing. Fundamentalist Christians are taught, that anyone that doesn't accept Christ as their savior is going to hell.

All nonsense. It's all hatred.

God is love, it isn't ego or hatred. You don't teach children that their religion is the only true path to God. God created variety, just as he did in the universe and in the animal and plant kingdom. One cannot conceive of the notion of even a mind of a god. So to claim that any one religion or people is superior is nonsense. Only peace and love is the correct way. To get in the way of harmony, is sheer evil. Of them getting in the way of love and harmony are of evil that corruption. Silliness playing into the hands of the beast.

Gawd another bigmouth Jew hater comes crawling out of the woodwork.

Let's remind Mr Bean that currently there are almost two billion Muskims in Israel that have the same exact rights in Israel as the Jews.

It's not the Jews calling for the slaughter and death of all Muslims, it's Muslims like Hamas and ISIS, who openly call for murder of all Jews, and they have it in their manifesto.

Islamic supremacist animals are murdering non Muslims all over the world, and Hamas is just another group that wants to do the same.

Firstly there are not 2 billion Muslims in Israel nor do the 2 million non-Jews have the same rights as Jews in Israel. Furthermore, Jews have jurisdiction and control over another 4.5 million Jews who do not have any rights, while Jews (settlers) living in the same area (West Bank) are given full rights.

So, stop the lies.

Gee you caught me troll, I meant two million and I wrote two billion.

And yes, Israeli Arab citizens of Israel have the exact same rights as the Jews. Actually they have more rights because they are forced to serve in the IDF as do the Jews.

So, stop YOUR lies.
Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals, when this is their constitution:
Any Israeli that can't trace their ancestor back to the land, say, five generations? They need to immigrate to where ever their ancestors came from. This is probably the best way to deal with the situation. Or at least the most just way to deal with it. If you aren't wanted some place, go back home.

All problems will be solved. This. . . I guarantee you.

Or at least the problems in Palestine will be solved. The racists in Europe will be up in arms. To be sure. :lmao:

And what about the Arab Muslims, doe the same apply to them. Then all the Muslims in the west as well, and finally all the colonists in America that cant prove ancestry back before 1700 to be sent back to their historic homelands, that is if the homelands will have them.

Why not just erect a fence around gaza and shoot anyone approaching it.

Anyone that can't live in peace and treat people fairly, must stay where they are. It is the principle of voluntary living. Sure.

Sure, if there is violence. I don't see much violence and bloodshed anymore over any land except for the little plot the size of New Jersey. But yeah, if all of Europe will have 300 million Americans back, sure. The problem here, is that most of these Americans have native blood in them. See, we Americans aren't racist. Not like those Jews. Most of the Jews, as Roudy so eloquently put it, actually BELIEVE they are some sort of "chosen" folk. They are no better than the Nazi's of WWII. They would never, "lower" them selves to love and interbreed with those, "animals." Their holy Talmud teaches that all "goyim" are no better than animals. Pretty much the attitude Hitler took toward all non-Aryans. Is it any wonder folks take an anti-Semitic attitude? Is there anything wrong with being an anti-Semite when Jews going around spouting hate like,"Exactly how is Israel expected to deal with these Islamic animals?" They are taught from childhood that they are better than other humans. Muslims are taught the same thing.

What sort of hatred and nonsense is this?

Hindus? Taught the same thing. Fundamentalist Christians are taught, that anyone that doesn't accept Christ as their savior is going to hell.

All nonsense. It's all hatred.

God is love, it isn't ego or hatred. You don't teach children that their religion is the only true path to God. God created variety, just as he did in the universe and in the animal and plant kingdom. One cannot conceive of the notion of even a mind of a god. So to claim that any one religion or people is superior is nonsense. Only peace and love is the correct way. To get in the way of harmony, is sheer evil. Of them getting in the way of love and harmony are of evil that corruption. Silliness playing into the hands of the beast.

Gawd another bigmouth Jew hater comes crawling out of the woodwork.

Let's remind Mr Bean that currently there are almost two billion Muskims in Israel that have the same exact rights in Israel as the Jews.

It's not the Jews calling for the slaughter and death of all Muslims, it's Muslims like Hamas and ISIS, who openly call for murder of all Jews, and they have it in their manifesto.

Islamic supremacist animals are murdering non Muslims all over the world, and Hamas is just another group that wants to do the same.

Firstly there are not 2 billion Muslims in Israel nor do the 2 million non-Jews have the same rights as Jews in Israel. Furthermore, Jews have jurisdiction and control over another 4.5 million Jews who do not have any rights, while Jews (settlers) living in the same area (West Bank) are given full rights.

So, stop the lies.

Just more SPAMMING and LIES because you cant refute the points raised. The arab muslims have been offered everything they desire but the bodies of 6 million Jews and the land of Israel.

Answer me this why don't the arab muslims vote in British elections, or in Egyptian elections
Israel has been ancient Jewish land for 3000 years, idiot. The Palestinians by their own admission are recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, so perhaps they are the ones that need to "go home":

Palestinian war propaganda proves nothing. That is like American propaganda linking some of English ancestry begging to get Americans involved in WWII. Useless.

Try reading my post more closely. I said, any Israeli family that can't trace their roots to the land back five generations, vamoose. The Jews that were already there were left unmolested and the Arabs had no problem with them, just like the Jews in Iran. How about we apply the same standard to the Arabs in the area? If your Great Great Great Great Grand-parents didn't call the area home, vamoose.

Whoever is left in the area can sit down at the table and hammer out a government. Remember? We are trying to find a fair and equitable solution. Ancient history that is not verifiable by genealogy and fables and lore do not concern me. Legends and ancient stories do not concern me. Only science and facts documented by legal authority do. Let's find a way to peace. You asked a question, I gave you the most reasonable answer. If you didn't want to hear the truth, don't ask a stupid question.

I GUARANTEE YOU, the people sitting down at the table will be able to find a way to peace if you follow a just course that is this course of action. If the Jews leave, peace will follow, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED.

Do you remember the Judgement of King Solomon? Either they learn to live in peace, the folks that came and invaded the land leave, or they divide the land between the two tribes. If you don't like proscribed justice, don't come looking for answers.



It isn't Palestinian war propaganda moron. Listen closely, their leader clearly says the Palestinjans are all Arab invaders from neighboring Arab countries.

Ruddy, starts his bullshit propaganda over and over again and I have to set him straight with documented facts, over and over again. The migrants and invaders to Palestine were the European Jews, not the Christians or Muslims. As stated clearly by the British demographers of 414,456 migrants to Palestine from 1920 to 1946, 376,415 were Jews. About 90 percent of the migrants were Jews.

View attachment 40075

Under the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE Jews could not be illegal immigrants as they were invited to migrate. The arab muslims were not but the British allowed arab muslim migration after 1945 while blocking Jewish migration against International law.

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