Uncontrolled/unlimited immigration


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Illegal immigration is uncontrolled and unlimited immigration and it’s costing Americans, who are struggling for the American dream, billions and it is not fair. Even when immigrants came through Ellis Island and registered, immigration was controlled and limited. All that applied for entrance were not allowed in. At some point in U.S. history of immigration we saw a need for immigration laws that controlled and limited immigration.

Financially and environmentally we cannot afford uncontrolled and unlimited immigration. We have as many as 20 million illegal aliens in this country and we do not know who they are, where they are and what they are doing. We do know there is only 8 million or less in the work force and they are not all picking apples, lettuce and potatoes. What are the other 12 million doing? Why is there a shortage of farm workers when there are 20 million here doing jobs Americans will not do?

Illegal immigration is not fair to those who are waiting in line to immigrate legally. There is no end of the line here in this country. If they are here working, getting the best education for their children, free healthcare and many social services they are ahead of the line living the American dream. Ahead of those who are waiting to immigrate legally. It is not fair to Americans to have to share the American dream with those who entered legally and pay for their American benefits. Education, medical care, social services, law enforcement and incarcerations.

Today three gang members were shot in a park and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. One is in critical condition and obviously gang membership do not include medical insurance and the hospital’s lost is passed on to American tax payers. They took priority over those who were in ER and had medical insurance.

There is absolutely nothing positive about uncontrolled, unlimited immigration except cheap labor for greedy businesses and dirty votes for corrupt politicians and billions in remittance for Mexico’s economy.

Illegal immigration is an insult to those immigrants who built this country and asked for nothing but gave their all to make this country what it is for all Americans. For Americans who are struggling to attain the American dream and a better life for their children. Unfair for those waiting legally to enter.

We must do everything necessary to reverse illegal immigration and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens who did nothing to earn citizenship except to be dropped on U.S. soil and is America’s biggest tragedy. We cannot survive as a free nation if this is allowed to continue.
Granny says, "Just great - now dey can just wave at the camera as dey waltz in...
Unmanned US-Mexico border checkpoint's construction underway
October 26, 2011 - The unmanned checkpoint at Big Bend in southwest Texas is meant to boost tourism and trade with Mexico, and will have agents remotely scanning passports and other documents via cameras.
Beefing up the US-Mexico border has been the ethos of the day in Washington. But The Wall Street Journal has an interesting story this week about construction of an unmanned border checkpoint at Big Bend in southwest Texas. At the new checkpoint, in the national park of Big Bend, agents who are stationed miles away will remotely scan passports and travel documents. The checkpoint is apparently the first of its kind on the US-Mexico border (similar checkpoints already operate at the US-Canada border).

The new project comes as presidential hopefuls are calling for more border enforcements, including Herman Cain who just said the US should build an electric fence (he later said this was a joke). But tougher patrolling is definitely a popular campaign promise. And judging from the commentary on the WSJ’s website, the move at Big Bend is likely to rile many. “Why don't the Feds just paint big signs 'This Way to the U.S.' for the coyotes and their customers to follow? That's what will happen here, anyway," one person wrote in a comment typical of the article's responses. The unmanned checkpoint is intended to help tourism and trade, the article reports, since now visitors must travel some 100 miles to go through a legal checkpoint (a rule enforced after 9/11). Now, a trip to Mexico will take just a few minutes.

Many will talk about an unmanned checkpoint as a potential passing ground for coyotes and the undocumented immigrants they shepherd across the border, drugs, and drug henchmen. But at least one WSJ reader, who presumably supports border enforcement, brought up a very good point: “… if you really think about it, unmanned as this station is, at least it has cameras that record everyone coming and going. The same cannot be said of the rest of the border. That's how crazy it's gotten. An unmanned 'checkpoint' actually looks good.”

Good piece LiLOlLady and Amen to that, keep up the good work. Thank your Granny for me waltky she always has some good advice I take to heart.
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Most illegal aliens are ahead of Americans. They are hire first and fired last. I have laid in ER for 25 hours waiting to be admited because an illegal alien was being treated for a gun shot and occupying a room I need. I am admitted several times a year with MS flare ups and have had to treated in the corridors for a bed in ER.
I am a 72 year old, raised in Pinal country Ariz. I have seen it all and saw the effect first hand.
When in grammer school. I had to wait until AFTER the children of illegal aliens ate in the cafeteria before we were allowed to eat and what ever was left over and sometimes that was peanut butter and immitation jelly.
My brother lost his business and life to illegal aliens and people wounder why I am so radical against ilegal immigration?
In California the state has no money to keep the schools open, yet Jerry Brown pass the Dream Act last month...giving Cal Grant money to illegal aliens. Now American children have to compete with illegals for grant money to go to college. This is over the top.

Jerry Brown also passed a law that would not allow local governments to mandate that employers use E-Verify when hiring.

Jerry Brown has thrown American Citizen under the bus. He wants our tax dollars spent on illegal aliens education and at the same time kicking american children out of their schools.

In California 10% of illegal aliens make up the workforce while at the same time this percent of Californians are out of work. If all the illegal alliens left California there would be a job for every legal worker in California.

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