Unbelievably strong armed ISIS suicide vehicle captured by Syrian army


Nov 14, 2012
Before you talk big about the weak Iraqi army and its soldiers running away, you should stop and think about what you would do if such a truck is approaching to your checkpoint.





This vehicle was captured by the Syrian army in Hasaka. It "features" an armored cockpit for the suicide driver and 48 containers, each packed with 50kg of explosives.
Garden variety RPG found all over Iraq has a warhead designed to turn tank armor into molten goo.

This is a problem because...?
Before you talk big about the weak Iraqi army and its soldiers running away, you should stop and think about what you would do if such a truck is approaching to your checkpoint.





This vehicle was captured by the Syrian army in Hasaka. It "features" an armored cockpit for the suicide driver and 48 containers, each packed with 50kg of explosives.
I was not aware that Iraq had troops in Syria, it has appeared they cannot secure their own real estate, let alone another nation. On the side of caution however, I would hope that this vehicle is not simply an expedited shipment of milk products from the American northern/mid east American State of Wisconsin, Happy Cow's Creamery not excluded. After all, many starving young persons depend upon such assistance. I feel certain that the U.S. Secretary of State would agree. Should however, the vehicle and it's content be found dangerous as opposed to healthy and vital food relief, then I would assume it necessary to engage and destroy said vehicle. Further, as it is difficult to engage, when performing a hasty withdraw to the rear, that is away from the point of contact with said vehicle while leaving your only true defense, weapons, on the ground is not considered a viable solution to the problem at hand. It might be of assistance for a bold, daring and unafraid Iraqi soldier to eliminate the threat using actions described by Delta4Embassy above, should such a properly trained Iraqi soldier be present. Or even better, let the Syrians do it. They do seem capable in that regard.
I was not aware that Iraq had troops in Syria, it has appeared they cannot secure their own real estate, let alone another nation. On the side of caution however, I would hope that this vehicle is not simply an expedited shipment of milk products from the American northern/mid east American State of Wisconsin, Happy Cow's Creamery not excluded. After all, many starving young persons depend upon such assistance. I feel certain that the U.S. Secretary of State would agree. Should however, the vehicle and it's content be found dangerous as opposed to healthy and vital food relief, then I would assume it necessary to engage and destroy said vehicle. Further, as it is difficult to engage, when performing a hasty withdraw to the rear, that is away from the point of contact with said vehicle while leaving your only true defense, weapons, on the ground is not considered a viable solution to the problem at hand. It might be of assistance for a bold, daring and unafraid Iraqi soldier to eliminate the threat using actions described by Delta4Embassy above, should such a properly trained Iraqi soldier be present. Or even better, let the Syrians do it. They do seem capable in that regard.
Who said there are Iraqi troops in Syria? And as you can see, the Syrian troops know how to deal with suicide vehicles.
I believe it was yourself who made mention of Iraqi troops, and their abilities in the opening statement. It was I who exploited your statement concerning Iraqi forces and their questionable military prowess. The fact that Iraqi's, certainly not all, but many Iraqi soldiers prefer to advance to the rear, sans weapons, is not myth. Further, the vehicle which you appear to offer as evidence of ISIS superiority and capable of instilling the fear of Allah into the minds of defenders is nothing more than a coffin for the operator of that vehicle. In reality, it is nothing more than a modern day ox cart. It is big and cumbersome, unstable in all ways and as can be seen not an off road vehicle which limits it's ability to prepared roads. A "check point" which does not have the ability to defeat such a vehicle is a waste of time and effort. A weapon with 4800 lbs of explosives is meant for much larger targets, not your average check point. And shame on any Commander who fails to provide a check point with weapons capable of stopping such a vehicle. Once again, I refer you to the response by Delta4Embassy. Will the ox cart make a big boom, if detonated (?), you bet! Will, if it is allowed by fleeing troops to enter a populated area, cause extreme amounts of "pee, pain and extreme mental anguish (?), with out doubt, yes again. That is exactly why it must be defeated prior to getting there. And that is why "run away troops" are not desired on the battlefield. At no point have I questioned Syrian ability, they have the wonder weapon in their grasp. Please let me know if I am missing something here.
I believe it was yourself who made mention of Iraqi troops, and their abilities in the opening statement. It was I who exploited your statement concerning Iraqi forces and their questionable military prowess. The fact that Iraqi's, certainly not all, but many Iraqi soldiers prefer to advance to the rear, sans weapons, is not myth. Further, the vehicle which you appear to offer as evidence of ISIS superiority and capable of instilling the fear of Allah into the minds of defenders is nothing more than a coffin for the operator of that vehicle. In reality, it is nothing more than a modern day ox cart. It is big and cumbersome, unstable in all ways and as can be seen not an off road vehicle which limits it's ability to prepared roads. A "check point" which does not have the ability to defeat such a vehicle is a waste of time and effort. A weapon with 4800 lbs of explosives is meant for much larger targets, not your average check point. And shame on any Commander who fails to provide a check point with weapons capable of stopping such a vehicle. Once again, I refer you to the response by Delta4Embassy. Will the ox cart make a big boom, if detonated (?), you bet! Will, if it is allowed by fleeing troops to enter a populated area, cause extreme amounts of "pee, pain and extreme mental anguish (?), with out doubt, yes again. That is exactly why it must be defeated prior to getting there. And that is why "run away troops" are not desired on the battlefield. At no point have I questioned Syrian ability, they have the wonder weapon in their grasp. Please let me know if I am missing something here.
The fact that ISIS has been successfully using suicide trucks to break through defenses makes your post needles. I mentioned Iraqi troops because it was Iraqi troops that ran away. The amount of explosives used by ISIS indicates that ISIS suffers no lacks of arms. In addition, ISIS is by no means the only group that uses suicide trucks. Using RPG against such a truck may result in the death of the shooter due to the large radius of the explosion of the truck. Such trucks are dangerous weapons.
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All righty then! Honestly Herr Bleipriester, I was simply responding to the advice you originally gave myself and other readers, quote " Before you talk about the weak Iraqi army and it's soldiers running away, you should stop and think about what you would do if such a truck is approaching your check point". As an American soldier, as I was for a little more than twenty years, I have to think my troops would follow me and engage the vehicle with every weapon we have and kill the bastard. One absolute fact is, there is not a lot of time to do a lot of thinking when a vehicle configured as that one is, approaches one's position and I now believe that is a part of your advice. The time for thinking and insuring that all soldiers understand the battle plan, should that particular situation arise is before the attack. Be certain each person understands where and when to employ his or her weapon and then execute the plan if necessary. That is a leaders job, along with knowing his enemy. And trust me, figuring out what ISIS is going to do or has done is not that difficult. That is my reason for discussion with you. There is only one thing that can be done, attack and stop the bastard, with whatever it force it may take. After rereading your responses to mine and looking closely at your original point, it does not seem you condone Iraqi actions. My original thoughts were contrary to that. My apparent mistake.
All righty then! Honestly Herr Bleipriester, I was simply responding to the advice you originally gave myself and other readers, quote " Before you talk about the weak Iraqi army and it's soldiers running away, you should stop and think about what you would do if such a truck is approaching your check point". As an American soldier, as I was for a little more than twenty years, I have to think my troops would follow me and engage the vehicle with every weapon we have and kill the bastard. One absolute fact is, there is not a lot of time to do a lot of thinking when a vehicle configured as that one is, approaches one's position and I now believe that is a part of your advice. The time for thinking and insuring that all soldiers understand the battle plan, should that particular situation arise is before the attack. Be certain each person understands where and when to employ his or her weapon and then execute the plan if necessary. That is a leaders job, along with knowing his enemy. And trust me, figuring out what ISIS is going to do or has done is not that difficult. That is my reason for discussion with you. There is only one thing that can be done, attack and stop the bastard, with whatever it force it may take. After rereading your responses to mine and looking closely at your original point, it does not seem you condone Iraqi actions. My original thoughts were contrary to that. My apparent mistake.
No, this is not a complex vehicle. But once you saw comrades blown away by such vehicles, you will have the respect it needs to survive it. If ISIS is that weak, why is it still there?

Just look, what such a truck is capable of and figure out it is not a good idea to underestimate it:
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In reply to "why is ISIS still here"? It has not been directly challenged! Bombed perhaps but not challenged and defeated is my best guess. For the truth of the matter you would need to speak with the crippled leader of ISIS. Such a question is up there with why is a Soviet inspired leader still leading Russia? Why is Africa still a nation of non aligned tribes at each others throats? Why is the United States in such turmoil? These are questions above my title and pay grade! I will however "say this, about that", a Nixon quote I believe, as my last post with regards to my being welcomed to this site, is being "watched", I shall refrain from usage of certain wording or refrain to include literary license.
In reply to "why is ISIS still here"? It has not been directly challenged! Bombed perhaps but not challenged and defeated is my best guess. For the truth of the matter you would need to speak with the crippled leader of ISIS. Such a question is up there with why is a Soviet inspired leader still leading Russia? Why is Africa still a nation of non aligned tribes at each others throats? Why is the United States in such turmoil? These are questions above my title and pay grade! I will however "say this, about that", a Nixon quote I believe, as my last post with regards to my being welcomed to this site, is being "watched", I shall refrain from usage of certain wording or refrain to include literary license.
The answer is simple: ISIS is unfortunately a strong force, its fighters don´t care for their own survival.
Of course, ISIS is directly challenged. Not by Obama´s coalition, that does not only bomb ISIS but also supply the group. But by countries in the ME, Kurds and competing terror groups.
Very well. I will keep that in mind. This conversation which began with and because of modern day ox carts is beginning to stray. Have you anything more to add concerning ISIS and it's oxcarts? What has been established is that an individual with an RPG can in fact destroy said oxcart while perhaps putting his or her own life at risk. I grant that and have taken that into account in my response. But then simply being there is a risk at losing one's life with out firing a shot. My stance, shoot and sort out the details later. Too many lives at risk otherwise. Good day, sir.

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